E-mail: dianshi2000@126.com; yc37228@um.edu.mo
Supervisor: Prof. Jianhong Liu
Admission: 2023
Dianshi LI
- Ph.D. (Criminal and Procedural Law), University of Macau, Aug. 2023 –
- B.Econ. (Economic Statistics), Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Sep. 2018 – Jun. 2022
Research Area/Interests
- Computational Social Science
- Quantitative Methodology
- Applied Statistics
- Criminology
- AI for Medicine
[1] Liu, J.*, Li, D. M. (2024). Is Machine Learning Really Unsafe and Irresponsible in Social Sciences? Paradoxes and Reconsideration from Recidivism Prediction Tasks. Asian Journal Criminology, 19(2), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11417-024-09429-x. (2023 SSCI Q2, IF = 1.8, Category: Criminology & Penology) (Cover Article).
[2] Zhao, X.*, Li, D. M., Lai, Z. Z., Liu, P. L., Ao, S. H., & You, F. (2024). Percentage Coefficient (bp)–Effect Size Analysis (Theory Paper 1). arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.19495. (Category: Statistics)
[3] Gao, Q. †, Li, D. †, Wang, Y., Zhao, C., Li, M., Xiao, J., … & Wang, N.* (2024). Analysis of intestinal flora and cognitive function in maintenance hemodialysis patients using combined 16S ribosome DNA and shotgun metagenome sequencing. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 36(1), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40520-023-02645-y. (2022 SCIE Q2, IF = 4.0, Category: Geriatrics & Gerontology) (Cover Article).
[4] Chen, T., Xu, Y., Li, D.*, Li, Y. (2024). Learning in the context of uncertainty: the Academic Development Path of the First-generation Family College Students in the Elite University——Based on Perceived Informational Uncertainty, Knowledge Sharing and Personality Traits. (在不确定性视角下的学习:精英高校中家庭第一代大学生的学业发展路径——基于信息不确定性感知、知识分享与人格特质的路径分析). Modern Education Management. https://doi.rog/10.16697/j.1674-5485.2024.06.008. (CSSCI 2020, IF = 4.239, Category: Education).
[5] Chen, T., Li, D.*, Ju, Q. (2024). Who is Easier to “Baoyan”?——The development logic and operating mechanism of the “Baoyan” economy.(谁更容易保研——保研经济的生成逻辑与运行机制). Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/43.1381.g4.20240227.1133.012.html (CSSCI 2020, IF = 5.341, Category: Education).
[6] Chen, T., Ju, Q., Li, D.* (2022). Bonds and Shackles: An Empirical Analysis of Family Emotional Support and Motivational Pathways for Learning Engagement of First-Generation College Students Based on “China College Students’ Voice Survey” (纽带与桎梏:家庭情感支持与第一代大学生学习投入的激励路径——基于“大学生心声调查项目”的实证分析), Journal of Hebei Normal University (Educational Science) (04), 49-60. https://doi.rog/10.13763/j.cnki.jhebnu.ese.2022.04.006 (CSSCI 2020, IF = 2.995, Category: Education).
Awards/Other Information
Academic Activities
- Reviewer of Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (2022 SSCI Q1 top1, IF = 3.5, Nature-branded journal, Category: Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary) the second time
- Reviewer of Social Forces (2022 SSCI Q1, IF = 4.8, Category: Sociology)
- Reviewer of Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (2022 SSCI Q1 top1, IF = 3.5, Nature-branded journal, Category: Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary)
- Reviewer of Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS, Top-tier Conference in Asia, Category: Computer Sciences)
- Assistant Reviewer of Journal of Consumer Research (2022 SSCI Q1, IF = 7.2, Category: Business)
- Reviewer of Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics (Category: Business)
- Reviewer of CSWIM 2022 (The 15th China Summer Workshop on Information Management) (Category: Computer Sciences)
- Associate Editor of Interdisciplinary Social Research Reports (Category: Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary), 2024 –
- Managing Editor of Annual Conference of Asian Criminological Society (Category: Criminology & Penology), 2024 –
Welcome to visit my google scholar profile:
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0002-3469-2917
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dianshi-Li-3