劉建宏教授是澳門大學法學院特聘教授,擔任澳門大學實證法學研究中心主任。劉教授已經公開發表了超過210餘篇學術論著(含部分合作作品),包括31本書籍,超過100篇SSCI或Scopus文章。他獲得了眾多國際著名獎項,包括2016年美國犯罪學學會頒發的“弗裡達·艾德勒傑出學者獎”(Freda Adler Distinguished Scholar Award),2018年美國刑事司法學會頒發的“吉哈德·O.W.米勒傑出學者獎”(G. O.W. Mueller Award for Distinguished Scholar)。他合著的書籍獲得了2022年亞洲犯罪學學會頒發的“傑出圖書獎”(Distinguished Book Award)以及2022年美國華人社會科學教授協會(ACPSS)頒發的“最佳學術出版物獎”(Best Scholarly Publication Award)。劉教授在眾多著名國際學術組織中當選擔任領導職位,包括亞洲犯罪學學會的創會會長和名譽會長(2009-2015),國際犯罪學學會學術委員會的當選主席(2014年至今),亞洲犯罪學學會會員大會的當選主席(2016年至今),國際坎貝爾合作組織犯罪與司法組指導委員會成員(2009年至今),以及澳門犯罪學學會的當選主席等。
劉教授積極參與國際學術服務工作。他擔任《亞洲犯罪學期刊》(SSCI Q2, Scopus Law top 10%)的主編,以及“施普林格亞洲犯罪學與刑事司法研究叢書”的編輯。他還擔任20多種國際學術期刊的編委,包括《英國犯罪學期刊》、《實驗犯罪學期刊》等。他被眾多國際組織任命擔任重要角色,如由斯德哥爾摩犯罪學獎基金會任命的斯德哥爾摩犯罪學獎的專家提名人,歐洲研究委員會的資助評審員,世界經濟論壇全球議程理事會的理事成員,聯合國亞太區犯罪和刑事司法統計卓越中心的顧問,中國犯罪學學會高級顧問等。劉教授還被許多國際著名大學和研究機構聘為榮譽教授或研究員,80余次受邀進行大會主旨演講和學術講座。
Academic Qualifications
- D. Criminology, University at Albany, State University of New York, January 1993
- A. Sociology, University at Albany, State University of New York, 1990
- A. Philosophy of Science, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 1988
Teaching Areas
- International and Comparative Criminal Law and Justice
- Crime Control and Prevention
- Criminology
- Research Methods
- Social Statistics
Research Interests
- International and Comparative Criminology
- Comparative Criminal Justice
- Empirical Study of Criminal Law
- Community and Crime
- Drugs and Crimes
- Research Methodology and Social Statistics
Selected Recent Journal Articles
[A136] Jianhong Liu, Dianshi Li (06/2024), “Is Machine Learning Really Unsafe and Irresponsible in Social Sciences? Paradoxes and Reconsideration from Recidivism Prediction Tasks”. Asian Journal of Criminology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11417-024-09429-x.(online first)(SSCI) (Scopus)
[A135] Jianhong Liu, Pin Yu (06/2024), “Original Source: Returning to the Authentic Meaning of Empirical Research”(正本清源:回归“实证研究”原意), Huxiang Law Review(湖湘法学评论). 2024(02):8-13. (in Chinese)
[A134] Jianhong Liu (forthcoming), “Using the Job Demands-Resources Model to Examine Possible Correlates of Fear of Being Victimized at Work among Chinese Prison Officers”. The Prison Journal. (SSCI) (Scopus)
[A133] Liang bin, Jianhong Liu, Hong Lu, and Zhan Tuo (05/2024). “A Study of Gender Differences on Chinese Criminal Justice Practitioners’ Death Penalty Opinions.” Women & Criminal Justice, doi:10.1080/08974454.2024.2358814. (online first)(SSCI) (Scopus)
[A132] Jianhong Liucorresponding (forthcoming), “The influence of organizational trust on correctional officers’ work attitudes in China”. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law.(SSCI) (Scopus)
[A131] Eric Lambert, Jianhong Liucorresponding, Monica Solinas-Saunders, Jennifer Wareham, Shanhe Jiang, Jinwu Zhang (05/2024).“Organizational Trust and Work Attitudes among Chinese Prison Officers”. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. https://doi.org/10.1080/13218719.2024.2330481 (SSCI) (Scopus) (online first)
[A130] Xin Jiang, bin liang, Jianhong Liucorresponding (05/2024).“The dynamics of anti-corruption campaigns in China: An empirical study of the official rank-punishment nexus in the context of political and legal changes”. Journal of Contemporary China. https://doi.org/10.1080/10670564.2024.2354782 (SSCI) (Scopus) (online first)
