(853) 8822 4072
E32 – 2048
Faculty of Law (FLL),
University of Macau, E32,
Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China.
Consultation Hours
Tuesday 10h00~11h00
Friday 10h00~11h00
Associate Professor
Programme Coordinator of Master of Law in International Business Law (English Language)
Other Roles
- Member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Law
Academic Qualifications
- PhD in Law, European University Institute
- Master of Research (Law), European University Institute
- LL.M International Business Law, Central European University
- Licentiate in Law, Free International University of Moldova
Teaching Areas
- Advanced Issues of International Trade Law
- Business Law
- Commercial Contracts
- Comparative Legal Systems
- Economic Law of the European Union
- EU Trade Law
- Intellectual Property Law in the Creative Economy
- Transnational Law
“The Anti-Suit Injunctions in Patent Litigation in China: What Role for Judicial Self-Restraint?” (2024) Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (co-authored with Fali Xie)
“Chinese Investments in the European Energy Sector: from Merger Control to Investment Screening” (2024) Asian Perspective 48(2): 227-252
“Consensual Settlement of Competition Disputes in China: A Call for Conditional Arbitrability” (2024) Asia Pacific Law Review 32(2): 487-503
“The Elephant in the Room Turns Twenty: The Effect on Trade and the Enforcement of the EU Competition Law by the National Competition Authorities” (2023) Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 14(8): 483-496
“Much Ado about Nothing?: State-Owned Enterprises under Foreign Investment Control in the European Union” In J. Hillebrand Pohl, Joanna Warchol, Thomas Papadopoulos, Janosch Wiesenthal (eds.) The Investment Weapon. The Emerging Law and Geoeconomics of Foreign Investment Control (Springer Studies in Law & Geoeconomics, 2023), 37-57
“China’s Defense Against Secondary Sanctions: Lessons from the EU Blocking Statute” (2022) Journal of International Trade Law and Policy 21(3): 217-239
“Consolidation of the State-Owned Enterprises in China: A Missed Opportunity for the EU Merger Control?” (2022) Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 13(1): 17-28
“Ownership-Neutral or Ownership-Blind? The Case of Polish State-Owned Enterprises in EU Merger Control” (2022) Journal of Antitrust Enforcement 10(3): 547-568
“State Capitalism in ASEAN: The State-Owned Enterprises Under the ASEAN Regional Competition Policy” In Manjiao Chi, Marc Bungenberg, Andrea K. Bjorklund (eds.) Asian Yearbook of International Economic Law 2022 (Springer, 2022), 193-203
“Cultural Heritage Divided by (International) Law: The Case of North Macedonia” (2021) International Journal for the Semiotics of Law 34: 839-859
“From Norms to Expectations: Balancing Trade and Security Interests in the Post-COVID-19 World” (2021) Manchester Journal of International Economic Law 18(2): 162-191 (co-authored with Xueji Su)
“The Belt and Road Initiative and State-Owned Enterprises: Is it Time for Reform of the EU Merger Control?” In Vassilis Ntousas and Stephen Minas (eds.) The European Union and China’s Belt and Road: Impact, Engagement and Competition (Routledge, 2021), 96-113
“The Interactions of Competition Law and Investment Law: The Case of Chinese State-Owned Enterprises and EU Merger Control Regime” In Julien Chaisse, Leïla Choukroune, Sufian Jusoh (eds.) Handbook of International Investment Law and Policy (Springer, 2021), 2055-2076
“State-Controlled Entities in the EU Merger Control: the Case of PKN Orlen and Lotos Group” (2020) Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies 13(22): 189-209
“Off-Label Use of Medicines Under Scrutiny: Between Competition Law and Pharma Regulations” (2019) Medicine and Law 38(2): 165-182
“The Acquisitions of the Chinese State-Owned Enterprises under the National Merger Control Regimes of the EU Member States: Searching for a Coherent Approach” (2018) Market and Competition Law Review 2(1): 99-120
“The Right of Defence in the Decentralized System of EU Competition Law Enforcement” (2018) World Competition Law and Economics Review 41(3): 309-334 (co-authored with Maciej Bernatt and Marco Botta)
