(853) 8822 4089
E32 – 3016
Faculty of Law (FLL),
University of Macau, E32,
Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China.
Consultation Hours
Mondays 13h30~14h30
Thursdays 13h30~14h30
Muruga Perumal RAMASWAMY
Associate Professor
Programme Coordinator of MSC in Data Science with Specialization in Data Strategy and Compliance and Service Teaching Programme
Other Roles
- Member of Information and Education Technology Committee (IETC)
- Coordinator of Service Teaching Programme
Academic Qualifications
- Ph.D. (International Law and E-business Law), Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- M.Sc. (International Business Management), IIUM, Macau and Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon
- M.Phil. (International Law), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
- Post Graduate Diploma in International Trade Law, University Institute of European Studies, Turin, Italy
- LL.M. (Master of Law) (Labour Law, Maritime Law and Environmental Law) C.U.S.A.T University, Cochin
- LL.B. (Bachelor of Laws), Bhara thiar University
- B.A. (Law), (as a Part of a Double Degree Programme with LL.B) Bhara thiar University, Coim batore
Teaching Areas
- International Law
- Public Internation Law
- Common Law
- International Economic Law
- International Human Rights Law
- History of Legal Cultures
- International and Inter-Regional Trade Law
- Dispute Resolution
Research Interests
- Public International Law
- Common Law
- Maritime Law
- Labour Law
- Business Laws
- International Trade Law and WTO
- International Humanitarian and Refugee Laws
- Environmental Law
- Information Technology and E-Commerce Laws
- International Business Management
Current Research
- Challenges in implementing Information Technology in E-business and the evolution of international norms
- Multidisciplinary norms to muster effective deterrents to internal armed conflicts
- Intellectual Property Rights Issues on Internet Transactions
- Legal environment for E-commerce in USA and China
- Market conditions for Electronic Commerce in East Asia
Previous Research
- Evolving Norms and Strategies towards an Environmental World Order
- Settlement of Investment Disputes and WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism
- Determinants of Market Orientation in China: With Particular Reference to the Experience of Foreign Companies in the Pharmaceutical and Consumer Goods Market
- “Copy Right Infringements in Cyberspace: The Need to Nurture International Legal Principles”, International Journal of Computer, Internet and Management (IJCIM), Vol.14, No.3, (2006), pp. 8-31.
- “Offering Legal Education Online: Distance Learning or Distant from Learning?. Sustainable Learning in a Global Information Society, Bangkok: Association of Pacific Rim Universities and Chulalongkorn University, December 2007, pp.218-224.
- “Tracing ICT Growth and Internet Diffusion: A Closer Analysis of International and Regional Initiatives Ranging from United Nations to ASEAN”, INTI Journal, Special Issue. (2007), pp. 114-134.
- “Digital Divide Depriving the Dividends of Internet as an Instrument of Globalization: Challenges in Tracing ICT Growth and Internet Diffusion”.Proceedings of ICGB 2006-International Conference on Globalisation of Business, Kuala Lumpur, November 2006, (Available in CD Rom).
- “Diversity in Domestic Private International Law Rules: Legal Challenges Facing International E-business Transactions” Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Industrial Globalization and Technology Innovation, Vol.2, August 2007, Yong Kang, Taiwan: Ren Cheng, pp. 892-908. (Available in CD Rom).
- “Best Practices For Web-Based Systems: A Focus on Disclaimers, Copyright, Hyperlinks and Privacy Policy” (with Ekambaram Palaneeswaran) in Francisco L. Ribeiro, et. al., (eds), Information and Knowledge Management in a Global Economy, Lisbon: DECivil, (2005), pp.107-118.
- “A Commentary on Corporate Capitalism in Contemporary South Asia”, Euro Asia Journal of Management, Vol.14, No.2, (December 2004), pp.205-213.
- “Disputed Sovereign Claims In East-Asian Region: An overview of Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, Spratly Islands and Kuril Islands Disputes”, Boletim Da Faculdade De Directo, Vol.12, (2001), p 69.
- “Extra-judicial Interpretation of Constitutional Law-A closer look at the American Experience and the recent controversy in the interpretation of the Basic Law of Hong Kong SAR, China” The Yale-China Journal of American Studies, Vol.2, (Summer 2001), pp.110-116.