[A129] Jianhong Liu(03/2024).“The Relationism Theory of Criminal Justice—A Paradigm Shift”. Asian Journal of Criminology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11417-024-09419-z.(SSCI) (Scopus) (online first)
[A128] Bin Liang, Jianhong Liu, Hong Lu, Jie Zhang (forthcoming). “Chinese Criminal Justice Professionals’ Death Penalty Opinion and Justifications: An Empirical Examination”. International Criminal Justice Review.(Scopus)
[A127] Zhan Tuo, Jianhong Liu corresponding(03/2024). “Police legitimacy and collective efficacy: An example of Chinese community”(警察合法性與集體效能:中國社區的經驗). Revista das Ciências Policiais de Macau(澳門警學), 2024 (5), 24-41. https://www.fsm.gov.mo/ESFSM/Media/Default/Journal/Science/S5.pdf
[A126] Yue Zhuo, Xiaojin Chen, Jianhong Liu, Xin Jiang (10/2023). “Interdependency, Perceived Shame, and Probability of Wrongdoing Among Chinese Students: A Partial Test of the Reintegrative Shaming Theory”. Crime & Delinquency. https://doi.org/10.1177/00111287231207.(SSCI) (Scopus) (online first)
[A125] Honglan Shuai, Jianhong Liu corresponding (10/2023).“Property Victimization, Perception of Neighborhood Safety, and Perceived Fairness of the Criminal Justice System Within the Chinese Context”. Asian Journal of Criminology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11417-023-09411-z. (SSCI) (Scopus) (online first)
[A124] Jianhong Liu, Pin Yu (12/2023) “Paradigm shift in Legal Studies: from Doctrine to Empirical” (從規範走向經驗的法學研究範式), Journal of Macau Legal Studies (澳門法學). 2023(04):57-67. (in Chinese)
[A123] Jianhong Liu corresponding, Eric G Lambert, Shanhe Jiang (09/2023). “Correlates of Chinese Police Job Satisfaction”. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. 17:1-10. https://doi.org/10.1093/police/paad063. (SSCI) (Scopus)
[A122] Pin Yu, Jianhong Liu corresponding (09/2023). “The Theoretical Contributions of Asian Criminology in Reconstructing Criminology”. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy. 13(2), 33-44.https://doi.org/10.5204/ijcjsd.2950. (Scopus)(web of science) (online first)
[A121] Jie Zhang, Jianhong Liu corresponding (05/08/2023). “Asian Criminology: Its Contribution in Linking Global North and South”. International Annals of Criminology. doi:10.1017/cri.2023.22. (Cambridge University Press) (Scopus) (online first)
[A120] David Farrington, Jianhong Liu (08/08/2023). “Self-reported antisocial behaviour of 10-year-old boys in Zhuhai (China) versus Pittsburgh (USA)”. Journal of Criminal Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1108/JCP-04-2023-0018. (ESCI) (Scopus) (online first)
[A119] Jianhong Liu (07/2023). “Asian Criminology: the Concept and Paradigm”(亚洲犯罪学:概念及范式). South China Quarterly (南国学术).13(3),487-496. (CSSCI) (in Chinese)
[A118] Eric Lambert, Jianhong Liu, Shanhe Jiang (07/11/2023). Research Note – The Connection of Organizational Justice Views with Chinese Police Officer Organizational Commitment. Policing: An International Journal. https://doi.org/10.1108/PIJPSM-12-2022-0156. (SSCI) (Scopus)
[A117] Honglan Shuai, Jianhong Liu corresponding (06/2023). The relationship between criminology and criminal law: Implications for developing Chinese criminology, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. 10, Article number: 350 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-023-01851-3. (SSCI) (Scopus)
[A116] Dan He, Jianhong Liu corresponding (11/2023). “An Overview on Criminology in the United States: Research and Education ”(美国犯罪学概述:研究与教育), Chinese Criminology Review (犯罪研究). 2023(05): 96-112.
