In Book


  1. Svetlicinii, A. (09/2017). Global Fragmentation of Competition Law and BRICS: Adaptation or Transformation?. The BRICS-Lawyers’ Guide to Global Cooperation (pp.123-147). Cambridge University Press
  2. Svetlicinii, A. (09/2017). Moldova. In Kaj Hober and Yaraslau Kryvoi (Eds). Law and Practice of International Arbitration in the CIS Region (pp.211-254). Wolters Kluwer.
  3. Svetlicinii, A. (12/2017). Enforcement of the EU Competition Rules in Lithuania: Application of the ‘Effect on Trade’ Concept in the Enforcement Practice of the National Competition Authority and Courts. In Vesna Tomljenović, Nada Bodiroga-Vukobrat, Vlatka Butorac Malnar, Ivana Kunda (Eds). EU Competition and State Aid Rules: Public and Private Enforcement (pp.87-110). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
  4. Svetlicinii, A., Zhang, J. (09/2017). Defending Trade Multilateralism: The BRICS Countries in theWorld Trade Organization’s Dispute Settlement Mechanism. The BRICS-Lawyers’ Guide to Global Cooperation (pp.54-77). Cambridge University Press.
  5. Svetlicinii, A.、Zhang, J.张娟娟:《世界贸易组织争端解决机制中的金砖国家》,《金砖国家的务实合作与产业安全》,金砖国家的务实合作与产业安全贺平,沈逸(編),上海:上海人民出版社,頁138-150,10/2017。 [Svetlicinii, A., Zhang, J. (10/2017). BRICS in WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism. In He Ping, Shen Yi (Eds). BRICS Practical Cooperation and Industrial Security (pp.138-150). Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publishing House. ]
  6. Neuwirth, R.J., Svetlicinii, A., Halis, D. (09/2017). Conclusion: BRICS Lawyers as Bricklayers. The BRICS-Lawyers’ Guide to Global Cooperation (pp.371-378). Cambridge University Press.
  7. Neuwirth, R.J., Svetlicinii, A., Halis, D. (09/2017). Introduction. The BRICS-Lawyers’ Guide to Global Cooperation (pp.1-7). Cambridge University Press.
  8. Garcia, A. T.:《澳門及其在葡語國內的影響:法律和其他方面》,《全球化與澳門:澳門在亞太和拉美之間的對外平台角色》,全球化與澳門:澳門在亞太和拉美之間的對外平台角色魏美昌(編), 澳門:澳門基金會, 社會科學文獻出版社,頁432-437,11/2017。 [Garcia, A. T. (11/2017). Macau and its influence in the Portuguese Speaking Countries: Law and beyond. In Gary Ngai (Eds). Globalization and Macau : Macau’s External Role Between Asia Pacific and Latin America (pp.432-437). Macau: Fundação Macau, Social Sciences Academic Press (China). ]
  9. Leong, C. H.:《澳門對公司誠信經營的法律規定》,《商事制度改革與企業誠信經營法制建設研究》,商事制度改革與企業誠信經營法制建設研究北京:中國民主法制出版社,頁60-68,11/2017。 [Leong, C. H. (11/2017). Integrity management company by law in Macau. In 黃來紀, 李志強 (Eds). (pp.60-68). Beijing:
  10. Leong, C. H.:《第十一章 母嬰保健與人口法律制度》,《衛生法規(普通高等教育中醫藥類“十三五”規劃教材)》,衛生法規(普通高等教育中醫藥類“十三五”規劃教材)上海科學技術出版社,頁180-200,08/2017。
  11. Leong, C. H.:《論收養制度——以澳門民法典的收養制度為中心》,《親屬法及未成年人法研究》,親屬法及未成年人法研究Manuel Marcelino Escovar Trigo(編),澳門:法律及司法培訓中心,頁315-332,09/2017。
  12. Leong, C. H.、da Luz dos Santos, H.M:《葡萄牙衛生基本法》,《部分國家衛生基本法研究》,部分國家衛生基本法研究法律出版社,頁115-127,12/2017。 [Leong, C. H., da Luz dos Santos, H.M (12/2017). Portugal Health Basic Law. Research on Basic Health Laws in Some Countries (pp.115-127). Law Press. China. ]
  13. Tong, I. C., Leong, C. H. (11/2017). Macao (Product Liability). In Koziol, Helmut / Green, Michael D. / Lunney, Mark / Oliphant, Ken / Yang, Lixin (Eds). PRODUCT LIABILITY Fundamental Questions in a Comparative Perspective (pp.97-119). Berlin: De Gruyter.
