Professor Shui Bing is a scholar specializing in civil law, with a particular emphasis on the intersectionality of private and public law and the intricate relationship between law and innovation. His scholarly pursuits also extend to the realm of empirical legal studies. Before assuming his current position at the University of Macau in 2013, Professor Shui held a professorship at the Law School of Nanjing University. He also served as a professor at the Nanjing University-Johns Hopkins University Center. Furthermore, he has lent his expertise to the judicial sector, having served as the Vice President of a district people’s court.
Throughout his career, Professor Shui has garnered numerous recognitions for his scholarly contributions. Notably, he was honored as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Jurists in Jiangsu Province. In 2012, he received the prestigious New Century Excellent Talent in University (NCET) award, a highly competitive accolade bestowed by the Ministry of Education in China. His exceptional teaching abilities were acknowledged in 2018 when the University of Macau conferred upon him the Teaching Excellence Award.
Professor Shui’s influence is also evident in his prolific scholarship, making him a frequently cited scholar in the Greater China region. He has authored two monographs and produced 11 papers with an i10-index on Google Scholar, along with 13 papers with an H-index.
In addition to academic work, Professor Shui co-founded and serves as the Associate Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS) and is the Head of the Public Administration Centre (PATC) at the University of Macau. He is also a recognized legal expert and has served as a member of the Legal Reform Advisory Board for the Macau SAR Government.
積極參與司法實踐,先後擔任澳門醫療事故鑒定委員會委員、江蘇省高級人民法院外國法查明專家、南京國際商事法庭諮詢專家、珠海國際仲裁院仲裁員。2019年受邀為全球私隱執法聯盟(Global Privacy Enforcement Network, GPEN)年度論壇主講嘉賓,最高人民法院、香港終審法院、澳門終審法院論壇報告人。在2022年被行政長官任命為法律改革諮詢委員會成員,在2023年被國家自然資源部聘為海底電纜管道法規專家組顧問。
稅兵教授榮獲澳門大學2018年度“卓越教學獎”。負責籌建澳門大學人文社科高等研究院,搭建跨學科研究平臺;負責籌建澳門大學公共行政培訓中心,為“一國兩制”的行穩致遠提供人才保障。兼任澳門大學教務委員會委員(Senate membership)、澳大創科公司(UMTech)董事、澳大工程公司(UMCert)董事等職務。
Other Roles
Associate Director, Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS)
Head of Public Administration Training Centre (PATC)
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D. in Civil and Commercial Law, Peking University
M.A. in Civil and Commercial Law, Peking University
B.A. in Law, Sichuan Normal University
Selected Publications
- The Methodology in Civil Adjudication(《超越民法的民法解釋學》), Peking University Press(北京大學出版社), 2018.
- Interpretation on Non-Profit Corporation: From the View of Civil Law(《非營利法人解釋:民事主體理論的視角》), Law Press(法律出版社), 2010.
- General Rules of Civil Law(《民法總論》), co-author, Beijing Normal University Press(北京師範大學出版社), 2009.
- Chinese Real Rights Legislation in Sea Area(《中國海域物權制度研究》), co-author, Chinese Legal Publication House(中國法制出版社), 2004.
Selected Articles in English
- Bing SHUI, “Chinese Constitution Performance Unveiled: Text Ming Insights in Civil Litigations”, The Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law (ICL), 2024, forthcoming. Peer Review.
- Co-author, “COVID-19 prevention and control strategies: learning from the Macau model”. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2022, Int J Biol Sci 2022(18):5317-5328. SCI (IF=10.75).
- Bing SHUI, “Fragmented Rights and Tragedy of Anticommons: Evidence from China’s Coastal Waters”, Journal of Civil Law Studies, volume 9, 2016, U.S. Peer Review.
- Bing SHUI, “Where Law meets Culture: The Legal Protection of the Dead in China”, University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review, fall edition, 2015, U.S. Peer Review.
- Bing SHUI, “Rationality or Legitimacy: Analysis of Controversy Over Reasonable Returns for China’s Privately-Run Schools”, Chinese Education and Society, M. E. Sharpe, INC, 2009, U.S. SSCI
- Bing SHUI, “Gridlock and Solutions: China’s Private Education in the Period of Social Transformation”, Chinese Education and Society, M. E. Sharpe, INC, 2009, U.S. SSCI
Selected Articles in Chinese
Book Chapter: “The Legal Scheme of the Smart Poles Deployment in Macau”, Annual Report on Economy and Society of Macau (2021-2022), Social Sciences Academic (China), forthcoming.
- 稅兵:《仲介報酬請求權的認定》,載彭誠信主編《民法案例百選》(第二版),高等教育出版社2022年版(該書入選中國高等學校法學案例教材)。
Book Chapter: “On Intermediate Contracts”, Civil Adjudications, Peng Chenxin ed., High Education Press, 2022.
