(853) 8822 4091
E32 – 3018
Faculty of Law (FLL),
University of Macau, E32,
Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China.
Consultation Hours
Tuesday 10h00~11h00
Wednesday 10h00~11h00
Associate Professor
Programme Coordinator of Master of Law in European Union Law, International and Comparative Law (English Language)
Other Roles
- Coordinator of Master / Postgraduate of Law in European Union Law (English), International and Comparative Law (English)
Academic Qualifications
- Master of Law, Juridical Political Sciences, University of Coimbra
- Master of Law, Public and Private International Law, University of Nice
- Post-Graduate Studies in European Community Law, Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes Internationales, Nice, France
- Post-Graduate Studies in International Relations, Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes Internationales, Nice, France
- Bachelor of Law, University of Coimbra
Teaching Areas
- Economic Integration Law
- Law of European Union
- Institutional Law of the European Union
- Economic Law of the European Union
Research Interests
- Research Interests cover: International Law and European Union Law, with a focus on the following subject-matters: Paradigm-shifts in the legal orders, Global and regional constitutionalism, Linkages between legal orders and systems, Dispute settlement means and methods, Jurisprudence of international and regional courts and Water law
- “A Comunidade dos Paises de Lingua Portuguesa – Para um Discurso Juridico sobre a sua identidade e um seu Programa de accao” (The Community of the Portuguese Speaking Countries – For a Legal Discourse on its Identity and Programme of Action) – Article published in Coloquio de Direito Internacional – Comunidade dos Paises de Lingua Portuguesa, Coimbra, 2003, pp. 23-106
- “Water Law: the View Projected by the Epistemic Community” i) Paper presented at the V th International Law Seminar organized by the Permanent Court of Arbitration on “Resolution of International Water Disputes”, The Hague, The Netherlands, October, 2002 ii) Article published in The Permanent Court of Arbitration/Peace Palace Papers, Resolution of International Water Disputes, The Hague, February 2003, Kluwer Law International, ISBN, 90-411-2029-7, pp. 371-416
- “O mecanismo de resolucao de litigios da Organizacao Mundial do Comercio” (The mechanism of disputes settlement of the WTO) – Paper presented to the Congress “Angola and International Law”, organized by Foundation Eduardo dos Santos, Luanda, Angola, August, 2002
- “A Globalizacao e a adequacao dos mecanismos de resolucao de litigios da Organizacao Mundial do Comercio” (Globalization and the adequacy of the mechanism of disputes settlement of the WTO) i) Paper presented to the Summer Seminar of the Centre of European Studies of the Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra, on “A Globalizacao e a Organizacao Mundial do Comercio”, Coimbra, Portugal, July, 2002 ii) Article: to appear in the Revista de Direito da Faculdade de Direito de Aaras, Sao Paulo, Brasil: forthcoming
- “A Europa na encruzilhada constituinte” (Europe at the constitutional crossroads) – Paper presented to the Palestra Comemorativa do Dia da Europa”, organised by the Associacao dos Estudantes de Estudos Europeus de Coimbra, held in Avelar, Portugal, May, 2002
- “Jogo de Espelhos?: Constitucionalizacao do Direito Internacional e Internacionalizacao do Direito Constitucional” (Mirrors’ game?: The constitutionalisation of International law or the internationalisation of Constitutional Law”) – Paper presented to the Congress “O Direito e o Estado no Novo Milenio, jointly organised by the Universidade Salgado de Oliveira and the Instituto Luso-Brasileiro de Direito Publico, Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, April, 2002
- “The evolution of International Water Law” – Keynote address to the OSCE Conference on “Cooperation for the sustainable use and protection of water” , held in Baku, Azerbaijan, March 2002
- “New Era in Luso-Spanish Relations in the Management of Shared Basins? The Challenge of Sustainability” i) Paper presented to the Conference “Exploitation and Management of Natural Resources in the 21st Century: The Challenge of Sustainable Development”, held in Queen Mary College, London, United Kingdom, on October 2001 ii) Article published in Malgosia Fitzmaurice and M. Szuniewicz (eds.), Exploitation of Natural Resources in the 21st Century, London, Kluwer Law International, 2003, pp. 191-234
- “Do ‘Mare Clausum’ ao ‘Mare Commune’?As vicosas mutacoes do Direito Internacional do Mar” (From Mare Clausum to Mare Commune? The promising mutations of the International Law of the Sea) – Article published by Revista Juridica da Associacao Academica da Universidade de Lisboa , 2001, n. 24, pp. 11-24 (appeared equally, with some changes, in www.ciberkiosk.pt )
- “The issue of Transboundary Rivers “Developments of Institutional International Water Law in Southern Africa” i) Paper presented to the Conference “Implementing Transboundary River Conventions, with emphasis on the Portuguese-Spanish Case: Challenges and Opportunities”, held in Oporto, Portugal, on March 2001 and organized by the Luso-American Foundation and the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto ii) Article “The issue of Transboundary Rivers in Southern Africa”, published in Luso-American Foundation, Implementing Transboundary River Conventions, with emphasis on the Portuguese-Spanish Case: Challenges and Opportunities, Lisbon, Portugal, 2003, ISBN 972-8654-06-5, pp. 209-248 iii) a lengthier version, entitled Article “The issue of Transboundary Rivers in Southern Africa: Heading for Fratricidal Water Wars or Towards Cooperation in the Protection and Sustainable Utilization of International Watefdsfsdrs?”, to be published soon, also by Luso-American Foundation
