(853) 8822 4080
E32 – 3015
Faculty of Law (FLL),
University of Macau, E32,
Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China.
Consultation Hours
Tuesday 10h00~11h00
Wednesday 10h00~11h00
Chaoyang JIANG
Director of Centre for Constitutional Law and Basic Law Studies
Other Roles
- Coordinator of the Master / Postgraduate of Law in Chinese Language Programme
Academic Qualifications
- Ph.D., the Constitutional Law and Administrative Law, Peking University
- LL.M., the Constitutional Law and Administrative Law, Peking University
- LL.B., Peking University
Teaching Areas
- Administrative Law I
- Tax Law
- Constitutional Law or Administrative Law
- Administrative Law
Article in Journal
《維護中央全面管治權與保障特區高度自治權有機結合的澳門啟示》,《港澳研究》,2018年第3期,第3-14頁。On the Organic Combination of the Maintenance of the Overall Jurisdiction of Central Authorities and the Assurance of the High Degree of Autonomy in the Macao Special Administrative Region, Hong Kong and Macao Journal , 2018(3), pp.3-14.
《國家管治權及其在特別行政區的實現》,《港澳研究》,2017年第2期,第21-32頁。National Governance and Its Realization in the Special Administrative Region,Hong Kong and Macao Journal, 2017(2). pp. 21-32.
《偷步宣傳及其相關行為的規管》,《澳門研究》,2016年第3期,第50-53頁。On the regulation of “jumping the gun” propaganda and other resemblant behaviors on election campaign, Journal of Macau Studies, 2016(3). pp. 50-53.
《澳門行政合同制度與司法見解之評析》,《澳門法學》, 2015年6月第14期, 第31-56頁。 A review on the system and judicial decisions of administrative contract of Macao. Macau Law Review, 2015(14). pp. 31-56.
《論澳門基本法的司法適用》,《國家檢察官學院學報》,2015年第2期,第62-70頁。 Judicial application of the Macao Basic Law, Journal of National Prosecutors College, 2015(2). pp. 62-70.
《理性看待香港的地位》,《僑報》(美),2014年11月6日,A3頁。Rational view of the status of Hong Kong. US China Press, 11/06/2014. pp. A3.
《公私法二元論與澳門行政法之理論基礎》,《法學評論》, 2012 年第 1 期,第 154-160 頁。Dualism on Public Law and Private Law and Theoretical Basis of Administrative Law in Macao, Law Review, 2012(1). pp. 154-160.
《澳門基本法中的社會權利保護的經驗》,《澳門大學法律學院學報》,第30期特刊,2011年6月,第63-76頁。 The Experience of the Protection of Social Rights in the Basic Law of Macau, Bulletin of Faculty of Law, UM, 30. pp. 63-76.
《論對規範合法性審查》,《澳門法學》,2011年2月,第1期, 第79-98頁。Judicial Review of Statute in Macao SAR. Macau Law Review, UM, 1. pp. 79-98.
《論基本法在國家法律體系中的法律地位》,《“一國兩制”研究》,2009年第1期, 第7-15頁。Legal Status of the Basic Law in the National Legal System, Academic Journal of One Country Two Systems, 2009(1). pp. 7-15.
《維護國家安全法(草案)符合澳門刑法的基本原則》,《法學論叢》,2008年12月, 第9期,第17-24頁。The Bill of Safeguarding National Security Law of Macao fits in with the Basic Principles of Criminal Law of Macao, Journal of Judicial Science, UM, Vol. 9, pp. 17-24.
《澳門特區選民登記制度的特色及其內地的借鑒—一種規範性比較分析》,《澳門大學法律學院學報》, 2008年12月,第26期, 第161-180頁。A Comparative Study of Voter Registration Procedure in Macao SAR and the Mainland China and References to Mainland, Bulletin of Faculty of Law, UM, 2008(26). pp. 161-180.