  14. Tong, I. C.唐曉晴、 Leong, C. H.梁靜姮、Ho, C. L.何張龍:《拉丁、拉丁法系與澳門法律》,《全球化與澳門:澳門在亞太和拉美之間的對外平台角色》,全球化與澳門:澳門在亞太和拉美之間的對外平台角色魏美昌(編),澳門:澳門基金會, 社會科學文獻出版社,頁418-431,11/2017。
  15. Jiang, C.Y.:《主权与治权能否分离?》,《中央与特别行政区关系规范化》,中央与特别行政区关系规范化杨允中;冷铁勋(編),Macao:澳门理工学院一国两制研究中心,頁91-105,12/2017。
  16. Wei, D. (06/2018). Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law in the People’s Republic of China. Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer Law (pp.173-201). Springer.
  17. Wei, D. (12/2017). Discurso em Homenagem a Professora Candida Pires. Direitos da Criança e da Mulher (pp.265-268). Universidade de Macau.
  18. Wei, D. (12/2017). Proteção da Criança enquanto consumidor na China: uma visão panorâmica. In Wei Dan e Orquídea Massarongo Jona (Eds). Direitos da Criança e da Mulher (pp.139-155). Universidade de Macau.
  19. Wei, D.魏丹:《“一带一路”建设与跨境消费争议解决的新模式》,《”一带一路”法律新机遇(澳门论文集)》,”一带一路”法律新机遇(澳门论文集)澳门法学协进会,頁46-57,09/2017。
  20. Wei, D.魏丹:《中国与葡语国家在法律领域的交流和合作:澳门特区的角色》,《Report on the Development of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (2016-2017) Blue Book of PSC》,Report on the Development of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (2016-2017) Blue Book of PSCSocial Sciences Academic Press,頁40-49,06/2018。
  21. Wei, D.魏丹:《我眼中的巴西教授克劳迪亚利马马尔凯斯》,《Movimentos entre os Saberes: A Transdisciplinaridade e o Direito》,Movimentos entre os Saberes: A Transdisciplinaridade e o DireitoEditora RJR,頁497-504,11/2017。
  22. Wei, D.魏丹:《澳门投融资法律概况之“一带一路”下葡语国家及其与中国的合作》,《Legal Research on Investment and Financing of Mainland Enterprises in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan》,Legal Research on Investment and Financing of Mainland Enterprises in Hong Kong, Macao and TaiwanChina Financial Publishing House,頁122-130,09/2017。
  23. Wei, D.魏丹:《澳门携手巴西等拉美国家共建“一带一路”》,《The Belt and Road and Macau’s Development》,The Belt and Road and Macau’s DevelopmentSocial Sciences Academic Press,頁258-265,05/2018。
  24. Zhao, Y、 Wei, D.魏丹:《葡语国家巴西仲裁立法改革》,《Legal Research on Investment and Financing of Mainland Enterprises in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan》,Legal Research on Investment and Financing of Mainland Enterprises in Hong Kong, Macao and TaiwanChina Financial Publishing House,頁366-384,09/2017。
  25. Tu, G. J. (01/10/2017). Report on Macau SAR. Encyclopedia of Private International Law (pp.2305-2315). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  26. Tu, G. J. (15/11/2017). Proof and Information about Foreign Law in Macau. Treatment of Foreign Law–Dynamics towards Convergence (pp.541-549). Springer.