- “O Direito dos Conflitos Armados perante os desafios do presente: os conflitos das águas” (“The Law of Armed Conflicts in view of the Challenges of Today: The Water Wars”) – Paper presented to the Course of Generals of the Naval War College of Portugal, Lisboa, March, 2001
- “Os problemas do licenciamento no actual quadro jurídico institucional vigente em Portugal” (“Problems of licensing in the present Portuguese legal and institutional order”) – Paper presented to the Conference “Reforma da Legislação da Água” (“Reviewing the Water Laws”), Tomar, Portugal, February 2001
- “A intervencao armada e o Caso do Kosovo – Novos Elementos para a Construcao de uma Nova Ordem Internacional?” – Article published in Nacao e Defesa, 2001, n. 97, pp. 75-134
- “New Thinking in Regional International Water Laws?” – Paper sent to the 2000 Water Seminar “Globalization and Water Management: The Changing Value of Water”, organized by the University of Dundee, in association with the American Water Resources Association, Dundee, Scotland, August, 2000
- “Do ‘Mare Clausum’ ao ‘Mare Commune’? Em busca do Fio de Ariadne atraves de cinco seculos de regulacao juridica” (From Mare Clausum to Mare Commune? In Search of the Ariadne string through Five Centuries of International Law of the Sea) i) Paper presented at the Conference “Portugal-Brasil: ano 2000”, held in Coimbra, Portugal, 2000 ii) Article: to be published in 2004 by Ius Gentium Conimbrigae
- “Nova Era nas relacoes luso-espanholas em materia de agua?” (New Era in the Water domain?) i) Paper presented to the Conference “A nova Convencao Luso-Espanhola no dominio das aguas”, held in Coimbra, Portugal, on April 1999 and jointly organized by the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra and the Center of the University of Coimbra ii) Article to be published in 2004 in a special edition of Revista do CEDOUA
- “O Futuro do Direito Internacional da Agua” (The Future of International Water Law) i) Paper presented at Conference “Shared Water Systems and Transboundary Issues, With Special Emphasis on the Iberian Peninsula”, Lisbon, Portugal, March, 1999 ii) Article published as “The Future of International Water Law”, in Luso-American Foundation, Shared Water Systems and Transboundary Issues, With Special Emphasis on the Iberian Peninsula, Lisbon, Portugal, 2000, ISBN 972-98255-4-8, pp. 149-216
- “An individual right to a healthy environment? Some thoughts on the issue” – Paper presented to the Course on Human Rights, organized by the Centre for Human Rights of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, 1998 and 1999
- “Evolucão do Regime Jurídico da Relacão Rio-Mar: Rumo a um Direito (integrado) das águas?” i) Paper presented to the Conference “Towards the International Protection of the Oceans : from Rules to Compliance”, organized by ECOJUS and held in Lisbon, Portugal, 1998 ii) Article published in Revista Jurídica do Urbanismo e do Ambiente, 2004, n. 21, pp. 155-228
- “European and International Water Regulation: A Summary of Trends” – Paper presented to the Second Annual International Water Seminar : “Water’98: Legal and Regulatory Issues”, organized by the University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, 1998
- “De quantas Cartas se faz a paz internacional?” (Of how many Charters is international peace to be made?) i) Article published in Vértice, 1996, pp. 5 27, as well as in ii) Antunes Varela, Diogo Freitas do Amaral, Jorge Miranda e JJ. Gomes Canotilho (eds.), Ab Uno Ad Omnes. 75 Anos da Coimbra Editora, Coimbra., Portugal, 1999, pp. 1005-1060
- “The Community of the Portuguese Speaking Countries (2) – Subsidies for the Definition of the Identity of a Novel International Organization” – Article published in Verfassung und Recht in Übersee – Law and Politics in Africa and Latin America, 1998, 31 Jhg., nº 3, pp. 268-301
- “The Community of the Portuguese Speaking Countries (1) – Subsidies for the Definition of the Identity of a Novel International Organization” – Article published in Verfassung und Recht in Übersee – Law and Politics in Africa and Latin America, 1998, 31 Jhg., nº 2, pp. 122-150
- “Sinais de (nova) Modernidade no Direito Internacional da Água” (Signs of (a new) Modernity in International Water Law) – Article published in Nação e Defesa, 1998, nº 86, 101-129
- “Novos Rumos do Direito da Água: a caminho de uma revolução (tranquila)?” (New Avenues on the Development of (Community) Water Law: towards a (peaceful) revolution?) – Article published in Revista do Centro de Estudos de Direito do Ordenamento do Urbanismo e do Ambiente, 1998, nº1, pp.11-36
- “Portugal’s Discourse and Action on International Water Law Issues” i) Paper presented to the Conference “Water 98″. Dundee, Scotland, June 1998, ii) Article: forthcoming
- “Portugal e as Convenções Internacionais em matéria de Ambiente” – Article published in Janus 97. Anuário de Relações Externas, 1998, pp. 134-135
- “O Reenvio Prejudicial: um mecanismo de integração através da Cooperação de Juízes – Apontamentos sobre uma história (ainda?) de sucesso” i) Paper presented to the Conference “Community Law; The Role of Judges” at the Center on Judiciary Studies; Lisboa, Portugal, 1997 ii) Article published in Temas de Integração, 2º Vol., 1º Semestre de 1997, pp. 101-158
- “Intervenção de Paulo Canelas de Castro: “Para que os rios unam: um projecto de Convenção sobre a cooperação para a protecção e a utilização equilibrada e duradoura dos cursos de água luso-espanhóis”” (Paulo Canelas de Castro’s contribution: So that rivers unite: a Project of Convention on the cooperation for the protection and sustainable development of the Luso-Spanish watercourses) i) Paper presented to the Conference “Portugal – Espanha: O que separa também une” on the 10th anniversary of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa. Lisboa, Portugal. Novembro de 1996 ii) Article published in Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Conferência Portugal – Espanha, Lisboa, 1997, pp. 53-90
