LYU Hanyue 呂翰嶽
Academic Qualifications
2019: Ph.D. in Law, School of Law, Tsinghua University, China
2019: LL.M., Faculty of Law, University of Tübingen, Germany
2014: Master of Law, Peking University Law School, China
2010: B.Sc., School of Mathematics and Statistics, Wuhan University, China
Teaching Areas
Criminal Law I
Criminal Law II
International Human Rights Law
Selected Reading in Criminal Law
Research Interests
History of Fundamental Concepts in Criminal Law
Comparative Research with a Broader Perspective
Changes in Criminal Law Theory under the Influence of Post-Modern Technology
Reshaping of Criminal Law Principles in the Light of International Human Rights Law
- Certain Sentencing Recommendations in Plea Cases”, in Chen, Hao (ed.), The Voice of Criminal Law: National Young Criminal Jurists Online Lecture Series, Vol. 1, Peking University Press, 2021, pp. 265-290.
- “Criminal Liability in Conduct under Duress: An Expertise on the Manslaughter-under-Duress Case in Sichuan”, 10 (1) Tsinghua Law Rev. 171-198 (2021).
《受強迫行為中刑事責任的認定——章某某受迫殺人案鑑定式分析》,《清華法律評論》(第10卷.第1輯),法律出版社2021年版,第 171—198頁。
- “Rationale for Punishing Criminal Attempt via the Functional Danger Concept”, 31 Peking Univ. Law J. 1630-1659 (2019).
- “The Deconstruction of the Concept of the Act of Execution”, 17 (2) Peking Univ. Law Rev. 116-150 (2016-2017).
- “Between Action and Omission: Taking German Judicial Opinions and Legal Theories as Reference”, 39 (4) Glob. Law Rev. 22-38 (2017).
Reprinted in Information Center for Social Sciences, RUC, Criminal Law 2017 (11), pp. 22-38.
Revised Version in Li, Hong et al., New Development of the Doctrine of the Offence of Omission, Peking University Press, 2022, pp. 3-31.
- “A Brief History of the Mental Element in the International Criminal Law”, 1 (3) Wuhan Univ. Int. Law Rev. 54-74 (2017).
- “Communication in Cyber Joint Offence”, 35 (2) Law Rev. 23-37 (2017).
Reprinted in Information Center for Social Sciences, RUC, Criminal Law 2017 (6), pp. 23-37.
- “Advocacy for the Training of Application Methods of Law”, 188 The Chinese Procurators 11-14 (2014).
- “A Case Study of German Sentencing Law: In Comparison with the Chinese Reform of Standardised Sentencing”, 33 Crim. Law Rev. 225-246 (2013).
- “On the State Compensation to Faulty Victims”, 198 Chin. Criminol. Rev. 16-24 (2013).
《過錯被害人國家補償問題芻議》, 《犯罪研究》2013 年第3期,第16—24頁。