《略論澳門公職法律制度的改進》,《基本法研究》,2008年10月,第1期,第150-175頁。On the improvement of Legal Regime of the Civil Service, Journal of Basic Law, 2008(1), pp. 150-175.
《從基本法的規定看澳門政治體制的發展》,《澳門公共行政雜誌》,2005年09月, 第18卷 , 第3期 ( 總第69期 ), 第871-878頁。Development of Political Society of Macao in Accordance with the Basic Law of Macao SAR. Review of Public Administration of Macao, 2005(69), pp. 871-878.
《澳門航權問題及其發展策略》,《澳門民航學刊》,2005年第1期,第13-40頁。 Air Rights of Macao and Tactics of Air Carriage Development. Journal of Civil Aviation of Macao, 2005(1), pp. 13-40.
《論部委規章制定權的授予、行使和監督》,《行政法論叢》,1998年第1卷,第92-183頁。Delegation, Practice and Supervision of Departmental Rule-making of the State Council of the P.R.C.. Review of Administrative Law, 1998(1), pp. 92-183.
《論全國人大常委會和地方人大在維護憲法實施方面的不同職責》,肖蔚云,蔣朝陽,《全國人大通訊》,1995年9月,第17期,第3-5頁。Different Duties on Enforcement of the Constitutional Law between the National People’s Congress and the Local People’s Congress. Xiao Weiyun and Jiang Chaoyang, the National People’s Congress Report, 17. pp. 3-5.
《民主和法制建設的重要步驟——行政訴訟法座談會記述》,《中外法學》,1989年第3期,第37-40頁。Demonstration of Democracy and Legal System Construction – Administrative Litigation Law. Peking University Law Journal, 1989(3), pp. 37-40.
《澳門基本法與澳門特別行政區法治研究》,北京社會科學文獻出版社;澳門基金會,2016年10月。A Study on the Basic Law of Macau and the Rule of Law of the Macau Special Administrative Region, social sciences academic press(China), Macao Foundation, 10/2016.
Chapter in Book
1、《主權與治權能否分離?》,《中央與特別行政區關係規範化》,2017年12月,澳門理工學院一國兩制研究中心,第91-105頁。Could the sovereignty and governance be separated?, Normalization of relation of the central government and SAR, One Country Two Systems Research Centre, 12/2017, pp. 91-105.
2、《對公職法律制度的檢討及其發展趨勢》,《澳門經濟社會發展報告(2016-2017)》,2017年7月,北京:社會科學文獻出版社,第26-54頁。 A review of the Juridical Regime on Public Sector Employment and Its Trends of Development, Annual Report on Economy and Society of Macau2016-2017,Beijing: Social Science Academic Press (China), 07/2017, pp.26-54.
3、《論澳門基本法確定的中央監督權》,《憲法意識與“一國兩制”實踐》,澳門理工學院一國兩制研究中心,2015年12月,第183-193頁。The Supervision Power of the Central Government in the Basic Law of Macao, Constitutional Consciousness and the Practice of “One country Two System”, Macao Polytechnic Institute One Country Two Systems Research Centre, 12/2015, pp.183-193.
4、《澳門基本法經濟制度條款簡析》,《國家“十三五規劃”與澳門可持續發展–紀念澳門基本法頒佈23周年學術研討會論文集》,2016年6月,澳門基本法推廣協會,第198-214頁。Analysis of the terms of the Economic System of the Basic Law of Macao, The “13.5 National Plan” and Macau Sustainable Development— Proceedings of the Symposium on 23 Anniversary of the Promulgation of the Basic Law of Macao, Associação de Divulgação da Lei Básica de Macau, 06/2016, pp.198-214.
5、《公共行政改革:部門調整與效率提升》,《澳門藍皮書:澳門經濟社會發展報告(2015-2016)》,2016年6月,澳門基金會;社會科學文獻出版社,第12-37頁。Public Administration Reform: Restructuring of Agencies and Elevation of Efficiency, Blue Book of Macau: Annual Report on Economy and Society of Macau(2015-2016), Beijing: Fudacāo Macau; Social Science Academic Press(China), 06/2016, pp.12-37.
