(853) 8822 4762
E32 – 2013
Faculty of Law (FLL),
University of Macau, E32,
Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China.
Mondays 13h00~14h00
Saturdays 13h00~14h00
副院長 (教學及學生事務)
- 中國政法大學 法學博士學位
PHD, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing - 澳門大學 法律碩士學位
Master of Law, University of Macau - 澳門大學 法律學士學位
Bachelor of Law, University of Macau
- 民事訴訟法I
Civil Procedure Law I - 刑事訴訟法
Criminal Procedure Law
- 1.邱庭彪:〈消費借貸與博彩業相關之犯罪〉,《澳門 2004》,吳志良,楊允中,趙國強等(編),澳門:澳門基金會,頁134-148,06/2004。
Iau Teng Pio:〈The expense loan money crime of with the lottery industry related〉,《Macau 2004》, Wu Zhi-Liang, Yang Yan-Zhong, Zhao Guo-Qiang, Macau: Macau Foundation, Page 134-148, 06/2004。 - 2.邱庭彪:〈澳門賭場內消費借貸非刑事化及保障制度之研究〉,《澳門刑事法研究(實體法篇)》,趙國強(編),澳門:澳門基金會,頁440-485,2005。
Iau Teng Pio:〈A study of the legalization of the loan agreement in the casino and its guarantees〉,《A study Law of Macau Criminal》, Zhao Gao-Qiang, Macau: Macau Foundation, Page 440-485, 2005。 - 3.邱庭彪:〈澳門民事訴訟法〉,《澳門國際商法研究》,范劍虹(編),廣州:廣 東人民出版社,頁690-703,2005。
Iau Teng Pio:〈Procedure Civil Law〉,《A Study of International Law of Macau》, Fan Kin-Hong, Guangzhou: The Publication of People of Guangdou, Page 690-703, 2005。 - 4.邱庭彪:〈澳門旅遊及博彩法〉,《澳門法律新論》,劉高龍,趙國強(編),澳門:澳門基金會,頁223-237,11/2005。
Iau Teng Pio:〈Macao Travels and the Game Law〉,《The New Macau Law》, Liu Gao-long, Zhao Guo-Qiang, Macau: Foundation, Page 223-237, 11/2005。 - 5.邱庭彪:〈淺談澳門博彩法律制度〉,《法學論叢》,劉高龍等(編),澳 門:澳門大學法學院高級法律研究所,頁226-235,2005。
Iau Teng Pio:〈The Macau Game Law〉,《Journal of FLL》, Liu Guo-long, Macau: The Institute for Advanced Legal Studies of FLL of Macau, Page 226-235, 2005。 - 6.邱庭彪:〈淺談澳門公務上侵占的犯罪構成〉,《法學論叢》,劉高龍等(編),澳門:澳門大學法學院高級法律研究所,頁94-116,2006。
Iau Teng Pio:〈Discusses the Crime Constitution of Macau Official’s Larceny〉,《Notebooks of Legal Science》, Liu Guo-Long, Macau: The Institute for Advanced Legal Studies of FLL of Macau, Page 94-116, 2006。 - 7.邱庭彪:〈論視聽監察的證明力〉,《比較與借鑒從各國經驗看中國刑事訴訟改革路經 ── 比較刑事訴訟國際研討會論文集》,陳光中,陳澤憲(編),北京:中國政法大學出版社,頁329-349,04/2007。
Iau Teng Pio: (Discuss on evidence of audio and visual surveillance),《To observe the criminal procedural reform of China through comparison and reference from other countries–International comparative criminal procedure seminar》 Editor: Chen Guang-Zhong, Chen Ze-Xian. China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing. Page 329-349, 04/2007. - 8.邱庭彪:〈發展休閒博彩的思考〉,《澳門新視角》,頁25-32,30/11/2007。
Iau Teng Pio: (Thoughts on the development of recreational gambling),《Macao New Angle of View》, Page 25-32, 11/2007. - 9.邱庭彪:〈《獲得證據的方法 ── 臥底、放蛇及監視》〉,《澳門保安保隊高等學校二十週年紀錄特刊》,澳門保安保隊高等學校二十週年校慶特刊籌備委員會(編),澳門:澳門保安保隊高等學校,頁64-79,2008。
Iau Teng Pio: (Methods to search out evidence–Undercover, Convert-operation, and surveillance),《20th Anniversary special issue of Escola Superior das Forças de Segurança de Macau》, Editor: Organization Committee of 20th Anniversary special issue of Escola Superior das Forças de Segurança de Macau. Escola Superior das Forças de Segurança de Macau, Macau》, Page 64-79, 2008. - 10. 邱庭彪:〈淺談預備行為的適用問題〉,《法學論叢》,劉高龍等(編),澳門:澳門大學法學院高級法律研究所,頁35-37,2008。
Iau Teng Pio: (Discuss the preparatory action of criminal ),《Journal of FLL》, Liu Guolong. The Institute for Advanced Legal Studies of FLL of UMAC, Macau. Page 35-37, 2008. - 11. 邱庭彪:〈不要綁架澳門居民立法意願〉,《澳門日報》,22 November 2008.
