2025-03-05T15:40:10+08:002020-10-16|People, Assistant Professors|

Man Teng IONG

Assistant Professor

Programme Coordinator of Master of Law in Macau Law and Practice

Academic Qualifications

  • PhD in Private Law, University of Minho, Portugal (2018-2022)

Thesis: “Responsabilidade civil na medicina tradicional chinesa: análise na perspetiva do ordenamento jurídico português” (Civil Liability in Traditional Chinese Medicine – Analysis from the perspective of the Portuguese legal system)

Supervisors: Eva Sónia Moreira da SILVA; Vera Lúcia RAPOSO

  • Master of Laws, University of Macau, China (2013-2015)

Thesis: “Directivas antecipadas de vontade: um regime existente em Macau?” (Advance directives: an existing regime in Macau?)

Supervisor: Vera Lúcia RAPOSO

  • Bachelor of Laws, New University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal (2009-2013)


Working Experiences

A. Current Experiences

  • Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Macau (16 August 2024 until now)
  • Programme Coordinator of Master of Law in Macau Law and Practice, Faculty of Law, University of Macau (1 July 2023 until now)

B. Previous Experiences

  • Senior Instructor, Faculty of Law, University of Macau (16 August 2019 – 15 August 2024)
  • Legal Advisor, Legal Team, Faculty of Law, University of Macau (1 September 2019 – 30 September 2024)
  • Legal Advisor, Legal Department, Macau Health Bureau (19 August 2013 – 21 July 2019)
  • Notary (Notário Privativo), Macau Health Bureau (26 August 2015 – 21 July 2019)


Teaching Areas

A. Current Teaching Subjects:

  • Introduction to Law – [Portuguese LLB]
  • Introduction to Law (Legal Practice) – [Portuguese LLB]
  • Obligational Law I (Legal Practice) – [Chinese LLB]
  • Global Health Governance and Law – [English LLB]
  • Criminology and Criminal Justice – [Chinese LLM]
  • Comparative Legal Systems – [English PhD]

B. Formerly Taught Subjects:

  • Criminal Proceedings – [Portuguese LLB]
  • Obligational Law II (Legal Practice) – [Chinese LLB]
  • General Theory of Portuguese Law – [Chinese LLB]
  • Comparative Law – [Chinese LLB]
  • Political Science – [Chinese LLB]
  • Legal English I & II – [Portuguese LLB]
  • Legal Translation Chinese/Portuguese I & II – [Portuguese LLB]
  • International Criminal and Humanitarian Law – [English LLM]
  • Human Rights and Refugee Law – [English LLM]


Research Interests

  1. Medical/Health Law
  2. Law of Obligations (Contract Law and Tort Law)



A. Books

  1. Man Teng Iong. Responsabilidade Civil na Medicina Tradicional Chinesa – Análise na Perspetiva do Ordenamento Jurídico Português. Editor Almedina, 11 April 2024. ISBN: 9789894018339.

  1. Man Teng Iong. Directivas Antecipadas de Vontade – Um Regime Existente em Macau?. Editor Novas Edições Acadêmicas, 23 March 2017. ISBN: 9783330763616.

B. Translated Book (Portuguese to Chinese)

  1. 刑法总论(第2卷):犯罪的法律后果 [Translated from Direito Penal Português – Parte Geral II – As Consequências Jurídicas do Crime (Jorge de Figueiredo Dias)], translated by Man Teng Iong. Publisher: Social Science Academic Press (China), March 2024. ISBN:978-7-5228-2263-1.

C. Book Chapters

  1. Vera Lúcia Raposo, Man Teng Iong. “Advance Directives in Macao: Not Legally Recognised, but…”. In D. Cheung & M. Dunn (Eds.), Advance Directives Across Asia: A Comparative Socio-legal Analysis (pp. 262-275). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. DOI:10.1017/9781009152631.018. (Available for download).