6、《職業自由、工作自由與澳門專業制度立法》,《一國兩制與澳門法律體系完善》, 2013年12月,澳門理工學院一國兩制研究中心,第209-229頁。Freedom of occupation, Freedom to work and Macao legislations. “One country two systems” and the promotion of Macau legal system, Macao, One Country Two Systems Research Centre of Macao Polytechnic Institute, 12/2013, pp.209-229.
7、《全國性法律在特別行政區實施的幾個問題研究》,《開拓一國兩制實踐新征程》,2015年7月,澳門基本法推廣協會,第220-238頁。Several Issues Concerning National Laws in the Macao Special Administrative Region. To develop a new journey of “one country, two systems”, Macao: Macao Basic Law Promotion Association, 07/2015, pp.220-238.
8、《論澳門法院適用基本法幾個問題的思考》,《澳門回歸十五週年:發展與改革》,澳門基本法推廣協會,第382-396頁。 Reflections on the application of the Basic Law of the Macao courts, Fifth anniversary of Macao’s return: Development and Reform, Macao Basic Law Promotion Association, 08/2014, pp.382-396.
9、The Administrative Litigation System in Macao, Administrative Litigation Systems in Greater China and Europe, edited by Yuwen Li, ASHGATE, England, 11/2014,pp.73-90.
10、《論對規範合法性審查》,《澳門人文社會科學文選》,澳門基金會;社會科學文獻出版社, 2013年12月,第422-442頁。Study on the Judicial Review of Legality of Norms. Selected works of social science and humanities of Macao, Beijing: Macao Foundation; Social Science Academic Press (China) . 12/2013, pp.422-442.
11、《略論澳門基本法中的行政組織原則》,《澳門人文社會科學研究文選》,澳門基金會;社會科學文獻出版社,2013年12月,第253-265頁。Study on the Administrative Organization Principles of the Macao Basic Law, Selected works of social science and humanities of Macau, Beijing: Macao Foundation; Social Science Academic Press (China), 12/2013, pp.253-265.
12、《論澳門基本法框架下的民主協商機制》,《“一國兩制”理論的豐富和發展》,澳門基本法推廣協會,第361-381頁。A Study on the Mechanism Democratic Consultation based on the Basic Law of Macao, Enrichment and development of One country two system, Association of the Promotion of the Basic Law of Macao,09/2013, pp.361-381.
13、《澳門基本法中“非政權性市政機構”條款的處理》,《特別行政區制度與我國基本政治制度研究》,中國民主法制出版社,2012年8月,第419-437頁。On the Treatment of the Non-political Municipal Institutions in the Basic Law of Macao, The System of Special Administrative Region and the Basic Political System in China, China Democracy and Law Publishing House, 08/2012, pp.419-437.
14、《澳門基本法與特區法律體系的構建》,《基本法與澳門特區的第二個十年–紀念《澳門基本法》頒佈17周年學術研討會論文集》,澳門基本法推廣協會,2010年6月,第159-170頁。 On the Construction of Legal System of the Special Administrative Region and the Basic Law, The Basic Law and the Second Decade of the Macao Special Administrative Region – A Proceedings on Commemorating the 17th Anniversary of the Macao Basic Law Macao: Association of the Promotion of the Basic Law of Macao, 06/2010, pp.159-170.
15、《1999年蒙特利爾公約與澳門空運人責任制度》,《澳門人文社會科學研究文選(法律卷)(下卷)》,社會科學文獻出版社,2010年5月,第842-857頁。 Analysis in the View of Comparative Law: between the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air Done at Montreal on 28 May 1999 and Legal Responsibilities of Air Carrier of Macao, The Selection of Studies in Humanities and Social Science of Macau (Law) Beijing: Social Science Academic Press, 05/2010, pp.842-857.