Iau Teng Pio: (Do not kidnap the legislative intent of Macau residents).《Macau Daily》, 22 November 2008.1. - 12. 邱庭彪:〈跨境偵查犯罪的問題〉,《兩岸四地法律發展與互動》,張憲初,顧維遐(編),香港:中國評論學術出版社,頁370-385,2009。
Iau Teng Pio: (Problems of cross-border crime investigation),《Cross-strait legal development and interaction》. China Review Academic Publishers Limited. Editors: Zhang Xian-Chu, Gu Wei-Xia. Page 370-385, 2009. - 13. 邱庭彪:〈新舊勞動法對勞動合同終結後的保障研究〉,《澳門大學法律學院學報》第二十七期,魏丹等(編),澳門:澳門大學法律研究中心,頁341-356,2009。
Iau Teng Pio: (After the end of the labor contract, the comparison and comments of the worker’s indemnification offered by new and old Macau Law).《Journal of FLL of UMAC》Vol.27, Centre of Law Studies of Faculty of Law, University of Macau, Page 341-356, Vol.27. 2009. - 14. 邱庭彪:〈論跨境偵查犯罪的搜索/搜索問題〉,《中國區域刑事司法協助新探》,趙秉志(編),北京:中國人民公安大學出版社,頁269-288,2010。
Iau Teng Pio: (Search for crime of cross-border investigation: Problems of searching),《New view of China Criminal Juridical assistance》, Chinese People’s Public Security University Publisher. Zhao Bing-Zhi (Ed.) Page 269-288, 2010. - 15. 邱庭彪:〈澳門採用電話監聽之研討〉,《和諧社會構建與訴訟法學繁榮》,趙秉志(編),北京:中國政法大學出版社,頁446-454,2010。
Iau Teng Pio: (Using wiretapping discuss of Macao),《The prosperity of a harmonious society and Procedural Law》China University of Political Science and Law Press, Page 446-454, 2010. - 16. 邱庭彪:〈淺談澳門博彩法律制度〉,《澳門人文社會科學研究文選》,趙國強(編),北京:社會科學文獻出版社,頁791-800,2010。
Iau Teng Pio: (Macau Gaming Law ),《The Selection of Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences of Macau ( Legal Studies)》, Zhao Guo-Qiang, Social Sciences Academic Press (China), Page 791-800, 2010. - 17. 邱庭彪:〈展望澳門法律人的培訓工作〉,《兩岸四地法律發展-法學教育與法治教育》,湯德宗,吉仲(編),台北:中央研究院法律學研究所,頁743-759,2011。
Iau Teng Pio: (Looking the Macau legal training work), “the four places legal development – Legal Education and the rule of law education”, Page 743-759, Taipei: The Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica (IIAS), Dennis T.C. Tang & Chi Chung, 9/2011. - 18. 邱庭彪:〈展望澳門法律人的培訓工作後記〉,《澳門新視角》,第七期,頁35-38,2011。
Iau Teng Pio: (Looking the Macau legal training work Postscript), 《Macao New Angle of View》, Vol.7. Iau Teng Pio, Page 35-38, 05/2011. - 19. 邱庭彪:〈簡介澳門刑事上訴及輔助人制度〉,《中國刑事二審程序改革之研究》,北京:北京大學出版社,頁470-476,2011。
Iau Teng Pio: (About Macao Criminal Appeals and Assistant System),《Study on Reform of Second Instance in Criminal Procedure in China》, China: Peking University Press, Page 470-476, 12 / 2011 - 20. 邱庭彪:〈澳門旅遊博彩法〉,《澳門新視角》,北京:社會科學文獻出版社,頁589-602,2011。
Iau Teng Pio: ( Macau Tourism and Gaming Law ),《The Macau Law New Version》, Social Sciences Academic Press (China), Page 589-602, 2011. - 21. 邱庭彪:〈澳門博彩業因借貸而涉及的犯罪〉,《法律論叢》,澳門:澳門研究中心,2012。
Iau Teng Pio: (Crimes related to the loan game in Macau), 2012. Publish is forthcoming in the《Journal of Law》, Centre of Studies Law, FLL UMAC. - 22. 邱庭彪:〈澳門簡易訴訟程序〉,《澳門研究》,澳門:澳門研究中心,2012。