- 楊晶、稅兵、倪明選:《澳門特別行政區海域規劃:現存問題與科學展望》,載 《人民珠江》,2021-12。
Co-author, “Retrospect and Prospect of Existing Problems and Scientific Planning in Macau Marine Space”, Pearl River, Issue 12, 2021. Peer Review
- 稅兵:《非法吸收公眾存款罪所涉合同的效力認定》,載周江洪主編《民法判例百選》,法律出版社2020年版(該書入選內地法學院參考教材)。
Book Chapter: “On Illegal Contracts”, Civil Adjudications, Zhou Jianghong ed., Law Press, 2020.
- 稅兵:《懲罰性賠償的適用規則》,載周江洪主編《民法判例百選》,法律出版社2020年版(該書入選內地法學院參考教材)。
Book Chapter: “On Punishment Liability”, Civil Adjudications, Zhou Jianghong ed., Law Press, 2020.
- 稅兵:《醫療過錯的民事責任——基於中國內地與澳門民事裁判書的文本分析》, 《澳門法學》2020年第1期。
Bing SHUI, “The Judicial Decisions in Medical Malpractice: From the comparative law perspective between Macau and Mainland China”, Macau Law Review, Issue 1, 2020. Peer Review.
- 稅兵、楊昕:《澳門都市更新的法律道路》, 《澳門研究》2019年第1期。
Bing SHUI, Xin YANG, “Public-Private Partnership: The Legal Solution to Urban Renewal in Macau”, Journal of Macau Study, 2019, Issue 1. Peer Review
- 稅兵:《民事裁判中的憲法規範:1995-2015》,《華東政法大學學報》2018年第1期。《中國人民大學複印報刊資料(憲法學、行政法學)》2018年第7期轉載。
Bing SHUI, “How does the Constitutional Norms Apply in Civil Adjudication?” ECUPL Journal, No. 1, 2018. Reprinted by Information Center for Social Science of Renmin University of China,No.7, 2018. CSSCI & GCJC (IF=2.794).
- 稅兵:《區域經濟一體化是否形成了學術共同體:基於粵港澳法學期刊的探討》,《澳門法學》2016年第1期。
Bing SHUI, “Does the Regional Economic Integration Lead to the Emergency of Academic Community: Empirical Studies Based on the Legal Journals in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau”, Macau Law Review, Issue 1, 2016. Peer Review.
- 稅兵:《不真正連帶之債的實定法塑造》,《清華法學》2015年第4期。
Bing SHUI, “On Imperfect Solidary Obligation”, Tsinghua Law Review, No. 4, 2015. CSSCI,CLSCI & GCJC (IF=4.783).
- 稅兵:《懲罰性賠償的規範構造》,《法學》2015年第4期。《中國人民大學複印報刊資料(經濟法、勞動法學)》2015年第8期轉載。
Bing SHUI, “The Legal System of Punitive Damages: Comments on Guiding Case No. 23 in China”, Law Science, No. 4, 2015.Reprinted by Information Center for Social Science of Renmin University of China,No.8, 2015. CSSCI, CLSCI & GCJC (IF=4.117).
- 稅兵:《涉罪合同的效力評價-最高人民法院公報案例“吳國軍案”評析》,《澳門法學》2014年第11期。
Bing SHUI, “Effectiveness Appraisal of the Criminal Contracts”, Macao Law Review, Volume 11, 2014. Peer Review.
- 稅兵:《衛星導航産業化的法律保障》,《南京大學學報(哲學·人文科學·社會科學版)》2014年第3期。
Bing SHUI, “On the Legal Guarantee of the Development of China’s Satellite Navigation System”, Journal of Nanjing University (Philosophy Humanities and Social Sciences), No. 3, 2014. CSSCI &GCJC (IF=1.267).
- 稅兵:《自然資源國家所有權雙階構造說》,《法學研究》2013年第4期。
Bing SHUI, “A Theory on State Ownership of Natural Resources”, Chinese Law Journal, Issue 4, 2013. CSSCI, CLSCI & GCJC (IF=8.377)
- 稅兵:《一部法律,各自表述:物權法視野下的婚姻法司法解釋》,《法律和社會科學》第9卷,蘇立主編,法律出版社2012年版。
Bing SHUI, “Another Interpretation of Marriage: From the Perspective of Property Law”, Journal of Law and social Science, Volume 9, 2012. CSSCI.
- 稅兵:《身後損害的法律擬制——穿越生死綫的民法機理》,《中國社會科學》2011年第6期。
Bing SHUI, “Legal Fiction of Posthumous Harm”, Social Sciences in China, Issue 6, 2011. CSSCI, CLSCI & GCJC (IF=7.137).
