
To support the implementation of the ‘one country, two systems’ policy and cultivate foreign-related legal talent that the country needs, Tong Io Cheng, dean of the Faculty of Law (FLL) of the University of Macau (UM), led a delegation to Beijing and visited the Supreme People’s Court, the National Judges College, the School of Law of Tsinghua University, the Research Office of the Supreme People’s Court, and the China Applied Jurisprudence Institute. During the visits, the delegation had in-depth discussions on jurisprudence and the training of foreign-related legal talent with various parties.

During their visit to the National Judges College (NJC), the FLL delegation exchanged views with President Li Chengyu regarding the development of joint master’s and doctoral programmes for judges. Tong also presented a report on the implementation of the training programme for Chinese senior judges and Li spoke highly of FLL’s teaching resources and hardware and software facilities. In addition, both parties agreed to enhance cooperation in the development of the master’s and doctoral programmes for judges.

At Tsinghua University’s School of Law, the FLL delegation was received by Vice President Peng Gang, and Dean Zhou Guangquan and Vice Dean Gao Simin. They had in-depth discussions on the education setup of their respective law schools, the model of cultivating foreign-related legal talent, and other related topics.

During their visit to the Research Office of the Supreme People’s Court, the FLL delegation met with Zhou Jiahai, head of the Research Office. Tong presented a report on the completed and ongoing tasks of the Centre for Judicial and Legal Studies of China and Portuguese-Speaking Countries, which was jointly set up by UM and the Research Office. The Research Office acknowledged the centre’s achievements. Both parties also discussed the centre’s main tasks for 2024 and agreed on an action plan.

At the China Applied Jurisprudence Institute, the FLL delegation held a meeting with President Chen Zhiyuan and several researchers. The discussions revolved around topics such as writing proposals for national-level research about Macao or countries along the Belt and Road Initiative, joint training of foreign-related legal talent, and establishing an exchange mechanism for visiting researchers. The two parties also agreed on deepening cooperation in relevant fields.