E-mail: yb77204@um.edu.mo; lichenforum@163.com
Supervisor: Alexandr SVETLICINII
Admission: 2017
Chen LI
- 2011.09-2015.06 East China University of Political Science and Law, Bachelor of Law, Jurisprudence (Civil and Commercial Law Oriented)
- 2015-08-2016.07 City University of Hong Kong, Master of Law, International Economic Law
- 2017.08-Present, University of Macau, Doctor of Philosophy in Law, International Business Law and Dispute Resolution
Research Area/Interests
Competition Law, Dispute Resolution, Artificial Intelligence and Law, Free Movement and Single Market.
08/2016 Responsibility Allocation in the Storm of Public Voice on the Internet (互聯網輿論風暴中的責任分配)
Published by Journal of Huaihua University (《懷化學院學報》)
10/2016 Deposit Insurance Management Organization’s Attribute of Public Law in China(試論我國存款保險管理機構的公法屬性)
Published by Journal of Lanzhou Institute of Education(《蘭州教育學院學報》)
03/2018 Decreasing the Boundary of the Public Power in Multiple Resolution System: Inspirations of Macau towards FTZ in Mainland China, Shanghai as an example. (壓縮公權力邊界:澳門對內地自貿區的啟示 ── 以上海自貿區為例)
Published by Academic Journal of One Country Two Systems(《“一國兩制”研究》)
03/2019 Precondition of acquiring antitrust tolerance: Distinguishing ‘sharing economy’ and its close concepts. (反壟斷豁免的前提:區分共享經濟與相鄰概念)
Published by Academic Journal of One Country Two Systems(《“一國兩制”研究》)
Awards/Other Information
Language: Chinese, English, Japanese, Portuguese