[A115] Yan Zhang, Jianhong Liu, John Braithwaite (06/2023). “The Pluralism of Restorative Justice in Greater China: an Introduction”. Asian Journal of Criminology.18(2): 83–87. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11417-023-09402-0. (SSCI) (Scopus)
[A114] Eric Lambert, Francis Boateng, Jianhong Liu, Richard Tewksbury, Jinwu Zhang, and Shanhe Jiang. (03/2023). “Exploring the Effects of Multiple Dimensions of Organizational Justice on Correctional Staff Job Stress.” The Prison Journal, 103(3), 374–396, https://doi.org/10.1177/0032885523117327. (SSCI) (Scopus)
[A113] Carrie K.W.Li, Jianhong Liu corresponding, Xuan Chen (12/2023).“Chinese Women’s Acceptance of Intimate Partner Violence against Women”. Violence Against Women, 29(15-16), 3126-3142. https://doi.org/10.1177/10778012231200475. (SSCI) (Scopus)
[A112] Jianhong Liu, Guangzhen Wu (01/2023). “Procedural Fairness and Fear of Crime: Extending the Procedural Justice Theoretical Model Under the Chinese Context”. Crime & Delinquency. https://doi.org/10.1177/00111287221150422. (SSCI) (Scopus) (online first)
[A111] Jianhong Liu (01/2023). “Asian Criminology – Concept and Development”. The Criminologist by American Society of Criminology, Jan-Feb 2023 issue, 49(1),42-43.
[A110] Xiaohan Mei, Jiayu Li, Zhi-Shu Li, Shun Huang, Li-Li Li, Yang-Hong Huang, Jianhong Liu (29/11/2022). “Psychometric evaluation of an Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) measurement tool: an equitable assessment or reinforcing biases?” Health & Justice,10(34):1-11, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40352-022-00198-2. (ESCI) (Scopus)
[A109] Xin Jiang, Shan Cui, Bin Liang, Honglan Shuai and Jianhong Liu corresponding (21/12/2022). “Tigers vs. Flies: Impact of Official Ranks on Judicial Trials in PRC’s Anti-Corruption Campaign.” Crime Law and social change. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10611-022-10072-9. (SSCI) (Scopus) (online first)
[A108] Hong Lu, Honglan Shuai, Yudu Li, Jianhong Liu, Bin Liang (12/2022). “Confession and the Crime Control Model: An analysis of exonerated death penalty cases in China”. Asian Journal of Criminology, 17 (Suppl 1), 33–54. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11417-022-09383-6. (SSCI) (Scopus)
[A107] Jianhong Liu corresponding, Eric Lambert, Shanhe Jiang, Jinwu Zhang (12/2022).“The connection between work attitudes and Chinese correctional staff burnout”. Journal of Criminology, 55(4): 568–585. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/26338076221127710 (SSCI) (Scopus)
[A106] Yuning Wu, Ivan Sun, Tzu-Ying Lo, Jianhong Liu (25/08/2022). “Attitudes toward Peers, Supervisors, and Citizens: A Comparison of Chinese and Taiwanese Police Officers”. Policing: An International Journal. https://doi.org/10.1108/PIJPSM-05-2022-0075 (SSCI) (Scopus) (Online First)
[A105] Jianhong Liu (12/2022). “Asian Criminology—Elaborating Its Concepts, Approach, Paradigm, and Future”. Asian Journal of Criminology, 17, 391–399. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11417-022-09375-6. (SSCI) (Scopus)
[A104] Carrie K.W.Li, Jianhong Liu corresponding,, Xuan Chen (2023). “Chinese Women’s Financial Independence and Their Intimate Partner Violence Victimization Experience”. Violence against Women,29(5): 949–963. https://doi.org/10.1177/10778012221097143. (SSCI) (Scopus)
[A103]Jinwu Zhang, Jianhong Liu corresponding, Shan Cui, and Honglan Shuai (16/02/2022). “Perceived justice, negative emotions and delinquency in Chinese high schools and vocational schools.” Psychology, Crime, and Law. https://doi.org/10.1080/1068316X.2022.2039652 (SSCI) (Scopus) (Online First)