D. Journal Articles

  1. Man Teng Iong. “Ethical Healthcare During Public Health Emergencies: A Focus on Non-COVID-19 Patients”. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 17:2803-2810 (2024). https://doi.org/10.2147/RMHP.S485356 (SSCI/SCIE Q2, Scopus)
  2. Man Teng Iong. “Advance Directives at Sea: legal and ethical considerations”. International Maritime Health, 75(4):176-180 (2024). https://doi.org/10.5603/imh.98721 (ESCI, Scopus)
  3. Marisa Almeida Araújo, Man Teng Iong. “Leste Encontra Oeste: Uma Análise Comparativa das Diretivas Antecipadas de Vontade em Portugal e na China” (East Meets West: A Comparative Analysis of the Advance Directives of Will in Portugal and China). Boletim de Ciências Económicas, Volume 66 (2023): 395-434.
  4. Man Teng Iong. “Construction of model contract law for Guangdong-Macao intensive cooperation zone in Hengqin”. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 8(4), Article ID: 3525 (2024). https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i4.3525 (ESCI, Scopus)
  5. Man Teng Iong. “The Role of China in Enhancing Global Supply Chains: Legal Obstacles and Solutions”. Global Trade and Customs Journal, 18(9): 338-345 (2023). https://doi.org/10.54648/gtcj2023040 (ESCI, Scopus)
  6. Man Teng Iong. “Compulsive medical acts and duty to inform: the Portuguese perspective”. BioLaw Journal – Rivista Di BioDiritto, (1): 457-466 (2023). https://doi.org/10.15168/2284-4503-2644 (ESCI, Scopus)
  7. Man Teng Iong. “Artificial Intelligence and Traditional Chinese Medicine in Portuguese Criminal Law”. Tec Yearbook – Artificial Intelligence & Robots (School of Law of the University of Minho), pp. 39-51 (2020). (Available for download).
  8. Man Teng Iong. “Telemedicine in China: An Enlightenment from COVID-19”. Medicine and Law, 39(4): 595-602 (December 2020). (ESCI, Scopus)
  9. Man Teng Iong. “Criminal Liability for Violation of Informed Consent in Macao”. UMagazine (University of Macau), Issue 22: 62-65 (Spring/Summer 2020) (Available for reading).
  10. Vera Lúcia Raposo, Man Teng Iong. “The struggle against the CoViD-19 pandemic in Macao”. BioLaw Journal – Rivista Di BioDiritto, (1S), 747–752. (2020). https://doi.org/10.15168/2284-4503-635 (ESCI, Scopus)
  11. Man Teng Iong. “Please Allow True Self-Decision Under Macao Law”. Medicine and Law, 38(2): 183-192 (June 2019). (ESCI, Scopus)
  12. Man Teng Iong. “Fight between Secret of Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions and Duty to Inform”. Medicine and Law, 37(1): 229-243 (March 2018). (ESCI, Scopus)
  13. Man Teng Iong. “Impacto do Regime Jurídico do Erro Médico sobre a Medicina Tradicional Chinesa”. Legisiuris de Macau em Revista – Especial Erro Médico (Centro de Reflexão, Estudo e Difusão do Direito de Macau da Fundação Rui Cunha), vol. 8, pp. 49-60 (Nov. 2017). ISSN: 2307-9312.
  14. Man Teng Iong. “Do acidente médico à responsabilidade civil médica no ordenamento jurídico da República Popular da China”. Revista Cadernos Ibero-Americanos de Direito Sanitário, 6(3): 101-117 (Jul./Sept. 2017). https://doi.org/10.17566/ciads.v6i3.404
  15. Vera Lúcia Raposo, Man Teng Iong. “Grandes esperanças: tribunais do acidente médico na República Popular da China”. Revista Cadernos Ibero-Americanos de Direito Sanitário. 5(3): 223-236 (Jul./Sept. 2016). DOI: https://doi.org/10.17566/ciads.v5i3.335


Conference Papers

  1. Man Teng Iong. “The Revolution of Elderly Care in Macao: A Study of Smart Elderly Care and Legal System” (澳门养老的革命:智慧养老与法制研究). Conference Exchange Materials – 2022 Straits Law Forum: Research on the legal guarantee of elderly care services (会议交流材料─2022海峡法学论坛:养老服务法治保障研究), pp. 45-60.
  2. Man Teng Iong. “Aplicabilidade da perda de chance na responsabilidade médica”. Encontro de investigadores EDUM 2022, Article No.: 4 (Available for download).
  3. Man Teng Iong. “Literacia em Saúde e Consentimento Informado: Responsabilidade Civil Médica na Falta de Compreensão da Informação de Saúde”. Meeting of EDUM Researchers 2019, pp. 113-120 (July 2020). (Available for download).
  4. Man Teng Iong. “Contrato de Gestação Sub-rogada: Quem Assume a Parentalidade em caso de Arrependimento?”. Proceedings of the International Meeting “Equality and Responsibility in Family Relations”, pp. 105-116 (February 2020). ISBN: 978-989-54587-2-1 (Available for download).