Iau Teng Pio: (The Summary Criminal Proceedings of Macau), 2012. Publish is forthcoming in the《Journal of Macau Studies》, Centre for Macau Studies, 2012. - 23. 邱庭彪:〈先易後難解決跨越我國內地與澳門特區貪瀆資產追回問題淺見〉,《刑法評論》,趙秉志(編),北京:法律出版社,頁278-293,2012。
Iau Teng Pio: (My Opinion on the How to Solve the Problem of Recovering the Corruption Assets across China Mainland and Macao),《Criminal Law Review》, Zhao Bing-Zhi (Ed.), Beijing: Law Press – China. Page 278-293, 2013. - 24. 邱庭彪:(司法獨立與司法行政),《“一國兩制"與澳門法律體系完善(學術研討會論文集)》,楊允中(編),澳門理工學院一國兩制研究中心出版,頁230-246,12/2013。
Iau Teng Pio: (Judicial Independence and Judicial Administration),《“One Country Two Systems” and the Perfection of Macao Legal System (Symposium Essays)》, Macau: One Country Two Systems Research Centre, Yang Yun-Zhong (Ed.), Page 230-246, 12/2013. - 25. 邱庭彪、盧頌馨:(基本法與2013年澳門立法會選舉),《基本法與2013年澳門立法會選舉(學術研討會論文集)》,頁137-144,12/2013。
Iau Teng Pio, Lou Chong Heng: (Basic Law and 2013 Macau Legislative Assembly Council Election), 《Basic Law and 2013 Macau Legislative Assembly Council Election (Symposium Essays)》, Page 137-144, 12/2013. - 26. 邱庭彪:(澳門法律改革本地化進程與趨勢),《澳門研究》,頁40-46,第1期2014。 IauTengPio: ( The Process and Trend of the localization of Macau Law ), 《 Macau Study 》, Page 40-46, I/2014.
- 27. 邱庭彪:(論佣金在博彩中介人之合作人作出消費借貸行為時的法律性質),《澳門新視角》,第十四期,頁24-31,2014。 IauTengPio: (On the legal nature of the commission when the partner junket to consumer lending practices ), 《Macao New Angle of View》, Vol.14. IauTeng Pio, Page24-31, 14/2014.
- 28. Iau, T. P.邱庭彪:《回歸以來澳門市政建設與城市發展》,《澳門藍皮書2019》,澳門藍皮書2019Social Sciences Academic Press (China), Macao Foundation,頁269-282, [Iau, T.P.Municipal Constructions and Urban Development after the Handover of Macao. Blue Book Macau 2019 (pp.269-282).
- 29. Iau, T. P.邱庭彪:05/01/2020 齊做好服務澳門角色 Let’s do a proper job on serving Macao 澳門日報 Macao Daily News
- 30. Iau, T. P.邱庭彪:25/12/2019 全面準確貫徹“一國兩制”是澳門繁榮穩定的根本保證 The comprehensive and accurate implementation of “One Country, Two Systems” is the insurance to the prosperity and stability of Macao 澳門日報 Macao Daily News
- 31. Iau, T. P.邱庭彪:06/12/2019 繼續全面準確貫徹落實「一國兩制」Continuing a comprehensive and accurate implementation of “One Country, Two Systems”人民日報 People’s Daily
- 邱庭彪:《澳門刑事訴訟法分論》,澳門:社會科學文獻出版社及澳門基金會,共345頁,2012。
Iau Teng Pio:《The Proceedings of Macau Criminal Procedural Law》, 345 Pages, 2012, Social Sciences Academic Press (China ) and Macao Foundation.
- 邱庭彪:《澳門刑事訴訟法分論》,澳門:社會科學文獻出版社及澳門基金會,共345頁,2012。
- 邱庭彪:《澳門博彩法律制度》,澳門:社會科學文獻出版社及澳門基金會,317頁,2014。 IauTengPio:《Legal Regime of Gaming》, 317 Pages, 2014, Social Sciences Academic Press (China ) and Macao Foundation.
- 邱庭彪:《澳門刑事訴訟法分論》(修訂),澳門:社會科學文獻出版社及澳門基金會,350頁,2014。 Iau Teng Pio:《The Proceedings of Macau Criminal Procedural Law》( Revision ) , 350 Pages, 2014, Social Sciences Academic Press (China ) and Macao Foundation.
- Iau, T. P.邱庭彪澳門民事訴訟法概論-宣告之訴社會科學文獻出版社、澳門基金會06/2019[Iau, T. P. (06/2019), Introduction to the Civil Procedure Law of Macau: Proceedings. Social Sciences Academic Press (China), Macao Foundation. ]