[A102] Guanzhen Wu and Jianhong Liu corresponding (28/12/2021) . “Extending the Procedural Justice Theory to the Chinese Context: The Role of Collective Efficacy”. British Journal of Criminology. https://doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azab115 (SSCI) (Scopus)(Online First)
[A101] Bin Liang, Hong Lu, and Jianhong Liu (01/2024). “Testing Death Penalty Opinions With General Questions and A Specific Case Scenario: Potential Lessons From China”. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 68(1)107-130. DOI:10.1177/0306624X211066827 (SSCI) (Scopus)
[A100] Eric G. Lambert, Francis Boateng, Jianhong Liu, Jinwu Zhang, Shanhe Jiang (11/2022). “Exploring the Relationship of Organizational Justice with Chinese Prison Staff Life Satisfaction” Prison Journal ,102(5), 565-585.https://doi.org/10.1177/00328855221121113 (SSCI) (Scopus)
[A99] Henry Pontell, Jianhong Liu corresponding, Christopher Contreras, Soi Wan (Donna) Leong, Li Huang (10/2022). “Occupational Crimes in Casinos: Employee Theft in Macau, China”. Crime, Law and Social Change, 78(3): 241–270. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10611-021-10001-2 (SSCI) (Scopus)
[A98] Jianhong Liu corresponding, Eric Lambert, Shanhe Jiang, and Jinwu Zhang (06/2022). “Justice and Strain-Based Conflict Among Chinese Prison Staff.” Psychology, Crime, and Law,28(6): 569-586. DOI: 10.1080/1068316X.2021.1929980 (SSCI) (Scopus)
[A97] Xia Hu, Jianhong Liu (04/2022), “The Research about Risks and Preventions in Criminal Law under the Context of Over Generalization of Concept of Science”(科学泛化引发的刑法风险及其防范). Hebei Law Science(河北法学).2022(04):117-136. (CSSCI) (in Chinese)
[A96] Jinwu Zhang, Jianhong Liu corresponding, Shan Cui, and Honglan Shuai (01/02/2022), “The Effects of Classroom Anger, Strain, and Negative Emotions on Delinquency among Vocational School Students in China”, Deviant Behavior, 43(2): 152-162. DOI: 10.1080/01639625.2020.1789293 (SSCI) (Scopus)
Selected Books and Edited Volumes
[B31] Dr. R. Thilagaraj and Jianhong Liu (2022). Juvenile Justice in Asia. Thomson Reuters South Asia Private Limited.
[B30] Bin Liang and Jianhong Liu (2021). Chinese Netizens’ Opinions on Death Sentences: An Empirical Examination of Public Opinion. University of Michigan Press. ISBN: 978-0-472-12928-7
[BS2] Jianhong Liu (2018) (Editor), Springer Series on Asian Criminology and Criminal Justice Research. Springer, New York. ISSN: 2522-5545
[B29] Jianhong Liu and Setsuo Miyazawa (2018) (Editors), Crime and Justice in Contemporary Japan. Springer. New York. ISBN 978-3-319-69359-0
[B28] Jianhong Liu, Max Travers, Lennon Chang (2017) (Editors), Comparative Criminology in Asia. Springer. New York. ISBN 978-3-319-54942-2
[B27] Ramasubbu Thilagaraj and Jianhong Liu (2017) (Editors), Restorative Justice in India: Traditional Practice and Contemporary Applications. Springer. New York. ISBN 978-3-319-47659-9
[B26] Jianhong Liu (04/2017) (editor), Master Criminologists on Anti-Terrorism. People’s Publishing House(人民出版社). Beijing, China. ISBN: 9787010172415 (in Chinese)
[B25] Jianhong Liu (10/2016) (editor in Chief), Corrections: A systematic Review of Intervention Programs – Campbell Collaborations Criminal Justice Report Series. People’s Publishing House(人民出版社). Beijing, China. ISBN: 978-7-01-016826-5 (in Chinese)
[B24] Jianhong Liu (2016) (editor in Chief), Policing: A systematic Review of Intervention Programs -Campbell Collaborations Criminal Justice Report Series. People’s Publishing House(人民出版社). Beijing, China. ISBN: 978-7-01-016462-5 (in Chinese)
