Macau Law Review
2024 No.2 (Serial No.56)
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Invited Articles
Outline of China’s Human Rights Knowledge System  Chen Youwu & Li Buyun
On the Chinese Legal System and Its Revival Wang Limin
Peer-Reviewed Articles
The Reform and Prospects about the Criminal Hearsay Rules in the Common Law System He Bangwu
Study on the Offence Form of the Crime of Abuse of Power Typologily  Zhou Mingchuan
Challenges and Responses of AIGC to Inventor Recognition Standards—— Finding a way to Integrate Deontology and Utilitarianism Zhang Huibin & Wang Huaibin
On the Subjects and Competence of the System of Supervisors for the Execution of Reorganization Plans Hu Shouxin
Institutional Logic and Practical Advancement of the Central Authorization of Making Alternative Provisions Yang Zhen
The Human Rights Protection Dimension of Humility in Criminal Law: Connotation, Position, and Implementation Path Lai Zhuiwen
Hong Kong and Macau Legal Studies
Research on the Legal Attribute of the “Hong Kong and Macao Related Decision” of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress  Lao Hio Weng & Wang Hua
An Analysis of the Application of Article 18 of the Macao Trust Law Jiang Xuelian
Interregional Legal Studies
Research on Cross-Border Rules of Financial Data in the Greater Bay Area Based on Comparative LawTan Xiao
Application of Law in Cross-Border Insolvency Cases between the Mainland and Macau  Ma Zhe
Extraterritorial Legal Studies
Constitutional Review of Portuguese Legislation on Medical Assisted Death and its EnlightenmentZhang Yihe
Natural Law in the Middle and Late Russian Empire and its Influence on State and Law theoryLiu Qiucen & Eлизавета Aлександровна Фролова