  1. 7-8 November 2024 (Braga, Portugal): Participation in the “2nd International Conference on Decision Making in Medicine and Law Opportunities and pitfalls of information technologies (DMM&L 2024)”, organised by European Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology and School of Law, University of Minho, with the topic “AI, Autonomy, and Mental Health: the Future of Psychiatric Advance Directives” (as a speaker).
  2. 3 November 2024 (Macao, China): Participation in the “Seminar on Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Implementation of the Macao Basic Law and Safeguarding National Security Education: 4th Serie” (慶祝澳門基本法實施25周年暨維護國家安全教育研討會:第四分場) with the theme “Macao’s rule of law construction to safeguard national security” (澳門維護國家安全的法治建設), organized by the Aliança de Povo de Instituição de Macau (民眾建澳聯盟) and co-organized by the Association for the Promotion of Public Legal Services (民眾法律促進會) (as a moderator).
  3. 24-25 October 2024 (Macao, China): Participation in the “9th General Conference of Juris Diversitas“ with the theme “‘Convivencia’: Com-paring Legal Scenarios of a Life Together in Harmony”, organised by the Juris Diversitas, with the topic “Cross-Border Advance Directives: Finding Harmony between China, Hong Kong, and Macao” (as a speaker).
  4. 10 October 2024 (Webinar): Participation in the Webinar “Exploring Legal Medicine: AI, Child Consent in Medical Decision and Advance Directives”, organised by the World Association for Medical Law (WAML)- ASEAN-Australasian- Pacific Regional Affiliate and Education Committee and Hong Kong Health Education and Health Promotion Foundation (HEP), with the topic “Navigating Medical Error and Negligence in the Age of AI Healthcare” (as a speaker).
  5. 6 October 2024 (Macao, China): Participation in the “Seminar on Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Implementation of the Macao Basic Law and Safeguarding National Security Education: 2nd Serie” (慶祝澳門基本法實施25周年暨維護國家安全教育研討會:第二場) with the theme “Legal guarantee for the high-quality development of the Guangdong-Macao in-depth cooperation zone in Hengqin” (橫琴粵澳深度合作區高品質發展的法治保障), organized by the Aliança de Povo de Instituição de Macau (民眾建澳聯盟) and co-organized by the Association for the Promotion of Public Legal Services (民眾法律促進會) (as a moderator).
  6. 24 August 2024 (Webinar): Participation in the “International Sharing Forum on Human Rights and Gender, Series 10: Access to Health“, hosted by the Women Working Group of the Universitas Internasional Batam, with the topic “Advance Directives for Pregnant Women” (as a speaker).
  7. 20-23 July 2024 (Batam, Indonesia): Participation in the “28th World Congress for Medical Law“, hosted by the World Association for Medical Law, with the topic “Medical Error and Medical Negligence in AI Healthcare” (as a speaker).
  8. 3-6 June 2024 (Doha, Qatar): Participation in the “17th World Congress of Bioethics“, organized by Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics, World Innovation Summit for Health and International Association of Bioethics, with the topic “Guardians of Ethics: Navigating the Physician-Patient-AI/Robot Relationship” (as a speaker).
  9. 3-6 June 2024 (Doha, Qatar): Participation in the Section “Public Health Ethics” at the “17th World Congress of Bioethics” (as a moderator).
  10. 19 May 2024 (Macao, China): Participation in the Seminar “Review and Prospect on the Construction of the Rule of Law on the 25th Anniversary of Macao’s Return to the Motherland China”, hosted by Macao Legal Affairs Bureau and Associação de Agentes da Área Jurídica de Macau, with the topic “Construction of model contract law for Guangdong-Macao intensive cooperation zone in Hengqin” (as a speaker).
  11. 10 May 2024 (Hong Kong, China): Participation in the Conference “Private Law in Greater China: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”, hosted by Centre for Comparative and Transnational Law (Obligations Lab Asia) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, with the topic “Harmonising Advance Directives Across Diverse Legal Cultures: A Model Law Proposal for Macao, Hong Kong, and China” (as a speaker).