[B23] Jianhong Liu (2016) (editor in Chief), Drugs: A systematic Review of Intervention Programs -Campbell Collaborations Criminal Justice Report Series. People’s Publishing House(人民出版社). Beijing, China. ISBN: 978-7-01-015439-8 (in Chinese)
[B22] Jianhong Liu (12/2015) (editor in Chief), Juvenile Delinquency: A systematic Review of Intervention Programs – Campbell Collaborations Criminal Justice Report Series. People’s Publishing House(人民出版社). Beijing, China. ISBN: 978-7-01-015493-0 (in Chinese)
[B21] Jianhong Liu (2016) (editor in Chief), Crime Intervention and Prevention: A systematic Review of Intervention Programs – Campbell Collaborations Criminal Justice Report Series. People’s Publishing House(人民出版社). Beijing, China. ISBN: 978-7-01-015477-0 (in Chinese)
[B20] Jianhong Liu (2015) (editor in chief), Reviews of Drug Laws in Selected Countries. People’s Publishing House(人民出版社). Beijing, China. ISBN: 978-7-01-014731-4
Selected Recent Book Chapters
[C46] Pin Yu, Jianhong Liucorresponding(forthcoming). “An Application of the Relationism Theory of Criminal Justice – Bridging Theoretical Gaps Between the Global North and South”, in Roxana Cavalcanti, David Fonseca, Valeria Vegh Weis, Kerry Carrington, Russell Hogg and John Scott (Eds.), the 2nd Edition Palgrave Handbook of Criminology and the Global South.
[C45] Donna Soi Wan Leong, Jianhong Liu corresponding (2024), “Rehabilitation Practices in Macao: An Overview of Approaches and Recent Developments”, in Michael Daffern Chi Meng (Eds.), Offender Rehabilitation in Asia: Integrating and Adapting Western Models to Improve Outcomes, Routledge.
[C44] Pin Yu, Jianhong Liu (forthcoming), “Restorative Justice and Confucianism”, International Encyclopaedia of Restorative Justice Asia.
[C43] Yixuan Wang, Jianhong Liu corresponding (2024), “Reform and Punishment: An Overview of Correctional Rehabilitation in Mainland China”, in Michael Daffern Chi Meng (Eds.), Offender Rehabilitation in Asia: Integrating and Adapting Western Models to Improve Outcomes, Routledge.
[C42] Jianhong Liu corresponding, Pin Yu, and Jie Zhang (2024), “The State of Criminological Studies in East Asia”, in Luiz Dal Santo, Carla Sepúlveda Penna(Eds.), Southernising Criminology: challenges, horizons and praxis, Routledge. ISBN 9781003349761(eBook).
[C41] Donna Soi Wan Leong and Jianhong Liu corresponding (11/2022) “Criminal Justice Rehabilitation in Macao, China.” In M. Vanstone, & P. Priestley (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Global Rehabilitation in Criminal Justice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-031-14374-8; ISBN 978-3-031-14375-5 (eBook)
[C40] Honglan Shuai, and Jianhong Liu corresponding (2023), “Challenges and reforms — Modern China’s judicial system”. In Ewa M. Guzik-Makaruk, Katarzyna Laskowska, Wojciech Filipkowski (edited) “Individuals, society, and the state – from the perspective of penal law and criminology. Liber Amicorum in Honour of Professor Emil W. Pływaczewski.” Prokuratura Krajowa. ISBN 978-83-8345-068-1.
[C39] Honglan Shuai and Jianhong Liu (30/10/2019), “Human Trafficking in China”, in The Palgrave International Handbook of Human Trafficking, edited by John A. Winterdyk, Jackie Jones. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Online ISBN: 978-3-319-63192-9
[C38] Jianhong Liu and Shan Cui (2019), “Chinese Juvenile Delinquency Research and the Asian Criminology Paradigm” in Current Problems of the Penal Law and Criminology 8th edition / Aktuelle Probleme des Strafrechts und der Kriminologie edited by Emil Plywaczewski, Wolters Kluwer Publishing.