- “Intervenção Humanitária e Assistência Humanitária no Pós-Guerra Fria: lembrança do passado e esperança num futuro mais humano?” i) Paper presented to a Conference in the Naval War College – Instituto Superior Naval de Guerra, 1997 ii) Article: published in Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, 2003, vol. 15, pp.165-187, forthcoming
- “Management of Transboundary Rivers of the Iberian Peninsula: Problems and Prospects: Looking ahead” i) Paper presented to a NATO Scientific Seminar on “Management of Transboundary Watercourses: Theory and Practice”, Moscow, Russia, 21-24 October 1997 ii) Article: forthcoming
- “The Judgement in the Case Concerning the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project: Positive Signs for the Evolution of International Water Law” – Article in Yearbook of International Environmental Law, 1997, vol. 8, pp. 21-31
- “A Comunidade dos Paises de Lingua Portuguesa e Macau” i) Paper presented during the Ciclo de Conferencias sobre “O Tratado de 1887 e as Relacoes Luso-Chinesas” organised by the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, Portugal, November, 1997 ii) Article published in Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, ano V, 2001, vol. 11, pp. 161-170
- “O Regime Jurídico das Utilizações dos Cursos de Água Internacionais no Projecto da Comissão de Direito Internacional” (The International Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses in the Project of the International Law Commission) – Article published in Revista Jurídica do Urbanismo e do Ambiente, 1996, nºs 5/6, pp. 141-162
- “Portugal and the Right of Peoples to Self Determination” – Article (in collaboration with Dr. Miguel Galvao Teles) published in Archiv des Volkerrechts, nº 34, 1, 1996, pp. 2 46
- “Da não intervenção à intervenção? O movimento do pêndulo juridico perante as necessidades da comunidade internacional” i) Article published in Instituto de Defesa Nacional, A Ingerencia e o Direito internacional. XIV Jornadas IDN/ CESEDEN, 1996, pp. 77 129 and in ii) Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, 1995, vol. LXXI, pp. 287-345
- “O direito internacional humanitário e a Universidade” – Paper presented at the Portuguese Red Cross Seminar, Lisbon, Portugal, 1996
- O direito da guerra” – Paper presented at the Military Academy, Lisbon, Portugal, 1996
- “Os novos caminhos do Direito Internacional Humanitário” – Paper-commentary presented at the discussion of Dr. Luís Nunes de Almeida’s conference on International Humanitarian Law, organized by the Portuguese Red Cross, Lisbon, Portugal, 1996
- “Modernas tendências do Direito Internacional Fluvial e a questão dos rios Luso-Espanhóis” (Modern Trends in the field of International Water Law and the question of the Luso-Spanish rivers) – Paper presented at the I Seminar of International Law on “As relações entre os Povos de Língua Portuguesa” (the relationship between Portuguese-speaking Peoples), organized by the Interdisciplinary Centre of Studies in Law at the Salgado de Oliveira University and by the Ius Gentium Conimbrigae of the Unviersity of Coimbra, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 1996
- “Modernas tendências do Direito Internacional na utilização dos rios comuns” (Modern trends of International Law on the uses of shared rivers) – Paper presented to a Conference at UNICID – Cidade de São Paulo University, São Paulo, Brasil, 1996
- “Novas tendências no relacionamento entre juízes comunitários e juízes nacionais?” – Paper presented for the 10th Year Commemoration of the Association of Law and European Economics, Coimbra, Portugal, 1996
- “O direito comunitário e o Tribunal de Justiça da Comunidade Europeia” – Paper presented at the Forum of Magistrates of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1996
- “Métodos de solução pacífica dos conflitos internacionais”- Paper presented at the I Brazil-Portugal Juridical Conference, organized by the Faculty of Law of the Metropolitanas Unidas University, São Paulo, Brazil, 1996
- “Direito comunitário e espaços de integração” – Paper presented at the I Brasil-Portugal Juridical Conference, organized by the Faculty of Law of the Metropolitanas Unidas University, São Paulo, Brazil, 1996
- “O Tribunal de Justiça da Comunidade Europeia” – Paper presented at the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil,1996
- “Evolução recente do Direito Internacional do Ambiente” (Recent Evolution of the International Law of the Environment”) – Paper presented at the Colloquium “Será necessário um Código do Ambiente?”, organized by the Centre of Studies of the Law of the Environment, Planning and Urbanism of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 1996
- “Um modelo de nova Convenção luso-espanhola para protecção dos cursos de água compartilhados” – Paper presented for the Iberian Association of the Riverine Municipalities of the Douro, Oporto, Portugal,1996
- “Portugal’s World Outlook in the Constitution of 1976” i) Portuguese report to the IVth World Congress on Constitutional Law, held in Tokyo, Japan, in 1995 ii) Article published in the Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, 1995, vol. LXXI, pp. 469-543
- “Uma perspectiva jurídica da ‘Questão de Timor’” – Paper presented at the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, Macau, Portugal, 1995
- “Modelos de organização jurídica da sociedade internacional” – Opening address of the International Public Law Course at the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, Macau, Portugal, 1995