  12. 26 March 2024 (Macao, China): Participation in the Seminar “A relevância da Lei n.º 14/2023 que regula a utilização das Técnicas de procriação medicamente assistida” (The Relevance of Law No. 14/2023 Regulating the Use of Medically Assisted Procreation Techniques) hosted by the Centre for Law Studies of Faculty of Law of University of Macau and the Research Circle of Private, Substantive and Procedural Law Studies, with the topic “O Futuro da Gestação de Substituição em Macau: uma Proposta de Alteração ao Artigo 10.º da Lei n.º 14/2023” (The Future of Surrogate Pregnancy in Macau: a Proposed Amendment to Article 10 of Law No. 14/2023) (as a speaker).
  13. 21-22 February 2024 (Macao, China): Participation in the International Workshop on “The Global Regulation of Artificial Intelligence: China-EU Dialogues” hosted by the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences of University of Macau, Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law of University of Vienna and Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft, with the topic “Medical Error and Medical Malpractice in AI-Related Healthcare: the Chinese Case” (as a speaker).
  14. 16 January 2024 (Macao, China): Participation in the Seminar “New Developments and Challenges in the Oceans Law” hosted by the Research Circle of Law, Ethics and Technology Study, Faculty of Law, University of Macau, with the topic “Advance Directives at Sea: Legal and Ethical Considerations” (as a speaker).
  15. 2-4 August 2023 (Vilnius, Lithuania): Participation in the “27th World Congress for Medical Law, Vilnius, Lithuania” hosted by the World Association for Medical Law and Mykolas Romeris University, with the topic “The Role of Healthcare Policies in China: Fighting Pandemic Versus Protecting Patients’ Rights” (as a speaker).
  16. 6 May 2023 (Xinjiang, China): Participation in the Annual Conference “Ruling Xinjiang by Law: Interregional Law from an International Perspective” hosted by the China Institute of Legal History and the Xinjiang University of Political Science and Law, as a moderator in the sub-forum “Western Modern Legal Thought” and as the representative speaker of the organiser of the 2024 Annual Conference in the closing ceremony (as a moderator and a speaker).
  17. 2-3 May 2023 (Hong Kong, China): Participation in the Conference “Advance Directives Across Asia – Trends and Patterns” organised by the Centre for Medical Ethics and Law of the University of Hong Kong, with the topic “Advance Directives in Macao: Not Legally Recognised, but…” (as a speaker).
  18. 19 October 2022 (Online): Participation in the Conference “6th Meeting of Researchers in Legal Sciences of the University of Minho”, with the topic “Aplicabilidade da Perda de Chance na Responsabilidade Médica” (as a speaker).
  19. 18 August 2022 (Online): Participation in the Conference “2022 Straits Law Forum: Research on Legal Guarantee of Elderly Care Services”, with the topic “The Revolution of Elderly Care in Macao: A Study of Smart Elderly Care and Legal System” (as a speaker).
  20. 25 March 2021 (Online): Participation in the Conference “Responsibility for Public Health in the Lusophone World: Doing Justice and Beyond the Covid Emergency”, with the topic “Experiência de Macau contra a COVID-19: do Bem para o Mal” (as a speaker with the co-speaker Vera Lúcia RAPOSO).
  21. 9 January 2021 (Online): Participation in the “The 2nd Council of the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao Legal Education Alliance in 2020 and the Conference on the Training of Foreign-related Legal Talents”, under a topic entitled “How the alliance member colleges participate in the national foreign-related legal personnel training” (as a speaker).
  22. 21 November 2020 (Hainan, China): Participation in the “High-end forum on legal service innovation and development under the background of Hainan Free Trade Port”, under a topic entitled “Under the background of Hainan Free Trade Port-new opportunities for foreign law services” (as a speaker with the co-speaker Io Cheng TONG)
  23. 22 April 2020 (Online): Participation in the CTLE Online Half-Day Faculty Development Workshop: Online/Blended Teaching & Learning: Review and Looking Ahead, organised by the University of Macau (as a speaker).