[C37] Jianhong Liu and Setsuo Miyazawa (2018), “Asian Criminology and Crime and Justice in Japan – an Introduction” in Jianhong Liu and Setsuo Miyazawa (editors) Crime and Justice in Contemporary Japan. Springer Publishing.
[C36] Jianhong Liu (2018), “The Asian Criminological Paradigm and How It Links Global North and South: Combining an Extended Conceptual Tool box from the North with Innovative Asian Contexts” (reprint) in Kerry Carrington, Russell Hogg, John Scott and Maximo Sozzo. (Editors) The Palgrave Handbook of Criminology and the Global South, Springer International Publishing.
[C35] Jianhong Liu and Shan Cui (2017), “Research on Fear of Crime in China” in Murray Lee (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Fear of Crime. Routledge.
[C34] Jianhong Liu, Max Travers and Lennon Chang (2017), “Reflecting on Comparison: A View from Asia” in Jianhong Liu, Max Travers and Lennon Chang (editors) Comparative Criminology in Asia. Springer. New York.
[C33] Jianhong Liu (2017), “The new Asian paradigm: A relational approach” in Jianhong Liu, Max Travers, Lennon Chang (Editors) Comparative criminology in Asia. Springer. New York.
Translated into Jianhong Liu (08/11/2019), “The New Asian Paradigm: A Relational Approach” (亚洲犯罪学的新范式:关系主义理论), Journal of Criminal Investigation Police University of China (中国刑警学院学报). (5): 5-13. DOI: 10.14060/j.issn.2095-7939.2019.05.001 (in Chinese)
[C32] Ramasubbu Thilagaraj and Jianhong Liu (2017), “Introduction: Restorative Justice for A Harmonious India” in Ramasubbu Thilagaraj and Jianhong Liu (Edit) “Restorative Justice in India” Springer Publishing
[C31] Jianhong Liu (2017), “Terrorism – the new challenge to the Chinese criminology” in Jianhong Liu (editor) Master Criminologists on Anti-Terrorism. People’s Publishing House. Beijing, China. (in Chinese)
[C30] Jinwu Zhang and Jianhong Liu (2017), “Strain, illegitimate opportunity and delinquency: consolidating social structure in China” in Current Problems of the Penal Law and Criminology 7th edition / Aktuelle Probleme des Strafrechts und der Kriminologie edited by Emil Plywaczewski, Wolters Kluwer Publishing
[C29] Jianhong Liu (2017), “Institutional Analyses and Criminology: Fundamental conceptual and methodological issues” in Current Problems of the Penal Law and Criminology 7th edition / Aktuelle Probleme des Strafrechts und der Kriminologie edited by Emil Plywaczewski, Wolters Kluwer Publishing
[C28] Gao Huan and Jianhong Liu (2016), “Women’s substance abuse and its impacts on children’s early development and deviant behaviors” in Slawomir Redo, Hulmut Kury, and E. Shea (eds.) “Women and Children as Victims and Offenders: Background – Prevention – Reintegration. Suggestions for Succeeding Generations”, Springer
[C27] Jianhua Xu and Jianhong Liu (2015), “Crime and Punishment in China” in Wesley G. Jennings (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment, Malden and Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 978-1-118-51971-4, December 2015
[C26] Gao, H, Liu, J. and McGraw S. (2015), Drug control laws and policies in North America (in Chinese). In Jianhong Liu, Huan Gao, Jiayin Lin and Kichegn Huang (eds), Reviews of Drug Laws in Selected Countries. Multivolume Book Series (VI). Drug Control in China and in the World, Beijing: People’s Publishing House. ISBN: 978-7-01-014731-4
[C25] Gao, H and Liu, J. (2015), Drug control laws and policies in Europe (in Chinese). In Jianhong Liu, Huan Gao, Jiayin Lin and Kicheng Huang (eds.), Reviews of Drug Laws in Selected Countries. Multivolume Book Series (VI). Drug Control in China and in the World, Beijing: People’s Publishing House. ISBN: 978-7-01-014731-4
[C24] Gao, H, Liu, J. and Perez, E. (2015), Drug control laws and policies in Australia and the New Zealand (in Chinese). In Jianhong Liu, Huan Gao, Jiayin Lin and Kicheng Huang (eds.), Reviews of Drug Laws in Selected Countries. Multivolume Book Series (VI). Drug Control in China and in the World, Beijing: People’s Publishing House. ISBN: 978-7-01-014731-4