- “Aplicação das Convencões de Direito Internacional Humanitário em Portugal” (“The enforcement of International Humanitarian Law in Portugal”) – Paper presented at the 1st Session of the International Humanitarian Law Course, organized by the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross of Macau, Macau, Portugal, 1995
- “Os meios de solução pacífica de conflitos internacionais” (“Peaceful settlement of international disputes”) – Paper presented at the 2nd Session of the International Humanitarian Law Course, organized by the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross of Macau, Macau, Portugal, 1995
- “Mutações e Constâncias do Direito Internacional do Ambiente” -Article published in Revista Jurídica do Urbanismo e do Ambiente, 1994, nº 2, pp. 145 183
- “Das demokratische Portugal und das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Volker Der Fall Ost Timor” i) Paper presented for the conference at the University of Heidelberg, Germany on “II Luso German Law” – 1992 ii) Article published in E. Jayme (Hrsg.) Deutsch-Lusitanische Rechtstage. Baden-Baden. Nomos Verlag, 1994, pp. 152-175
- “Constitucionalidade do Sistema da Liquidação Coactiva Administrativa de Estabelecimentos Bancários” – Article published in collaboration with Professor Gomes Canotilho in Revista da Banca, n.23, 1992, pp.57 87
- “East Timor : the Portuguese Position” – Paper presented at the conference “Indonesia’s Occupation of East Timor : Legal Questions”, organized by the Catholic Institute for International Relations and by the Platform of Jurists for East Timor, London Law Society, London, England – 1992
- “O Caso de Timor Leste” – Paper presented for the Instituto Universitario Cristao Justiça e Paz, Coimbra, Portugal, 1992
- “Mutações e Constâncias do Direito da Neutralidade” Master’s Thesis presented for the Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra, Portugal 1992 (forthcoming)
- “Vers un Espace Européen nouveau?. Objectifs et dilemmes d’un rapport plus ambitieux entre les Communautés et les pays de l’AELE” – Article published in Balmond, L.; Stephanou, C. and Torrelli, M.. Les Relations Inter Européennes, Paris, France, PUF, 1990
- “Lições de Direito Internacional Público II” – Course lessons published (in collaboration with Dr. Barbosa de Melo), Coimbra : Roneotyped, 1990
- “Les relations Communauté Etats neutres” Paper presented to the Hellenic French Conference on International and European Community Law, Chios, Greece, 1989
- “The Political System of Switzerland” Paper presented to the Faculty of Law, University of Turku, Finland, in the framework of a conference on “Neutrality and the European Community” 1989
- “Switzerland and the European Community : Various Juridicial Obstacles to a Closer Relationship” Paper presented to the Faculty of Law, University of Turku, Finland, in the framework of a conference on “Neutrality and the European Community” 1989
- “Notas sobre o direito de asilo e dos refugiados e sobre o respectivo procedimento de reconhecimento” Post Graduate paper presented for the Master’s Programme at the Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal 1988
- “Rapports entre le droit international et le droit interne: la problématique dans la Constitution portugaise de 1976″ Master’s (DEA) thesis presented at the Insititut du Droit de la Paix et du Développement, Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Economiques, University of Nice, Nice, France 1987
- “Mutations de la Neutralité” – Post graduate thesis presented at the Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes Internationales, Nice, France 1987
- “Breves notas sobre a licitude dos motivos do direito à greve” – Undergraduate paper presented at the Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal 1984
Selected Publications
- “Transição de paradigmas no direito internacional da água”, in Luís Veiga da Cunha et al. (eds.), Reflexos da Água, Lisboa, 2007, pp. 104-105;
- “Globalização e Direito Internacional: Recurso ao Estado de Direito nas Relações Internacionais?”, in Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, Nos 20 Anos do Código das Sociedades Comerciais. Homenagem aos Profs. Doutores A. Ferrer Correia, Orlando de Carvalho e Vasco Lobo Xavier, Vol. III, Várias, Coimbra, 2007, Coimbra Editora, pp. 759-824;
- “Climate Change and Adaptive Water Management – How Much Adaptation does EU Water Law Need?”, Working Paper, The World Jurist Association, November 2007;
- Recent Developments in Water Law. Principles and Comparative Cases, published by Luso-American Foundation in 2006;
- “Globalisation and its Impact on International Law: Towards an International Rule of Law?”, Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, vol. 20, 2006, pp. 223-282 (came out in 2007);
- “Cambiamento dei paradigmi nella legislazione internazionale e europea a tutela delle acque”, Rivista Giuridica dell’Ambiente, 2006, n°6, pp. 829-853;
- “Do efeito directo do artigo 33° do Acordo TRIPS”, in FDULx., (ed.), Homenagem ao Professor Doutor André Gonçalves Pereira, Coimbra, 2006, Coimbra Editora, pp. 747-801 (with Gomes Canotilho);
- “A nova geração dos tratados internacionais sobre águas no contexto da África Austral: Rumo à sustentabilidade”, in Carlos Alberto de Bragança (Coord.), 5° Congresso Ibérico, Gestão e Planeamento da Água – Bacias Partilhadas, Bases para a Gestão Sustentável da Água e do Território, FCT, 2006, Lisboa, pp. 115-116;
- “Mudança de Paradigmas no Direito Internacional da Água? As “ Regras de Berlim” da Associação de Direito Internacional”, in Carlos Alberto de Bragança (Coord.), 5° Congresso Ibérico, Gestão e Planeamento da Água – Bacias Partilhadas, Bases para a Gestão Sustentável da Água e do Território, FCT, 2006, Lisboa, pp.125-126;
- “Nova Era nas Relações Luso-Espanholas na Gestão das Bacias Partilhadas? Em busca da Sustentabilidade”, in J.J. Gomes Canotilho (org.), O regime jurídico internacional dos rios transfronteiriços, Coimbra, 2006, Coimbra Editora, pp. 75-144.