- 稅兵:《居間合同的雙邊道德風險——以“跳單”現象爲例》,《法學》2011年第11期。 《中國人民大學複印報刊資料(民商法學)》2012年第3期轉載。
Bing SHUI, “Moral Hazard in Contracts of Intermediation”, Legal Studies, Issue 11, 2011. Reprinted by Information Center for Social Science of Renmin University of China,No.3, 2012. CSSCI, CLSCI & GCJC (IF=4.117).
- Bing SHUI, “Discriminating Limitation on Freedom of Contract”, Nanjing University Law Review, Spring Issue, 2011. Reprinted by Chinese Social Science Digest, No.3, 2012. CSSCI.
- 稅兵:《基金會治理的法律道路—基金會管理條例爲何遭遇零適用》,《法律科學》2010年第6期。
Bing SHUI, “Legal path of Foundation Governance:Why the Regulation of Foundation has been Resisted by Chinese Courts?”. Legal Science, Issue 6, 2010. CSSCI, CLSCI & GCJC (IF=3.483).
- 稅兵:《非營利組織董事責任的嬗變與分化:以美國法爲分析樣本》,《政治與法律》2011年第11期。
Bing SHUI, “On Directors’ Duty of Nonprofit Organizations: Taking American Law as Analytic Sample”, Political Science and Law, Issue 11, 2010. CSSCI, CLSCI &GCJC (IF=2.556).
- 稅兵:《在事實與表像之間:股東資格確認的模式選擇》,《法學雜志》2010年第1期。
Bing SHUI, “Between the Phenomenon and Fact: Analysis on the Modes of Shareholder Qualification Affirmation”, Journal of Law, Issue 1, 2010. CSSCI & GCJC (IF= 2.391).
- 稅兵:《非營利法人概念疏議》,《安徽大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》2011年第4期。Bing SHUI, “Clarification for the Definition of Nonprofit”, Journal of Anhui University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), Issue 4, 2011. CSSCI & GCJC (IF=0.534).
- 稅兵:《佔有改定與善意取得:兼論民法規範漏洞的填補》,《法學研究》2009年第5期。
Bing SHUI, “Possession Reformulation and Bona Fide Obtaining”, Chinese Journal of Law, Issue 5, 2009. CSSCI, CLSCI & GCJC (IF=8.377)
- 稅兵:《民辦非企業單位制度質疑》,《河北法學》2008年第10期。
Bing SHUI, “Queries on the System of Non-state and Non-enterprise Danwei”, Hebei Law Science, No. 10, 2008. CSSCI & GCJC (IF=1.663).
- 稅兵:《從“事實之物”到“民法之物”:海域物權法律制度實證研究》,《法商研究》2008年第5期。
Bing SHUI, “From res de facto to res in civil law: Field Analysis on Forming Mechanism of Real Right of Sea Areas”, Studies in Law and Business, Issue 5, 2008. CSSCI, CLSCI & GCJC (IF=3.987).
- 稅兵:《民辦學校合理回報之爭的私法破解》,《法律科學》2008年第5期。
Bing SHUI, “Analysis on Controversy Over Reasonable Requital for Non-State Schools”, Legal Science, Issue 5, 2008. CSSCI, CLSCI & GCJC (IF=3.483).
- 稅兵:《非營利組織商業化及其法律規制》,《社會科學》2007年第12期。, 《中國人民大學複印報刊資料(民商法學)》2008年第4期轉載。
Bing SHUI, “Legal Regulation of NGO’s Over-Commercial Activities”, Social Sciences, Issue 12, 2007. Reprinted by Information Center for Social Science of Renmin University of China,No. 4, 2008. CSSCI & GCJC (IF=1.199).
- 稅兵:《非營利法人解釋》,《法學研究》2007年第5期。
Bing SHUI, “On Nonprofit Corporation”, Chinese Law Journal, Issue 5, 2007. CSSCI, CLSCI & GCJC (IF=8.377)
- 尹田、稅兵:《中國合同法與國際接軌的動因》,《社會科學》2007年第5期。
Yin Tian, Bing Shui: “On the Motivation of Chinese Contract Law Forwardly Jointing the World”, Social Sciences, Issue 5, 2007. CSSCI & GCJC (IF=1.199).
- 稅兵:《無居民海島物權基本問題研究》,《民商法論叢》2005年第33卷。
Bing SHUI, Real Rights to Uninhabited Islands”, Civil and Commercial Law Review, Vol. 23, Law Press, August 2005. CSSCI.
- 稅兵:《非營利法人解釋:民事主體理論的視角》,北京大學2006年博士學位論文。
Bing SHUI, “On Nonprofit Corporations: Views of Theories on the Subject of Civil Law”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Peking University, 2006.