[C23] Gao, H, Liu, J. and Smith, J. (2015), Drug control laws and policies in South America (in Chinese). In Jianhong Liu, Huan Gao, Jiayin Lin and Kicheng Huang (eds.), Reviews of Drug Laws in Selected Countries. Multivolume Book Series (VI). Drug Control in China and in the World, Beijing: People’s Publishing House. ISBN: 978-7-01-014731-4
[C22] Ruohui Zhao, Hongwei Zhang, and Jianhong Liu (2015), “China’s Juvenile Justice: A System in Transition” In John Winterdyte (eds.) Juvenile justice: international perspectives, models, and trends Pp:137-162. Boca Raton: CRC Press. ISBN: 978-1-46-657968-2
Major Awards and Honors
2019-2024 | President, the Scientific Commission of the International Society for Criminology |
2022 | Award, 2022 Distinguished Book Award, 13th Asian Criminological Society Conference, Gujarat, India, 2022 |
2022 | Award, 2022 ACPSS Best Scholarly Publication Award, the 27th Association of Chinese Professors of Social Sciences In the United States 2022 International Conference, Alabama, the United States, 2022 |
December 2019 – | Advisor, Centre of Excellence for Statistics on Crime and Criminal Justice in Asia and the Pacific, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) |
March 2019 – March, 2022 | Senior Counsel, Anti-drug Social Work Professional Committee (禁毒社会工作专业委员会), Zhuhai Social Work Association (珠海市社会工作协会) |
January 30, 2019 – | Member, the scientific committee of 1st Asia Regional Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Drug Policy |
October 2, 2018 | Member, Selection Committee, selecting the winner of 2019 Gerhard O.W. Mueller Award, the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) |
September 1, 2018-August 30, 2021. | Adjunct Professor, the School of Justice, Faculty of Law, Queensland University of Technology, Australia |
2018-2024 | Chairman of General Assembly of Asian Criminological Society |
April 22, 2018 | Outstanding Research Award, the Faculty of Social Science for the academic year 2017/2018, University of Macau |
March 2018 – | Grant Reviewer, China Post-Doctorate Science Fund (中国博士后科学基金) |
Feb 16, 2018 | Gerhard O.W. Mueller Award 2018, the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) International Section |
Nov 14, 2017 | Gerhard O.W. Mueller Award, the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) International Section |
Sept 2017- Sept 2022 | Senior Advisor, Chinese Society of Criminology |
2017-life time | Foreign Honorary Membership of the Japanese Association of Criminology (JAC). “Foreign Honorary Membership is awarded to non-Japanese scholars who have made sustained and outstanding contributions in the field of criminology and to JAC” |
Nov 18, 2016 | Winner for the 2016 Freda Adler Distinguished Scholar Award, International Division American Society of Criminology |
October 2016-Present | Expert, the World Economic Forum Expert Network |
2015-Present | Grants Reviewer, the European Research Council (ERC) |
2015-Present | Adjunct Professor, Crime and Justice Research Centre, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia |
2015-Present | Research Associate, Research Center on Violence at West Virginia University |
2015-Present | Expert Nominator for Stockholm Prize in Criminology, Appointed by the Stockholm Prize in Criminology Foundation |
2014-Present | President, the Scientific Commission of International Society for Criminology |
2014-Present | Member, Board of Directors, International Society for Criminology |
2013-Present | Honorary Fellow, Korean Institute of Criminology |
January 2013-Present | Member, the Scientific Commission of International Society for Criminology |
2012 | Award, second prize for best academic paper, Macau Scientific Research Award |
February 2012-Present | Committee member, The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, NY, USA |
July 2011-Present | Council Member, the World Economic Forum of the Global Agenda Council on Organized Crime |
June 1, 2011-May 31, 2014 | Honorary Fellow, the Centre for Criminology, University of Hong Kong |
2011-2012 | Consultant, United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime, East Asia and Pacific Center |
2010-Present | Standing Fellow, Chinese Society of Juvenile Delinquency Prevention |
