2024-07-19T11:27:23+08:002018-07-04|Important Notices|

Psychological Counselling Service: SAO provides confidential and professional psychological counselling, aiming at enhancing students’ adjustment to university life, capability to cope with challenges and psychological well-being. To make an appointment or learn more about the service, please contact us:

Appointment form:https://go.um.edu.mo/ue3vtd9b


Tel:8822 9000


Wechat Official Account: UM心輔


Disability Support Service: SAO provides disability support services so students with permanent or temporary disabilities can have equal opportunity in education, university life and other services in the university. If you have physical, visual, hearing, speech, learning or psychological impairment(s) which substantially limit your learning or activities of daily living, please contact SAO directly. SAO will assess your special educational needs and communicate with your instructor so as to provide you with the most appropriate support. To learn more about the service, please contact us:

Email: sao.disability@um.edu.mo

Tel: 8822 4901

Webpage: https://scs.sao.um.edu.mo/


Scam Prevention: Telephone scams, especially targeting university students, have become a serious problem in recent years. The University urges all students to raise their awareness of scam prevention. Any call from an unknown person, claiming to be from the police or a government department, accusing you of illegal activities, requesting you for an online investigation, conducting a fund inspection, or demanding bail payments, is a scam. If you encounter such situations, please contact the Resident Fellows of your Residential College or the Student Affairs Office immediately. The University will assist you in verifying the authenticity of the matter.

Email: sao@um.edu.mo

Tel: 8822 4901