E-mail: r.vecelliosegate@connect.um.edu.mo
Supervisor: Rostam J. NEUWIRTH
Admission: 2018
- “Talent Program” PhD Candidate in International Law, University of Macau
- Master of Laws in Public International Law, Utrecht University
- Postgraduate Diploma in European and Global Governance, University of Bristol
- Diploma in Emergencies and Humanitarian Intervention, ISPI Milan
- Diploma in Development and International Cooperation, ISPI Milan
- Diploma in European Affairs, ISPI Milan
- Master of Arts in Piano Performance, State Conservatory of Music of Verona
- Bachelor of Arts in Piano Performance, State Conservatory of Music of Verona
Visiting Positions
- Information Society Law Center, University of Milan (2022)
- Center for Law & Technology, School of Law, University of California at Berkeley (2022)
- Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong (2020, deferred)
- School of Law, Tsinghua University in Beijing (2019)
- School of Music, University of Leeds (2016)
Research Areas
- Public International Law
- Diplomatic Law
- International Relations
- Private International Law
- Asian Regionalism
- EU Law
- PRC Law
- Canadian Law
- Law of Hong Kong SAR
- Law & Technology
- Law & Language
- Law as Performance
- Legal Theory
- Legal History
- Human Rights
- Intellectual Property
- Cultural Heritage Protection
- Security Governance
- Energy Markets
Selected Publications
- VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2022) «Shifting Privacy Rights from the Individual to the Group: A Re-adaptation of Algorithms Regulation to Address the Gestaltian Configuration of Groups», Loyola University Chicago Journal of Regulatory Compliance, 8, pp. 55-114, https://www.compliancelawjournal.com/compliancelawjournal/issue_viii/MobilePagedArticle.action?articleId=1793260#articleId1793260
- VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2022) «Navigating Lawyering in the Age of Neuroscience: Why Lawyers Can No Longer Do Without Emotions (Nor Could They Ever)», Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 40(1), https://doi.org/10.1080/18918131.2022.2042989
- VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2022) «Persecution and Labor Migrations due to Corporate “Environmental” Exploitation: Waiting for the UNHRC’s Binding Treaty on Transnational Business Activities?», Loyola University Chicago International Law Review, 18(1), pp. 31-74, https://lawecommons.luc.edu/lucilr/vol18/iss1/3/
- VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2022) «Horizontalizing insecurity, or securitizing privacy? Two narratives of a rule-of-law misalignment between a Special Administrative Region and its State», The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, https://doi.org/10.1093/cjcl/cxac002
- VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2022) «The first binding treaty on business and human rights: A deconstruction of the EU’s negotiating experience along the lines of institutional incoherence and legal theories», The International Journal of Human Rights, 26(1), pp. 122–159, https://doi.org/10.1080/13642987.2021.1895767
- VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2022) «Book Review: V. Cuzzocrea, B. G. Bello, & Y. Kazepov (eds.) (2020). Italian Youth in International Context: Belonging, Constraints and Opportunities», YOUNG – Nordic Journal of Youth Research, 30(3), pp. 297-299, https://doi.org/10.1177%2F11033088211025343
- VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2022) Case commentary to Kwok and Lui v Director of Lands and ors, Appeal decision, [2021] HKCA 54, ILDC 3271 (HK 2021), 13th January 2021, Hong Kong; High Court; High Court as Court of Appeal [HKCA], https://opil.ouplaw.com/view/10.1093/law-ildc/3271hk21.case.1/law-ildc-3271hk21
- VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2021) «Cognitive Bias, Privacy Rights, and Digital Evidence in International Criminal Proceedings: Demystifying the Double-Edged AI Revolution», International Criminal Law Review, 21(2), pp. 242-279, https://doi.org/10.1163/15718123-bja10048
- LORETO ILHÃO MOREIRA, João, and VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2021) «The “It” Arbitrator: Why Do Corporations Not Act as Arbitrators?», Journal of International Dispute Settlement, 12(4), pp. 525–557, https://doi.org/10.1093/jnlids/idab022
- VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2021) Case-commentary to ZN case, ZN v Secretary for Justice and ors, Last instance decision, [2019] HKCFA 53, (2020) 23 HKCFAR 15, 2 HKC 75, ILDC 3189 (HK 2020), 10th January 2020, Hong Kong; Court of Final Appeal [HKCFA], https://opil.ouplaw.com/view/10.1093/law-ildc/3189hk20.case.1/law-ildc-3189hk20
- VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2021) «India’s Tiraṅgā at the confluence of postcolonial nationalism, cosmopolitan aspirations, and chromatic social cognition: “Saffronising” democracy?», in Wagner, Anne, and Marusek, Sarah (eds) Flags, Color, and the Legal Narrative: Public Memory, Identity, and Critique, Berlin: Springer International, ISBN: 9783030328658, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-32865-8_19
- VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2021) Case-commentary to Kwok and ors v Chief Executive in Council and Secretary for Justice, Last instance decision, FACV 9/2020, [2020] HKCFA 42, ILDC 3225 (HK 2020), 21st December 2020, Hong Kong; Court of Final Appeal [HKCFA], https://opil.ouplaw.com/view/10.1093/law-ildc/3225hk20.case.1/law-ildc-3225hk20
- VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2021) «Hidden Hunger in Peacetime and Wartime: Retailoring the “Responsibility to Protect” to Food-Power Discourses in Burundi and North Korea, Between International Politics and International Law», North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation, 46(1), pp. 181-234, https://scholarship.law.unc.edu/ncilj/vol46/iss1/5/
- VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2020) Case-commentary to Comilang and Ahmed v Director of Immigration, Last instance decision, FACV 9/2018, [2019] HKCFA 10, ILDC 3084 (HK 2019), 2 HKC 492, (2019) 22 HKCFAR 59, 4th April 2019, Hong Kong; Court of Final Appeal [HKCFA], https://opil.ouplaw.com/view/10.1093/law-ildc/3084hk19.case.1/law-ildc-3084hk19
- VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2020) «Protecting Cultural Heritage by Recourse to International Environmental Law: Chinese Stances on Faultless State Liability», Hastings Environmental Law Journal, 27(1), pp. 153-227, https://repository.uchastings.edu/hastings_environmental_law_journal/vol27/iss1/5/
- VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2020) «Litigating trade secrets in China: An imminent pivot to cybersecurity?», Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 15(8), pp. 649-659, https://doi.org/10.1093/jiplp/jpaa092
- VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2020) «Securitizing Innovation to Protect Trade Secrets between “the East” and “the West”: A Neo-Schumpeterian Public Legal Reading», UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal, 37(1), pp. 59-126, https://doi.org/10.5070/P8371048804
- VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2020) «The Unified Patent Court and the frustrated promise of IP protection: Investors’ claims in (post-)Brexit Britain», Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 27(1), pp. 75-104, https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1023263X19896917
- VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2019) «Reconceptualising Musical Treasures in Italy, the EU and the World: The Functional Legacy of Performativity», Art Antiquity and Law, 24(3), pp. 199-222.
- VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2019) «Fragmenting Cybersecurity Norms Through the Language(s) of Subalternity: India in “the East” and the Global Community», Columbia Journal of Asian Law, 32(2), pp. 78-138, https://doi.org/10.7916/cjal.v32i2.3371
Selected Editorships and Peer Reviews
- Peer Reviewer, International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice (Elsevier, 2022)
- Member of the International Advisory Board, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law (Springer, 2021-…)
- Peer Reviewer, Energy Research and Social Science (Elsevier, 2021)
- Peer Reviewer, Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property (Elgar, 2021)
- Peer Reviewer, AI & Ethics (Springer, 2020)
- Executive Editor and Secretary, Utrecht Journal of International and European Law (Ubiquity Press, 2017-2019)
Selected Scholarly Conferences as a Panelist
- Two webinars on “Corporate social responsibility and human rights protection” and “Legal research in challenging scenarios” for the Center for Constitutionalism and Human Rights of the Vilnius-based European Humanities University, May 2022.
- “China Law, Trade, and IP” Certificate Series – Session 3: “Trade-Related Impacts – Improvements and New Challenges” – Panel 1: “Trade-Related IP Developments, Including Impact of the Phase 1 Trade Agreement”, Asia IP & Technology Law Project at the Center for Law & Technology of the University of California at Berkeley [held online], November 2021.