2010-Present | Member, the International Self-Report Delinquency Study Research Group |
2007-2009 | University of Macau Faculty Research Award |
2009-Present | President, Asian Criminological Society |
2009-Present | Member, Campbell Collaborations Criminal Justice Steering Committee |
2009-Present | President, Macau Society of Criminology |
2009-Present | Honorary University Chair Professor, Southwest University of Political Science and Law |
2007-Present | Senior Fellow, Center for Criminology, Beijing University, China |
2006-2007 | Fulbright Scholar Award, from USA Fulbright Commission |
2006-2007 | Fellow, American Center at Chinese University of Hong Kong |
2005-2008 | Senior Fellow, Center for the Study of Drug and Crime Policy, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, China |
2004-2006 | Grant Award, from National Science Foundation USA (SES-0351014, PI: Steven F. Messner, Co-investigators: Jianhong Liu and Lening Zhang; Amount: $293,580) |
2003-Present | Senior Fellow, Institute for Crime Control and Prevention, Nanjing University |
1999-2001 | Member, International Advisory Board of the Chinese Society of Juvenile Delinquency Studies |
1998 | Junior Scholar Award from International Society of Criminology |
Selected Keynote Speeches
- Keynote speech, “Restorative Justice: The Chinese Paradigm”, University of Oxford, UK. 25 March, 2024.
- Invited Seminar, “The Relationism Theory of Criminal Justice – A Paradigm Shift”, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge, 21 March, 2024.
- Invited Seminar, “Chinese Women’s Acceptance of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women, Hindu College, University of Madras, India. 1 March, 2024.
- Keynote Speech, “Asian Criminology – Elaborating the Concepts, Approach, Paradigm, and It’s Future”, 13th Asian Criminological Society Conference, Gujarat, India. July 21, 2022.
- Invited Keynote Speech. Invited by British Society of Criminology as a keynote speaker for their 2020 annual conferences (not held due to Cov19 pandemic)
- Invited Keynote Speech. Invited by European Society of Criminology to deliver a keynote speech on their 2023 annual conference in Florence, Italy.
- Keynote Speech, The development of Western criminology and the rise of Asian criminology (西方犯罪学的发展与亚洲犯罪学的兴起). National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan, China, November 1, 2019.
- Keynote Speech, Global criminology and Asian criminology: Challenges, strategies and directions. 19th World Congress of the International Society for Criminology (ISC) held in Doha, the State of Qatar, October 24, 2019.
- Keynote Speech, Influence of criminology on criminal law in Modern China. Twelfth International Conference on the Legal Reforms of Macau in the Global Context—New challenges and developments in contemporary Criminology and their impact in Criminal Law. University of Macau, China, October 24, 2019.
- Keynote Speech, Asian Paradigm and Feng Qiao Experience (亚洲范式理论与枫桥经验), Zhejiang Police College, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. October 17, 2018.
- Keynote Speech, “A Relationism Theory of Criminal Justice – A Universal Theory from Asia”, 10th Asian Criminological Society Conference, Penang, Malaysia. June 25, 2018.
- Keynote Speech, “Crime and Criminal Justice System in China”, the 40th All India Criminology Conference on Dimensions of Crime and Criminal Justice System; Contemporary Issues and Challenges, January, January 19-21, 2018 at GNLU, Gandhinagar (Gujarat), India, January 19, 2018.
- 2016 Freda Adler Distinguished Scholar Award, American Society of Criminology, Hilton, Hilton Exhibition Center, New Olearns, November 18, 2016
- “Developing Asian Criminology Paradigm: Theoretical Strategies and Future directions” The Eighth Annual Conference of Asian Criminological Society. Beijing, June 18, 2016
- “Asian Criminology – The Role of Sri Lanka Criminologists.” Inauguration Conference of Sri Lanka Society of Criminology, Colombo, Sri Lanka, October 30, 2015
- “Culture and Criminal Justice –A theory of Relational Justice”. Presentation at the Sixth Annual Conference of Asian Criminological Society, Osaka, Japan, June 27-29, 2014