  27. Tu, G. J.:《中国参加相关儿童保护公约的一些基本情况》,《亲属法及未成年人法研究》,亲属法及未成年人法研究法律及司法培训中心,頁409-419,01/12/2017。 [Tu, G. J. (01/12/2017). Child Protection Conventions in China. A Study on Marriage Law and Child Protection Law (pp.409-419). Judicial Training Centre of Macau. ]
  28. Tu, G. J.:《新中国成立以来婚姻法变迁刍议》,《亲属法及未成年人法研究》,亲属法及未成年人法研究法律及司法培训中心,頁379-408,01/11/2017。 [Tu, G. J. (01/11/2017). A Survey of the Evolution of Chinese Marriage Law since 1949. A Study on Marriage Law and Child Protection Law (pp.379-408). Judicial Training Centre of Macau. ]
  29. Hsiao, I. (03/2018). Intellectual Property Strategy for Tech Start-Ups in Equity Crowdfunding. Harmonizing Trade Law to Enable Private Sector Regional Development (pp.401-416). New Zealand Association of Comparative Law.
  30. Hsiao, I. (28/08/2017). Chapter 19. Harmonising Trade Law to Enable Private Sector Regional Development (pp.410-424). New Zealand Association of Comparative Law.
  31. Kong, W.:《 《“一国两制”下中央对特区全面管治权的概念辨析》》,《《中央与特区行政区关系规范化(学术研讨会论文集)》》,《中央与特区行政区关系规范化(学术研讨会论文集)》澳门理工学院一国两制研究中心,頁52-66,12/2017。
  32. Kong, W.:《《中央對特別行政區的全面管治權芻議》》,《《邁向澳門“一國兩制”實踐新征程——紀念澳門基本法頒佈25周年學術研討會論文集》》,《邁向澳門“一國兩制”實踐新征程——紀念澳門基本法頒佈25周年學術研討會論文集》楊允中 饒戈平(編),澳門:澳門基本法推廣協會出版,頁64-76,06/2018。
  33. Lemos, M. Â. (05/2018). Os “crimes incaucionáveis” no Código de Processo Penal de Macau. Estudos em Homenagem ao prof. Doutor Manuel da Costa Andrade (pp.461-476).Universidade de Coimbra.
  34. Lemos, M. Â. (12/2017). Andam os tribunais penais internacionais a inventar crimes sexuais? A violação como genocídio e o sexo forçado oral como violação. Direitos da Criança e da Mulher (pp.29-69). Universidade de Macau.
  35. Canelas de Castro, P. J. (04/2018). The European Union Water Initiative and Its Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia Component: In Search of Water Security by Looking at the EU Water Policy and Law Model, in . In Vasile Cucerescu, Carlos E. Pacheco Amaral, Gaga Gabrichidze, Ioan Horga, Anatoliy Kruglashov, Ewa Latoszek, Marta Pachocka (Eds). The European Union and the Eastern Partnership: Security Challenges (pp.269-284). Chişinău, Moldova: ECSA Moldova.
  36. Neuwirth, R.J. (30/09/2017). The Enantiosis of BRICS: BRICS Law[y]ers and the Difference That They Can Make. In Rostam J. NEUWIRTH, Alexandr SVETLICINII; Denis de CASTRO HALIS (Eds). The BRICS-Lawyers’ Guide to Global Cooperation (pp.8-30). New York; London: Cambridge University Press (CUP).
  37. Neuwirth, R.J., Svetlicinii, A., Halis, D. (09/2017). Conclusion: BRICS Lawyers as Bricklayers. The BRICS-Lawyers’ Guide to Global Cooperation (pp.371-378). Cambridge University Press.
  38. Neuwirth, R.J., Svetlicinii, A., Halis, D. (09/2017). Introduction. The BRICS-Lawyers’ Guide to Global Cooperation (pp.1-7). Cambridge University Press
  39. Du, L. (11/2017). The legal framework for genetic testing in China: achievements and challenges. Inégalités d’accès aux soins et aux services médicaux – Recherche médicale, innovation et nouvelles technologies (pp.211-223). BNDS.