- “Locus Standi of Private Applicants to the European Court of Justice – Sisyphus’s works?”, Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, vol. 17, 2004, pp. 15-44 (came out in 2006);
- “Freshwaters-Sea Interface: Emerging Legal Field?”, Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, 2004, n°16, pp. 179-220 (2006);
- “Evolução do regime jurídico da relação rio-mar: rumo a um Direito (integrado) das águas?”, in Revista Jurídica do Urbanismo e do Ambiente, Ns. 21/22, Junho-Dezembro 2004, pp. 159-232 (2005);
- “Water Law: the View Projected by the Epistemic Community”, in The Permanent Court of Arbitration/Peace Palace Papers, Resolution of International Water Disputes, The Hague, February 2003, Kluwer Law International, pp. 371-416, (2004).
- “New Age in the Luso-Spanish Relations in the Management of Shared Basins? The Challenge of Cooperation in the Protection and Sustainable Utilisation of Waters” – Article published in Luso-American Foundation, Implementing Transboundary River Conventions, with emphasis on the Portuguese-Spanish Case: Challenges and Opportunities, Lisbon, Portugal, 2003, ISBN 972-8654-06-5, pp. 65-93
- “A Comunidade dos Paises de Lingua Portuguesa – Para um Discurso Juridico sobre a sua identidade e um seu Programa de accao” (The Community of the Portuguese Speaking Countries – For a Legal Discourse on its Identity and Programme of Action) – Article published in Coloquio de Direito Internacional – Comunidade dos Paises de Lingua Portuguesa, Coimbra, 2003, pp. 23-106
- “Water Law: the View Projected by the Epistemic Community” i) Paper presented at the V th International Law Seminar organized by the Permanent Court of Arbitration on “Resolution of International Water Disputes”, The Hague, The Netherlands, October, 2002 ii) Article published in The Permanent Court of Arbitration/Peace Palace Papers, Resolution of International Water Disputes, The Hague, February 2003, Kluwer Law International, ISBN, 90-411-2029-7, pp. 371-416
- “O mecanismo de resolucao de litigios da Organizacao Mundial do Comercio” (The mechanism of disputes settlement of the WTO) – Paper presented to the Congress “Angola and International Law”, organized by Foundation Eduardo dos Santos, Luanda, Angola, August, 2002
- “A Globalizacao e a adequacao dos mecanismos de resolucao de litigios da Organizacao Mundial do Comercio” (Globalization and the adequacy of the mechanism of disputes settlement of the WTO) i) Paper presented to the Summer Seminar of the Centre of European Studies of the Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra, on “A Globalizacao e a Organizacao Mundial do Comercio”, Coimbra, Portugal, July, 2002 ii) Article: to appear in the Revista de Direito da Faculdade de Direito de Aaras, Sao Paulo, Brasil: forthcoming
- “A Europa na encruzilhada constituinte” (Europe at the constitutional crossroads) – Paper presented to the Palestra Comemorativa do Dia da Europa”, organised by the Associacao dos Estudantes de Estudos Europeus de Coimbra, held in Avelar, Portugal, May, 2002
- “Jogo de Espelhos?: Constitucionalizacao do Direito Internacional e Internacionalizacao do Direito Constitucional” (Mirrors’ game?: The constitutionalisation of International law or the internationalisation of Constitutional Law”) – Paper presented to the Congress “O Direito e o Estado no Novo Milenio, jointly organised by the Universidade Salgado de Oliveira and the Instituto Luso-Brasileiro de Direito Publico, Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, April, 2002
- “The evolution of International Water Law” – Keynote address to the OSCE Conference on “Cooperation for the sustainable use and protection of water” , held in Baku, Azerbaijan, March 2002
- “New Era in Luso-Spanish Relations in the Management of Shared Basins? The Challenge of Sustainability” i) Paper presented to the Conference “Exploitation and Management of Natural Resources in the 21st Century: The Challenge of Sustainable Development”, held in Queen Mary College, London, United Kingdom, on October 2001 ii) Article published in Malgosia Fitzmaurice and M. Szuniewicz (eds.), Exploitation of Natural Resources in the 21st Century, London, Kluwer Law International, 2003, pp. 191-234
- “Do ‘Mare Clausum’ ao ‘Mare Commune’?As vicosas mutacoes do Direito Internacional do Mar” (From Mare Clausum to Mare Commune? The promising mutations of the International Law of the Sea) – Article published by Revista Juridica da Associacao Academica da Universidade de Lisboa , 2001, n. 24, pp. 11-24 (appeared equally, with some changes, in www.ciberkiosk.pt )
- “The issue of Transboundary Rivers “Developments of Institutional International Water Law in Southern Africa” i) Paper presented to the Conference “Implementing Transboundary River Conventions, with emphasis on the Portuguese-Spanish Case: Challenges and Opportunities”, held in Oporto, Portugal, on March 2001 and organized by the Luso-American Foundation and the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto ii) Article “The issue of Transboundary Rivers in Southern Africa”, published in Luso-American Foundation, Implementing Transboundary River Conventions, with emphasis on the Portuguese-Spanish Case: Challenges and Opportunities, Lisbon, Portugal, 2003, ISBN 972-8654-06-5, pp. 209-248 iii) a lengthier version, entitled Article “The issue of Transboundary Rivers in Southern Africa: Heading for Fratricidal Water Wars or Towards Cooperation in the Protection and Sustainable Utilization of International Watefdsfsdrs?”, to be published soon, also by Luso-American Foundation