- Transatlantic Cultural Property Crime Symposium – “Combatting Cultural Property Crime: Innovations on the Intersection of Law and Cultural Property Crime”, University of Kent and Queen Mary University of London [held online], November 2021.
- Annual Conference of the American Society of Comparative Law – Younger Comparativists Committee Conference, University of Wisconsin-Madison [held online], October 2021.
- “Trade Secrets and the Digital Economy” Session of the “Intellectual Property and the Digital Economy” Online Course organized by the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS International) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and jointly sponsored by the Singapore Cooperation Programme and the United States Department of State under the Singapore-United States Third Country Training Programme (TCTP), September 2021.
- 18th Annual Colloquium of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law: “The Future of Environmental Law: Ambition and Reality”, University of Groningen [held online], June 2021.
- “Penalization of International Crimes in National Law” Conference, Polish Ministry of Justice’s Institute of Justice (Instytutu Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości) and Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw [held online], June 2021.
- “Transforming Evidence and Proof in International Criminal Trials” Conference, iCourts – the Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre of Excellence for International Courts at the University of Copenhagen [held online], April 2021.
- Geneva Digital Law Research Colloquium Online, University of Geneva, June 2020
- 2nd Intellectual Property and Innovation Researchers of Asia (IPIRA) Conference, Universitas Indonesia, February 2020.
- 1st Doctoral Workshop on Contemporary Digital Technologies and International Courts and Tribunals, European Society of International Law, February 2020.
- 4th Annual International Conference of the Asian Yearbook on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law: “Law, Culture and Human Rights in Asia and the Middle East”, British Institute for International and Comparative Law in London, February 2020.
- Seminar on “The concepts of group privacy and collective privacy under the GDPR as applicable to algorithmic decision-making”, Wuhan University, December 2019.
- 8th Asian Privacy Scholars Network (APSN) Conference, National University of Singapore, December 2019.
- Glendon Research Symposium on the European Union, York University in Toronto, November 2019.
- 10th Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference, Peking University, October 2019.
- 5th Jean Monnet Doctoral Workshop “Bilateralism versus Multilateralism”, University of Geneva, September 2019.
- AsianSIL Biennial Conference “Rethinking International Law: Finding Common Solutions to Contemporary Civilizational Issues from an Asian Perspective”, University of the Philippines College of Law, August 2019.
- Asia Regional Convening of the Young Scholars Initiative of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, VNU University of Economics and Business, August 2019.
- Workshop on “The Rule of Law in Cyberspace” convened by the “Interest Group on Peace and Security” of the European Society of International Law during the ESIL Research Forum, Göttingen University, April 2019.
- 1st Intellectual Property and Innovation Researchers of Asia (IPIRA) Conference, International Islamic University Malaysia, February 2019.
- 3rd All Art and Cultural Heritage Law Conference “National Treasures: Limits to Private Property and Cross-Border Movements”, University of Geneva, November 2018.
- SIDI-DIEMI Conference on “Environmentally-induced Migration and Human Rights’ Protection: The point of view of international and European law”, Sapienza University of Rome, November 2018.
- AsianSIL Regional Conference “International Law in Asia: Challenges and Opportunities”, Renmin University in Beijing, October 2018.
- Interdisciplinary Doctoral Symposium “Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Rights in Europe and the World in Times of Contestation”, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, September 2018.
- ELSA Academic Seminar on “La Siria, tra Occidente e altri mondi”, University of Bologna, November 2015.
- 11th “èStoria” International Festival of History and International Affairs, Gorizia, May 2015.
Selected International Awards in Law
- Young Scholar Prize at the “Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Algorithms: Regulation, Governance, Markets” Conference, organized by Kyushu University’s Faculty of Law in Fukuoka (Japan), November 2019.
- First Classified at the Dutch National Round (team ranking) and Third Classified at the International Round (team ranking) of the “Telders” International Moot Court Competition organised by Leiden University in The Hague, May 2018.
- National Finalist at the “Schoemaker-Sustainalytics Business and Human Rights Master Student Competition” in Amsterdam, April 2018.