- 稅兵:《海域物權法律性質芻議》,載尹田主編《物權法中海域物權的立法安排》,法律出版社2005年版。
Bing SHUI, “The Interpretation of Coastal Zone Usage”, The Legislation of Sea Water Real Right, ed. Yintian, Law Press, December 2005.
- 稅兵:《論漁業權》,《現代法學》2005年第2期。
Bing SHUI, “On Fishery Rights”, Modern Law Science, Issue 2, 2005. CSSCI, CLSCI & GCJC (IF=3.005).
- 稅兵:《法人獨立責任辨析》,《四川大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》2005年第2期。《中國人民大學複印報刊資料(民商法學)》2005年第8期轉載。《新華文摘》2005年第13期轉載。
Bing SHUI, “On the Independent Liability of Juristic Person”, Sichuan University Journal (Social Science Edition), Issue 2, 2005. Reprinted by Information Center for Social Science of Renmin University of China,No.8, 2005. Concurrently, reprinted by XINHUA WENZHAI, No.13, 2005. CSSCI & GCJC (IF=1.172) .
- 稅兵:《海域使用權法律制度淺析》,《中國海洋大學學報(社會科學版)》2005年第2期。
Bing SHUI, “Analysis of the Value of Sea Area Servitude System”, Journal of Ocean University of China (Social Sciences), Issue 2, 2005. CSSCI (IF=0.906).
- 稅兵:《商譽權探微》,《甘肅政法學院學報》2004年 第 6期。
Bing SHUI, “On Goodwill rights”, Journal of Gansu Institute of Political Science and Law, Issue 6, 2004. CSSCI &GCJC (IF= 0.764).
- 稅兵:《私權的勃興》,《人民法院報》2004年6月16日理論版。
Bing SHUI, “The Birth of Private Rights”, People’s Court Daily, 16 June, 2004.
- 稅兵:《來得早,還是來得巧?——占座規則的民法學解讀》,《清華法治論衡》2005年第7卷。
Bing SHUI, “Unscrambling the Rule of Seat Occupation from the View of Private Law”, Tsinghua Law Review, Vol. 7, 2005.
- 稅兵:《股東直索責任制度的法經濟學分析》,《上海財經大學學報》2005年第6卷。
Bing SHUI, “Law and Economics Analysis on Disregarding Stockholder’s Limited Liability”, Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economic s, Issue 6, 2005. CSSCI &GCJC (IF=2.406) .
- 稅兵:《集體所有,還是國家所有》,《中國海洋報》2005年9月27日。
Bing SHUI, “Collective or State Ownership?”, China Ocean News, 27, September, 2005.
- 稅兵:《海域使用權與傳統漁業權的衝突與協調》,載尹田主編《海域物權制度理論與實踐》,中國法制出版社,2004年。
Bing SHUI, “Conflict and Harmony between the Property Rights in Waters and Fishery”, Chinese Theory and Practice of Sea Area Law System, Yintian ed., Law Press, October 2004.
- 稅兵:《論法人獨立責任》,《北京大學研究生學志》2003年第4期。
Bing SHUI, “The Research on the Civil Liability of Legal Persons, Graduate Students’ Journal of Peking University, Issue 4, 2003.
- K. C. Wong Visiting Professor (香港王寬誠教育基金訪問教授),2018.
- Teaching Excellence Award (澳門大學卓越教學獎), University of Macau, May 2018.
- Award for Outstanding Academic Staff in Research 2017/2018(澳門大學法學院教師優秀研究獎), Faculty of law, University of Macau, June 2018.
- Excellence in Teaching of Faculty of Law for Academic Year 2017/2018 (澳門大學法學院卓越教學獎), Faculty of law, University of Macau, November 2017.
- First Prize of “Civil and Commercial Law Application” Paper Competition(民商法律適用徵文大賽一等獎), China Civil Law Society, 2015.
- The Ten Outstanding Young Jurists in Jiangsu Province(江蘇省十大青年法學家), Jiangsu Legal Association, 2013.
- New Century Excellent Talents in University (中華人民共和國教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫), by the Ministry of Education in China, 2012.
- First prize for achievements of philosophy and social sciences(江蘇省第八屆哲學社會科學優秀成果一等獎), by the government of Jiangsu Province, 2012.
- Annual Academic Award for Public Policy in China(增愛中國公益學術獎), School of Public Policy and management of Tsinghua University, 2011.
- Excellent Academic Prize for Young Scholar(佟柔基金會青年學術成果獎), Chinese Civil Law Association, 2008.
- Honored Teacher(南京大學法學院優秀教師), Law School of Nanjing University, 2006-2007.
- Graduate with Honors(北京大學優秀畢業生), Peking University, 2006.