- “O Direito dos Conflitos Armados perante os desafios do presente: os conflitos das águas” (“The Law of Armed Conflicts in view of the Challenges of Today: The Water Wars”) – Paper presented to the Course of Generals of the Naval War College of Portugal, Lisboa, March, 2001
- “Os problemas do licenciamento no actual quadro jurídico institucional vigente em Portugal” (“Problems of licensing in the present Portuguese legal and institutional order”) – Paper presented to the Conference “Reforma da Legislação da Água” (“Reviewing the Water Laws”), Tomar, Portugal, February 2001
- “A intervencao armada e o Caso do Kosovo – Novos Elementos para a Construcao de uma Nova Ordem Internacional?” – Article published in Nacao e Defesa, 2001, n. 97, pp. 75-134
- “New Thinking in Regional International Water Laws?” – Paper sent to the 2000 Water Seminar “Globalization and Water Management: The Changing Value of Water”, organized by the University of Dundee, in association with the American Water Resources Association, Dundee, Scotland, August, 2000
- “Do ‘Mare Clausum’ ao ‘Mare Commune’? Em busca do Fio de Ariadne atraves de cinco seculos de regulacao juridica” (From Mare Clausum to Mare Commune? In Search of the Ariadne string through Five Centuries of International Law of the Sea) i) Paper presented at the Conference “Portugal-Brasil: ano 2000”, held in Coimbra, Portugal, 2000 ii) Article: to be published in 2004 by Ius Gentium Conimbrigae
- “Nova Era nas relacoes luso-espanholas em materia de agua?” (New Era in the Water domain?) i) Paper presented to the Conference “A nova Convencao Luso-Espanhola no dominio das aguas”, held in Coimbra, Portugal, on April 1999 and jointly organized by the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra and the Center of the University of Coimbra ii) Article to be published in 2004 in a special edition of Revista do CEDOUA
- “O Futuro do Direito Internacional da Agua” (The Future of International Water Law) i) Paper presented at Conference “Shared Water Systems and Transboundary Issues, With Special Emphasis on the Iberian Peninsula”, Lisbon, Portugal, March, 1999 ii) Article published as “The Future of International Water Law”, in Luso-American Foundation, Shared Water Systems and Transboundary Issues, With Special Emphasis on the Iberian Peninsula, Lisbon, Portugal, 2000, ISBN 972-98255-4-8, pp. 149-216
- “An individual right to a healthy environment? Some thoughts on the issue” – Paper presented to the Course on Human Rights, organized by the Centre for Human Rights of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, 1998 and 1999
- “Evolucão do Regime Jurídico da Relacão Rio-Mar: Rumo a um Direito (integrado) das águas?” i) Paper presented to the Conference “Towards the International Protection of the Oceans : from Rules to Compliance”, organized by ECOJUS and held in Lisbon, Portugal, 1998 ii) Article published in Revista Jurídica do Urbanismo e do Ambiente, 2004, n. 21, pp. 155-228
- “European and International Water Regulation: A Summary of Trends” – Paper presented to the Second Annual International Water Seminar : “Water’98: Legal and Regulatory Issues”, organized by the University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, 1998
- “De quantas Cartas se faz a paz internacional?” (Of how many Charters is international peace to be made?) i) Article published in Vértice, 1996, pp. 5 27, as well as in ii) Antunes Varela, Diogo Freitas do Amaral, Jorge Miranda e JJ. Gomes Canotilho (eds.), Ab Uno Ad Omnes. 75 Anos da Coimbra Editora, Coimbra., Portugal, 1999, pp. 1005-1060
- “The Community of the Portuguese Speaking Countries (2) – Subsidies for the Definition of the Identity of a Novel International Organization” – Article published in Verfassung und Recht in Übersee – Law and Politics in Africa and Latin America, 1998, 31 Jhg., nº 3, pp. 268-301
- “The Community of the Portuguese Speaking Countries (1) – Subsidies for the Definition of the Identity of a Novel International Organization” – Article published in Verfassung und Recht in Übersee – Law and Politics in Africa and Latin America, 1998, 31 Jhg., nº 2, pp. 122-150
- “Sinais de (nova) Modernidade no Direito Internacional da Água” (Signs of (a new) Modernity in International Water Law) – Article published in Nação e Defesa, 1998, nº 86, 101-129
- “Novos Rumos do Direito da Água: a caminho de uma revolução (tranquila)?” (New Avenues on the Development of (Community) Water Law: towards a (peaceful) revolution?) – Article published in Revista do Centro de Estudos de Direito do Ordenamento do Urbanismo e do Ambiente, 1998, nº1, pp.11-36
- “Portugal’s Discourse and Action on International Water Law Issues” i) Paper presented to the Conference “Water 98″. Dundee, Scotland, June 1998, ii) Article: forthcoming
- “Portugal e as Convenções Internacionais em matéria de Ambiente” – Article published in Janus 97. Anuário de Relações Externas, 1998, pp. 134-135
- “O Reenvio Prejudicial: um mecanismo de integração através da Cooperação de Juízes – Apontamentos sobre uma história (ainda?) de sucesso” i) Paper presented to the Conference “Community Law; The Role of Judges” at the Center on Judiciary Studies; Lisboa, Portugal, 1997 ii) Article published in Temas de Integração, 2º Vol., 1º Semestre de 1997, pp. 101-158