- “The Costs and Benefits of Information Technology Networking: A Contrast and Comparison of Networking in Business and Law Schools” Journal of Educational Media International, London, Routledge Publcn., Vol. 35, No.4, (December 1998), pp.253-264.
- “Far Eastern Financial Crisis: How far Financial Engineering would help Corporations to shield themselves?” Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Management (ICM’98)-Management for the 21 Century, ISBN 7-980022-43-2, China Higher Education Press, Beijing and Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, (1998). (Available in CD Rom).
- “Harmonization of Laws in International Trade from the Perspective of UNCITRAL” (with DANIELA GENTA), Participant Review, University Institute of European Studies, Italy, 10 April- 22 June, (1996), pp.73-89.
- “Review of Bibek Debroy, Beyond the Uruguay Round: The Indian Perspective on GATT, Respond Books, New Delhi, 1996” The Indian Journal of International Law, Vol 37, No.1, (1997), p.144.
- “Review of Markus G.Schmidt, Common Heritage or Common Burden?: The United States Position on the Development of a Regime for Deep Sea- bed Mining in the Law of the Sea Convention, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989″ International Studies, Vol. 32, No.4, (1995), pp.490-94.
- “Towards a World Environmental Order: The Hopes and Aspirations for the Future” 18 Cochi Univ. Law Review Vol.18, (1994), pp.227-254.
- “Strike Ballot and Trade Union Democracy” Cochi Univ. Law Review, Vol.17, (1993) pp.311-316.
Conference Papers
- “Practice of Passing along Fuel and Insurance Costs in Aviation Industry: Key for Survival or a Case for Regulation?” Presented at International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Air and Space Law held during 16-21 April 2007 in Macau and organized by Civil Aviation Authority of Macau and Institute of Air and Space Law, McGill University, Canada.
- “Foreign Investment in Continental Africa with a Specific Reference to Portuguese Speaking Countries”, Presented at the International Conference on Legal Education and Foreign Trade Law in the context of the relations between China and the Portuguese Speaking Countries, held during 3-4 October 2006 organized by Faculty of Law, UMAC /IEJAva/CLS and sponsored by Justice Department of Macau SAR.
- “The WTO Cross-Border Supply of Gambling and Betting Services Case and its Broader Implications” presented at the Symposium on WTO Law and Policy held on 7 June 2005 organized by the Faculty of Law, University of Macau
- “A comparison between CEPA Macau and CEPA Hong Kong” addressed at the WTO & Greater China Economic Area Law Conference Hosted by School of Law and WTO Law & Dispute Resolution Centre, City University of Hong Kong on 10 March 2005.
- “Intricacies of Implementation of Humanitarian Law Principles Relating to Internal Armed Conflicts and the Need for Rapid International Response-Lessons from Recent African Experiences”, Presented at the Conference on Genocide and Darfur: International Law Mechanisms for Rapid Response and an End to Impunity, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London, 9 December 2004.
- “Intellectual Property Rights Challenges in Cyber Space: Evolving Regulatory Regimes with a Specific Reference to the TRIPS Agreement under the WTO Framework”, Information and Cyberlaw Stream, Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) Conference, University of Wales, United Kingdom during 3-5 April 2002.
- “Regulation of Cross Border Commercialization of Risky Technologies-An International Legal Approach” Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Technology policy and Innovation, April, 1997, University of Macau.
- “International Free Trade and Consumer Interest: An ‘Invisible Hand’ Syndrome” Presented at the Indian Society of International Law, New Delhi, February, 1997.
- “Legal Aspects of Environmental Risk Management for Sustainable Economic Development in SAARC Regional Countries” presented at the School of Environmental Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. 1996.
- “International Regulation of Risky Technologies in the Developing World- A Preventive Approach” submitted to the Centre for Research in International Law and International Relations, The Hague Academy of International Law, The Hague, The Netherlands, 1995.
Professional Affiliations
- Secretary of International Law Association (ILA), Hong Kong Chapter, 2001-2003
- Member of the Committee on Teaching International Law, ILA, London
- Member of the Committee on International Trade Law, ILA, London
- Research Fellow (J.R.F) of the University Grants Commission of India, since 1994
- Law Lectureship, University Grants Commission, India, since 1994
- Member of the Law Society of Hong Kong 2002
- Member, Bar Council of India, since 1991
- Member of the National Service Scheme, India, 1987-1991
- Advocate, Bar Council of India, since 1991