  24. 5-6 December 2019 (Online): Participation in the Conference entitled Jornadas Internacionais ‘Igualdade e responsabilidade nas relações familiares’, organized by the JusGov, Law School of University of Minho, ADFAS and FCT, with the following presentation: “Contrato de Gestação Sub-rogada: Quem Assume a Parentalidade em caso de Arrependimento?” (as a speaker).
  25. 2 July 2019 (Online): Participation in the 3rd Meeting of Researchers in Legal Sciences of the University of Minho: the state of art in law research, organized by the School of Researchers of the JusGov, with the following presentation: “Literacia em Saúde e Consentimento Informado: Responsabilidade Civil Médica na Falta de Compreensão da Informação de Saúde” (as a speaker).
  26. 15-17 October 2018 (Coimbra, Portugal): Participation in the 3rd Coimbra International Conference on Human Rights: a transdisciplinary approach, organized by the Ius Gentium Conimbrigae/Center for Human Rights, with the following presentation: “How Genes Influence My Behaviour: Analysis of Behavioural Genetics Evidence Under the Criminal Law of Portugal” (as a speaker).
  27. 2-6 September 2018 (Tele Aviv, Israel): Participation in the 24th World Congress on Medical Law and Bioethics, Tel Aviv, Israel, organized by the World Association for Medical Law, with the following presentation: “Please Let Mentally Ill Patients Make True Self-Decision Under the Macau Law” (as a speaker).
  28. 30 November 2017 (Macao, China): Participation in the Conference of “Special Number of Law on Medical Malpractice”, organized by the Fundation Rui Cunha, with the following presentation: “Impacto do Regime Jurídico do Erro Médico sobre a Medicina Tradicional Chinesa” (as a speaker).
  29. 16 and 17 October 2017 (Macao, China): Participation in the II Conference on Medical Law – Asian Perspectives on Bioethics, Medical Ethics & Medical Law, organized by the Faculty of Law of University of Macau, with the following presentation: “Fight between Secret of Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions and Duty to Inform” (as a speaker).
  30. 13 and 14 December 2016 (Macao, China): Participation in the 2016 UNCITRAL Emergence Conference, organized by UNCITRAL and UMAC, with the following presentation: “The Role of China for Enhancing Global Supply Chains – Legal Obstacles and Solutions” (as a speaker).
  31. 6 and 7 December 2016 (Macao, China): Participation in the Second International Conference “Consumer Policy in China New Trends and Challenges”, organized by the Faculty of Law of University of Macau, with the following presentation: “Informed Consent in Traditional Chinese Medicine” (as a speaker).
  32. 20 April 2016 (Macao, China): Participation in the Conference on “Medical Liability and Patient’s Safety”, organized by the Faculty of Law of University of Macau, with the following presentation: “Advance Directive” (as a speaker).


Honours and Awards

  1. Incentive Scheme for Outstanding Academic Staff in Research – Faculty of Law, University of Macau (6 June 2024)
  2. Teaching Assistant Scholarship – Faculty of Law, University of Macau (February to June 2018)
  3. Research Assistant Scholarship – Faculty of Law, University of Macau (January 2016 to December 2017)
  4. Postgraduate Scholarship (PhD) – Macao Education and Youth Development Bureau (2017/2018 to 2019/2020)
  5. Postgraduate Scholarship (Master) – Macao Education and Youth Development Bureau (2013/2014 to 2014/2015)


Other Roles

  1. Associate Editor of the journal Medicine and Law
  2. Deputy Chief Editor on the Editorial Board of the journal China Ocean Law Review
  3. Co-Editor in Chief of the journal Marine Law and Policy
  4. Collaborating Researcher at Research Centre for Justice and Governance, Law School, University of Minho
  5. Part-time Researcher at Hainan University for International Sea Law and Dispute Settlement
  6. Member of General Assembly of The Portuguese Speaking Countries Association of Health Laws (Associação Lusófona de Direitos da Saúde) and Representative of Macao Special Administrative Region in this Association