- “Intervenção de Paulo Canelas de Castro: “Para que os rios unam: um projecto de Convenção sobre a cooperação para a protecção e a utilização equilibrada e duradoura dos cursos de água luso-espanhóis”” (Paulo Canelas de Castro’s contribution: So that rivers unite: a Project of Convention on the cooperation for the protection and sustainable development of the Luso-Spanish watercourses) i) Paper presented to the Conference “Portugal – Espanha: O que separa também une” on the 10th anniversary of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa. Lisboa, Portugal. Novembro de 1996 ii) Article published in Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Conferência Portugal – Espanha, Lisboa, 1997, pp. 53-90
- “Intervenção Humanitária e Assistência Humanitária no Pós-Guerra Fria: lembrança do passado e esperança num futuro mais humano?” i) Paper presented to a Conference in the Naval War College – Instituto Superior Naval de Guerra, 1997 ii) Article: published in Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, 2003, vol. 15, pp.165-187, forthcoming
- “Management of Transboundary Rivers of the Iberian Peninsula: Problems and Prospects: Looking ahead” i) Paper presented to a NATO Scientific Seminar on “Management of Transboundary Watercourses: Theory and Practice”, Moscow, Russia, 21-24 October 1997 ii) Article: forthcoming
- “The Judgement in the Case Concerning the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project: Positive Signs for the Evolution of International Water Law” – Article in Yearbook of International Environmental Law, 1997, vol. 8, pp. 21-31
- “A Comunidade dos Paises de Lingua Portuguesa e Macau” i) Paper presented during the Ciclo de Conferencias sobre “O Tratado de 1887 e as Relacoes Luso-Chinesas” organised by the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, Portugal, November, 1997 ii) Article published in Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, ano V, 2001, vol. 11, pp. 161-170
- “O Regime Jurídico das Utilizações dos Cursos de Água Internacionais no Projecto da Comissão de Direito Internacional” (The International Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses in the Project of the International Law Commission) – Article published in Revista Jurídica do Urbanismo e do Ambiente, 1996, nºs 5/6, pp. 141-162
- “Portugal and the Right of Peoples to Self Determination” – Article (in collaboration with Dr. Miguel Galvao Teles) published in Archiv des Volkerrechts, nº 34, 1, 1996, pp. 2 46
- “Da não intervenção à intervenção? O movimento do pêndulo juridico perante as necessidades da comunidade internacional” i) Article published in Instituto de Defesa Nacional, A Ingerencia e o Direito internacional. XIV Jornadas IDN/ CESEDEN, 1996, pp. 77 129 and in ii) Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, 1995, vol. LXXI, pp. 287-345
- “O direito internacional humanitário e a Universidade” – Paper presented at the Portuguese Red Cross Seminar, Lisbon, Portugal, 1996
- O direito da guerra” – Paper presented at the Military Academy, Lisbon, Portugal, 1996
- “Os novos caminhos do Direito Internacional Humanitário” – Paper-commentary presented at the discussion of Dr. Luís Nunes de Almeida’s conference on International Humanitarian Law, organized by the Portuguese Red Cross, Lisbon, Portugal, 1996
- “Modernas tendências do Direito Internacional Fluvial e a questão dos rios Luso-Espanhóis” (Modern Trends in the field of International Water Law and the question of the Luso-Spanish rivers) – Paper presented at the I Seminar of International Law on “As relações entre os Povos de Língua Portuguesa” (the relationship between Portuguese-speaking Peoples), organized by the Interdisciplinary Centre of Studies in Law at the Salgado de Oliveira University and by the Ius Gentium Conimbrigae of the Unviersity of Coimbra, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 1996
- “Modernas tendências do Direito Internacional na utilização dos rios comuns” (Modern trends of International Law on the uses of shared rivers) – Paper presented to a Conference at UNICID – Cidade de São Paulo University, São Paulo, Brasil, 1996
- “Novas tendências no relacionamento entre juízes comunitários e juízes nacionais?” – Paper presented for the 10th Year Commemoration of the Association of Law and European Economics, Coimbra, Portugal, 1996
- “O direito comunitário e o Tribunal de Justiça da Comunidade Europeia” – Paper presented at the Forum of Magistrates of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1996
- “Métodos de solução pacífica dos conflitos internacionais”- Paper presented at the I Brazil-Portugal Juridical Conference, organized by the Faculty of Law of the Metropolitanas Unidas University, São Paulo, Brazil, 1996
- “Direito comunitário e espaços de integração” – Paper presented at the I Brasil-Portugal Juridical Conference, organized by the Faculty of Law of the Metropolitanas Unidas University, São Paulo, Brazil, 1996
- “O Tribunal de Justiça da Comunidade Europeia” – Paper presented at the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil,1996
- “Evolução recente do Direito Internacional do Ambiente” (Recent Evolution of the International Law of the Environment”) – Paper presented at the Colloquium “Será necessário um Código do Ambiente?”, organized by the Centre of Studies of the Law of the Environment, Planning and Urbanism of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 1996
