In Book

  1. Nunes Correia, P. R.:《O Sistema Jurídico de Macau: uma perspectiva de Direito Comparado》,《Repertorio do Direito de Macau》,Repertorio do Direito de MacauMacau:Faculdade de Direito, Universidade de Macau,頁15-28,11/2019
  2. Tu, G. J., huang, Z.Y (01/12/2019). People’s Republic of China: Optional Choice of Court Agreements in the Vibrant Age. Optional Choice of Court Agreements in Private International Law (pp.151-168). Springer.
  3. Tu, G. J., Chen, S. (01/05/2020). Private International Law Aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility: China (PRC). Private International Law Aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility (pp.257-283). Springer.
  4. Wang Morbey, W. (12/2019). Governança corporativa na China. O Direito das Sociedades no Contexto da China, Macau e Moçambique (pp.51-79). Centro de Estudos jurídicos da Faculdade de Direito de Macau.
  5. Iau, T. P.邱庭彪:《回歸以來澳門市政建設與城市發展》,《澳門藍皮書2019》,澳門藍皮書2019Social Sciences Academic Press (China), Macao Foundation,頁269-282,12/2019。[Iau, T. P. (12/2019). Municipal Constructions and Urban Development after the Handover of Macao. Blue Book Macau 2019 (pp.269-282).
  6. Jiang, C.Y.:《憲法與基本法是澳門特別行政區的憲製基礎》,《總結一國兩制成功實踐經驗,積極主動融入國家發展大局學術研討會論文集》,總結一國兩制成功實踐經驗,積極主動融入國家發展大局學術研討會論文集李麗娜(編),澳門:澳門理工學院一國兩制研究中心,頁6-19,12/2019。 [Jiang, C.Y. (12/2019). The Constitution and Basic Law are the constitutional basis of the Macao Special Administrative Region. In Li Lina (Eds). Summarize the successful practical experience of one country, two systems, and actively integrate into the overall situation of national development (pp.6-19). Macau: One Country, Two Systems Research Center, Macau Polytechnic Institute. ]
  7. Kong, W.:《“一國兩制”澳門經驗對臺灣的啟示》,《《總結“一國兩制”成功實踐經驗,積極主動融入國家發展大局(學術研討會論文集)》》,《總結“一國兩制”成功實踐經驗,積極主動融入國家發展大局(學術研討會論文集)》澳門理工學院“一國兩制”研究中心,頁183-194,12/2019。
  8. Raposo, V.L. (05/2020). ‘Informed Consent in China and Macao’. In Thierry Vansweevelt and Nicola Glover-Thomas (Eds). Informed Consent and Health – A Global Analysis (pp.144-162). Edward Arnold Publishers.
  9. Raposo, V.L. (05/2020). “O medo e a morte (ou o medo da morte)” . Direito e Morte (pp.23-26). Letramento Editora. [Raposo, V.L. (05/2020). “Fear and death (or the fear of death)” . Law and Death (pp.23-26).
  10. Svetlicinii, A. (10/2019). Sustainable Development and the New Development (BRICS) Bank: The Contribution of the BRICS Countries. In Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira, Yijia Jing (Eds). International Development Assistance and the BRICS (pp.119-147). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.
  11. Svetlicinii, A. (12/12/2019). The Interactions of Competition Law and Investment Law: The Case of Chinese State-Owned Enterprises and EU Merger Control Regime. In Chaisse J., Choukroune L., Jusoh S. (Eds). Handbook of International Investment Law and Policy (pp.1-21). Singapore: Springer, Singapore.
  12. Lemos, M. Â. (07/2020). Commentary under Judgment pursuant to article 74 of the Statute, Prosecutor v. Katanga¸ Case No. ICC-01/04–01/07, T. Ch. II, 7 March 2014 . In Klip/Freeland ALC-LXII-570, 2020 (Eds). Annotated Leading Cases Series (pp.570-610). Intersentia.
  13. Lemos, M. Â. (07/2020). Why the Court of Final Appeal of Hong Kong Should Re- Assert Its Power to Review Acts of the Standing Commitee. Comparative Constitutional History (pp.89-120). Brill.
  14. Neuwirth, R.J. (06/10/2019). The ‘End of ‘Development Assistance’ and the BRICS. In de Oliveira, Jose A. Puppim, Jing, Yijia (Eds.) (Eds). International Development Assistance and the BRICS (pp.15-33). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  15. Neuwirth, R.J. (25/01/2020). The European Union as an Oxymoron: From Contest via Contradiction to Constitution?. In Julien Chaisse (Eds). Sixty Years of European Integration and Global Power Shifts: Perceptions, Interactions and Lessons (pp.51-65). Cambridge: Hart Publishing.
  16. Neuwirth, R.J. (25/09/2019). On the Origin of Legal Diversity by Means of Comparative Law, or the Role of Legal Education in the Solution of Legal Conflicts. In Mahendra P. Singh and Niraj Kumar (Eds). Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law 2018 (pp.45-67). Berlin: Springer.
  17. Neuwirth, R.J. (27/06/2020). GAIA 2048 – A ‘Glocal Agency in Anthropocene’: Cognitive and Institutional Change as ‘Legal Science Fiction’. In 1.Lewis, Meredith Kolsky, Nakagawa, Junji, Neuwirth, Rostam J., Picker, Colin B. and Stoll, Peter-Tobias (Eds). A Post-WTO International Legal Order: Utopian, Dystopian and Other Scenarios (pp.71-92). Cham (Switzerland): Springer.
  18. Leong, C. H. (01/2020). Macau banking law and financial institutions. In Douglas W. Arner, University of Hong Kong, Wai Yee Wan, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,Andrew Godwin, The University of Melbourne, Australia, Wei Shen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China and Evan Gibson, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (Eds). Research Handbook on Asian Financial Law (pp.315-335). Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  19. Leong, C. H.:《民法典人格權編條文理解與司法適用(第997條至第1001條)》,《民法典人格權編條文理解與司法適用》,民法典人格權編條文理解與司法適用中國審判理論研究會民事審判理論專業委員會(編),北京:法律出版社,頁65-93,07/2020。
  20. Trigo, M. M.:《1999年澳門親屬法的改革》,《澳門法律概論 (中文版)》,澳門法律概論 (中文版)Faculty of Law, University of Macau,頁452-485,11/2019。 [Trigo, M. M. (11/2019).Direito da Família de Macau na Reforma de 1999. Repertório do Direito de Macau (versão Chinesa) (pp.452-485).
  21. Trigo, M. M.:《繼承法》,《澳門法律概論 (中文版)》,澳門法律概論 (中文版)Faculty of Law, University of Macau,頁527-547,11/2019。 [Trigo, M. M. (11/2019). Direito das Sucessão. Repertório do Direito de Macau versão Chinesa (pp.527-547).
  22. Wei, D., Rafael, A. (12/2019). A Governança Verde na Governança Corporativa: a Experiência da China. O Direito das Sociedades no Contexto da China, Macau e Moçambique (pp.81-106). University of Macau.
  23. Wei, D., Rafael, A. (12/2019). Macao Report. Collective Bargaining in Labour Law Regimes: a Global Perspective (pp.399-415). Springer.
  24. Wei, D.魏丹:《葡语国家共同体:梦想与理念》,《葡语国家发展报告蓝皮书(2017-2018)》,葡语国家发展报告蓝皮书(2017-2018)社会科学文献出版社,頁88-98,09/2019。