“The “Dark Matter” in EU Competition Law: Non-Infringement Decisions in the New EU Member States before and after Tele2 Polska” (2018) European Law Review 43(3): 424-446 (co-authored with Maciej Bernatt and Marco Botta)
“China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union: “Integrating the Integrations” (2018) Public Administration Issues 5: 7-20
“Fake Food” as a New Ingredient in the “Cuisine Juridique”: A Case for “Regulatory Co-Opetition” (2018) Medicine and Law 37(1): 175-192
“Law as a Social Medicine: Enhancing International Inter-regime Regulatory Coopetition as a Means for the Establishment of a Global Health Governance Framework” (2017) Journal of Legal Medicine 36(3-4): 330-366 (co-authored with Rostam Neuwirth)
“Building Regional Competition Policy in ASEAN: lessons from the European Competition Network” (2017) Asia Europe Journal 15(3): 341-357
“The Competition Law Institutions in the BRICS Countries: Developing Better Institutional Models for the Protection of Market Competition” (2017) Chinese Political Science Review 2(1): 85-100 (co-authored with Juanjuan Zhang)
“BRICS Countries and Their Cooperation in the Field of Competition Law and Policy: A New Voice in International Antitrust?” (2017) Revue Lamy de la concurrence 64: 20-23
“Umbrella Pricing” in Private Enforcement of EU Competition Law and US Antitrust Law: Another Transatlantic Divergence?” (2016) European Law Review 41(3): 399-411 (co-authored with Marco Botta)
“The Current EU/US – Russia Conflict over the Ukraine and the WTO: A Preliminary Note on (Trade) Restrictive Measures” (2016) Post-Soviet Affairs 32(3): 237-271 (co-authored with Rostam Neuwirth)
“The Regulation of Trade and Public Health in Asia-Pacific: A Case for “Inter-Regime Regulatory Co-opetition”” (2015) Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy 10(2): 349-380 (co-authored with Rostam Neuwirth)
“The Economic Sanctions over the Ukraine Conflict and the WTO: ‘Catch-XXI’ and the Revival of the Debate on Security Exceptions” (2015) Journal of World Trade 49(5): 891-914 (co-authored with Rostam Neuwirth)
“The Assessment of the Effect on Trade by the National Competition Authorities of the “New” Member States: Another Legal Partition of the Internal Market?” (2015) Common Market Law Review 52(5): 1247-1276 (co-authored with Marco Botta and Maciej Bernatt)
“The Right of Fair Trial in Competition Law Proceedings: Quo Vadis the Courts of the New EU Member States?” In Paul Nihoul and Tadeusz Skoczny (eds.) Procedural Fairness in Competition Proceedings (Edward Elgar, 2015), 276-308 (co-authored with Marco Botta)
“Enforcement of Competition Rules in Regulated Industries: Abuse of Dominance Practices in the New EU Member States, Candidate Countries and Potential Candidates” In Josef Drexl and Fabiana Di Porto (eds.) Competition Law as Regulation? (Edward Elgar, 2015), 206-235 (co-authored with Marco Botta)
“Enforcement of EU Competition Rules in Estonia: Substantive Convergence and Procedural Divergence” (2014) Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies 7(9): 67−85
“Merger remedies in a small market economy: Empirical evidence from the Baltic states” (2013) Baltic Journal of Law and Politics 6(1): 1-26 (co-authored with Külliki Lugenberg)
“Article 102 TFEU as a Tool for Market Regulation: “Excessive Enforcement“ Against “Excessive Prices” in the New EU Member States and Candidate Countries” (2012) European Competition Journal 8(3): 473−496 (co-authored with Marco Botta)
“Telecommunications Mergers Under the EC Competition Law and US Antitrust Law: Substantive Assessment and Procedural Cooperation” (2008) Cambridge Student Law Review 4(1): 22-39
“Exploring the Role of Legal Presumptions Under the ‘Convincing Evidence’ Standard in EC Merger Control” (2008) ICC Global Antitrust Review 1: 117-134
“Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in the Republic of Moldova: Evolution of Pro-Arbitration Policy in the Case Law of the Supreme Court of Justice” (2007) Journal of International Arbitration 24(3): 249-264
“Draft Commission Guidelines on the Assessment of Non-Horizontal Mergers: Do They “Defend” the Efficiency Defence?” (2007) World Competition Law and Economics Review 30(3): 403-417
“Arbitration of Investment Disputes: Experiences of the Republic of Moldova” (2007) Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration 11(1): 99-112