
E-mail: yb97202@um.edu.mo

Supervisor: Xiaobo ZHAI

Admission: 2019

He Huang


  • PhD specializations:
    Constitutional Law, Basic Law and Administrative Law
  • Master:
    2016-2018 吉林师范大学 法律(法学)专业 法律硕士(刑法方向)
  • Bachelor:
    2008-2012 郑州大学 法律专业
    2003-2007 Griffith College Dublin Ireland  BABS Business study

Research Area/Interests

Research about  causes and prevention of corruption crimes and suggestion and countermeasure of anti-corruption in the reform of supervision system.Try to collect the relevant anti-corruption laws and cases in New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan, to understand the background of these laws and the original intention of the government, their specific application situation, and  the advantages of these laws or the problems and differences in their use. Comparing the anti-corruption characteristics of these countries and regions.


1、浅谈诚实守信原则 [J]. 法制博览,2018(1):169

2、我国公共法律服务体系中的问题与对策 [J]. 产业与科技论坛,2018,17(8):46-47