- “Um modelo de nova Convenção luso-espanhola para protecção dos cursos de água compartilhados” – Paper presented for the Iberian Association of the Riverine Municipalities of the Douro, Oporto, Portugal,1996
- “Portugal’s World Outlook in the Constitution of 1976” i) Portuguese report to the IVth World Congress on Constitutional Law, held in Tokyo, Japan, in 1995 ii) Article published in the Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, 1995, vol. LXXI, pp. 469-543
- “Uma perspectiva jurídica da ‘Questão de Timor’” – Paper presented at the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, Macau, Portugal, 1995
- “Modelos de organização jurídica da sociedade internacional” – Opening address of the International Public Law Course at the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, Macau, Portugal, 1995
- “Aplicação das Convencões de Direito Internacional Humanitário em Portugal” (“The enforcement of International Humanitarian Law in Portugal”) – Paper presented at the 1st Session of the International Humanitarian Law Course, organized by the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross of Macau, Macau, Portugal, 1995
- “Os meios de solução pacífica de conflitos internacionais” (“Peaceful settlement of international disputes”) – Paper presented at the 2nd Session of the International Humanitarian Law Course, organized by the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross of Macau, Macau, Portugal, 1995
- “Mutações e Constâncias do Direito Internacional do Ambiente” -Article published in Revista Jurídica do Urbanismo e do Ambiente, 1994, nº 2, pp. 145 183
- “Das demokratische Portugal und das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Volker Der Fall Ost Timor” i) Paper presented for the conference at the University of Heidelberg, Germany on “II Luso German Law” – 1992 ii) Article published in E. Jayme (Hrsg.) Deutsch-Lusitanische Rechtstage. Baden-Baden. Nomos Verlag, 1994, pp. 152-175
- “Constitucionalidade do Sistema da Liquidação Coactiva Administrativa de Estabelecimentos Bancários” – Article published in collaboration with Professor Gomes Canotilho in Revista da Banca, n.23, 1992, pp.57 87
- “East Timor : the Portuguese Position” – Paper presented at the conference “Indonesia’s Occupation of East Timor : Legal Questions”, organized by the Catholic Institute for International Relations and by the Platform of Jurists for East Timor, London Law Society, London, England – 1992
- “O Caso de Timor Leste” – Paper presented for the Instituto Universitario Cristao Justiça e Paz, Coimbra, Portugal, 1992
- “Mutações e Constâncias do Direito da Neutralidade” Master’s Thesis presented for the Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra, Portugal 1992 (forthcoming)
- “Vers un Espace Européen nouveau?. Objectifs et dilemmes d’un rapport plus ambitieux entre les Communautés et les pays de l’AELE” – Article published in Balmond, L.; Stephanou, C. and Torrelli, M.. Les Relations Inter Européennes, Paris, France, PUF, 1990
- “Lições de Direito Internacional Público II” – Course lessons published (in collaboration with Dr. Barbosa de Melo), Coimbra : Roneotyped, 1990
- “Les relations Communauté Etats neutres” Paper presented to the Hellenic French Conference on International and European Community Law, Chios, Greece, 1989
- “The Political System of Switzerland” Paper presented to the Faculty of Law, University of Turku, Finland, in the framework of a conference on “Neutrality and the European Community” 1989
- “Switzerland and the European Community : Various Juridicial Obstacles to a Closer Relationship” Paper presented to the Faculty of Law, University of Turku, Finland, in the framework of a conference on “Neutrality and the European Community” 1989
- “Notas sobre o direito de asilo e dos refugiados e sobre o respectivo procedimento de reconhecimento” Post Graduate paper presented for the Master’s Programme at the Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal 1988
- “Rapports entre le droit international et le droit interne: la problématique dans la Constitution portugaise de 1976″ Master’s (DEA) thesis presented at the Insititut du Droit de la Paix et du Développement, Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Economiques, University of Nice, Nice, France 1987
- “Mutations de la Neutralité” – Post graduate thesis presented at the Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes Internationales, Nice, France 1987
- “Breves notas sobre a licitude dos motivos do direito à greve” – Undergraduate paper presented at the Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal 1984
Professional Accreditation
- -Consultant of the Water Resources Committee of the International Law Association
- -Member of the Association for European Law and Economics, Coimbra, Portugal
- Member of the Deutsch Lusitanischen Juristenvereinigung, Heidelberg, Germany
- Member of the Association of Auditors of National Defense, Coimbra, Portugal
- – former Member of the Editorial Board of the Revista Jurídica do Urbanismo e do Ambiente (one of the two leading journals on Environmental and Natural Resources Law, as well as Planning Law in the Portuguese-Speaking world)
- -Member of the Editorial Board of the Revista do Centro de Direito do Ordenamento, do Urbanismo e Ambiente
- -Member of the Editorial Board of the Nação e Defesa (the leading journal on Security Questions in the Portuguese-Speaking world)