16、《內地、香港、澳門問責制比較分析》,《“一國兩制”與憲政發展》,澳門理工學院一國兩制研究中心, 2009年12月,第216-230頁。Analysis on the Comparison between the Accountability Systems in the Mainland, HK and Macau. One Country, Two Systems and Constitutional Development, Macao: One Country Two Systems Research Centre of MPI, 12/2009, pp.216-230.
17、《對澳門終審法院裁決的分析:演繹還是類比?—-不同法律傳統下對基本法司法解釋的邏輯解讀》,《澳門人文社會科學研究文選(基本法卷)》,社會科學文獻出版社,2009年11月,第324-339頁。Deduction or Analogy Method?—Logic of Judicial Interpretations between the Different Legal Traditions, The Selection of Studies in Humanities and Social Science of Macau (Basic Law),Beijing: Social Science Academic Press, 11/2009, pp.324-339.
18、《澳門特別行政區行政長官制》,肖蔚雲主編,澳門科技大學, 2005年3月1日,第116-148頁。Chief Executive System of Macau Special Administrative Region, edited by Professor Xiao Weiyun, Macao: Macao University of Science and Technology, 01/03/2005,pp. 116-148.
19、Departmental Rulemaking in People’s Republic of China, Law-Making in the People’s Republic of China, The Hague, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, 2000,pp.105-116.
20、《行政訴訟法概論》,羅豪才、姜明安主編,山西人民出版社,1990年9月。 第1-58頁、第96-143頁、第144-176頁、第254-284頁、第299-332頁,以及第333-352頁(與郭曉飛共同執筆)。Administrative Litigation Law of China. Taiyuan, Shanxi: Shanxi People’s Publishing House, 09/1990,pp.1-58; 96-143; 144-176; 254-284; 299-232; and pp. 333-352(co-author).
Selected Other Publications
1、 《秉承法治原則,踐行契約責任》,澳門日報,2018年6月7日,C05版 。Obeying the principle of rule of law, Fulfilling the contractual obligations, Macao Daily, C05.
2、《樹立憲法權威,夯實憲制基礎,維護憲制秩序,履行憲制責任》,《國家憲法日座談會文集》,澳門法律工作者聯合會, 2017年12月。 Establish the authority of the constitution, Tamp the Constitutional basis, Maintain the constitution system and Perform the constitution duties, collected works of National constitution day, Association of Legal Agents of Macao,12/2017.
3、《始終依照憲法和基本法辦事,確保“一國兩制”行穩致遠》,澳門日報,2017年7月4日。In accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Law, to ensure that the ‘one country, two systems’, Macao Daily, 04/07/2017.
4、《政府處理土地批給失效的正當性與合法性 (下)》,澳門日報,2017年5月27日。 The Legitimacy and Legality of the Government to Deal with Expired Land Grant III, Macao Daily, 27/05/2017.
5、《政府處理土地批給失效的正當性與合法性 (中)》,澳門日報,2017年5月26日。The Legitimacy and Legality of the Government to Deal with Expired Land Grant II, Macao Daily, 26/05/2017.
6、《政府處理土地批給失效的正當性與合法性 (上)》,澳門日報,2017年5月25日。The Legitimacy and Legality of the Government to Deal with Expired Land Grant I, Macao Daily, 25/05/2017.
7、《論澳門特區政制發展的內在邏輯》,《港澳研究》,2012年6月。On the Internal Logic of the Development of Politcal System of Macao, Hong Kong and Macau Studies, 06/2012.
8、《重讀愛德格.博登海默<法理學:法律哲學與法律方法》,澳門大學法學院學生會成立20周年特刊,2010年9月。Sentiment on Reread the Book Jurisprudence: Legal Philosophy and Legal Method Written by Edgar Bodenheimer, the Special Issue on the 20th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Student Union of the University of Macau Law School, 09/2010.9、《論澳門特區居民的基本義務》,《澳門日報》 ,2009年2月25日,C06版。 On the Basic Obligation of Residents in Macao SAR, Macao Daily, 25/02/2009, pp. C06.