  40. Robalo, T. L. (12/2017). Breve apontamento sobre a Lei n.º 2/2016. Medidas de protecção e medidas de coacção.. In Wei dan and Orquídia Massarongo Jona (Eds). Direitos da Criança e da Mulher (pp.209-223). Macau: Centro de Estudos Jurídicos da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau. [Robalo, T. L. (12/2017). Law 2/2016: brief study. Protection orders and preventive measures.. Child and Women rights (pp.209-223).
  41. Robalo, T. L.:《“O tráfico de seres humanos no enquadramento jurídico-penal de Macau. O tráfico de mulheres para a prática de prostituição, o lenocínio e a exploração de prostituição”》,《”Globalization and Macau: Macau’s External role between Asia Pacific and Latin America”》,”Globalization and Macau: Macau’s External role between Asia Pacific and Latin America”Macau:Fundação Macau and Social Sciences Academic Press,頁505-543,01/12/2017。 [Robalo, T. L. (01/12/2017). The Human Trafficking under the Macanese legal system. Traffic of women for prostitution. . (pp.505-543). Macau:
  42. Raposo, V. L. (01/2018). A Parte Gestante Está Proibida de Pintar as Unhas’ – Direito Contratual e Contratos de Gestação. Debatendo a Procriação Medicamente Assistida (pp.169-188). Oporto: Faculty of Law of Oporto University. [Raposo, V. L. (01/2018). ‘The Surrogate Cannot Have her Nails Done’: Contract Law and Surrogacy Contracts. Debating Assisted Reproductive Reproduction (pp.169-188).
  43. Raposo, V. L. (02/2018). “Crime e Castigo: Crimes de Comissão por Omissão e o Dever de Garante do Médico” . In Almedina (Eds). Livro Comemorativo dos 20 anos da Faculdade de Direito do Porto (pp.735-755). Universidade do Porto. [Raposo, V. L. (02/2018). .”Crime and Punishment: Crimes of Commission by Omission and the Doctor’s Duty of Guarantee”, . Commemorative book of the 20 years of the Oporto Faculty of Law (pp.735-755).
  44. Raposo, V. L. (03/2018). Crimes in Vitro (Do Embrião In Vitro, da Manipulação Genética e de Outros Admiráveis Mundos Novos) . Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Manuel da Costa Andrade (pp.25-42). Universidade de Coimbra. [Raposo, V. L. (03/2018). In Vitro Crimes (About the In Vitro Embryo, Genetic Manipulation and Other Admirable New Worlds. Homage Studies for Prof. Manuel da Costa Andrade (pp.25-42).
  45. Raposo, V. L. (11/2017). Nanotechnology and nanomedicine : actually size does matter . In Anne Marie Duguet (Eds). Recherche médicale, innovation et nouvelles technologies (pp.192-206). Bordeaux: Unknown .
  46. Raposo, V. L. (12/2017). “No início era o verbo (Da tutela jurídica pré-natal no ordenamento da RAEM)” . Direitos da Criança e da Mulher (pp.71-94). University of Macau. [Raposo, V. L. (12/2017). ”In the beginning there was the verb (About pre-natal protection in RAEM legal order”, . (pp.71-94).
  47. Wang Morbey, W王薇:《澳門商事登記制度的特點》,《商事制度改革與企業誠信經營法制建設研究》,商事制度改革與企業誠信經營法制建設研究黃來紀等(編),北京:中國民主法制出版社,頁9-25,11/2017。 [Wang Morbey, W (11/2017). Characteristics of Macau Business Registration System. In Huang Laiji et al (Eds). Study on the reform of business law and the company’s commitment to conducting business with honesty and integrity (pp.9-25). Shanghai: China Democracy and Legal System Publishing House. ]
  48. Tong, I. C.唐曉晴、 Leong, C. H.梁靜姮、Ho, C. L.何張龍:《拉丁、拉丁法系與澳門法律》,《全球化與澳門:澳門在亞太和拉美之間的對外平台角色》,全球化與澳門:澳門在亞太和拉美之間的對外平台角色魏美昌(編),澳門:澳門基金會, 社會科學文獻出版社,頁418-431,11/2017。