Indexed Journals

  1. Du, L. (20/04/2020). Chinese CoViD-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control Measures: A Brief Review. BioLaw Journal, 1. pp. 731-739. ESCI
  2. Du, L. (28/04/2020). Genetic Privacy and Data Protection: A Review of Chinese Direct-to-Consumer Test Services. Frontiers in Genetics, N/A. pp. 1-20. SCIE
  3. Raposo, V.L., Iong, M. T. (05/2020). The struggle against the CoVid-19 pandemic in Macao. BioLaw Journal, (1S). pp. 747-752. ESCI
  4. Jiang, C.Y.:《“一国两制”是保持香港、澳门繁荣稳定的最佳制度》,《中国报道》,No.1。頁57-59,01/2020。 [Jiang, C.Y. (01/2020). “One Country, Two Systems” is the best system to maintain the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao. China Report, No.1. pp. 57-59. ] CSSCI
  5. Jiang, C.Y.:《回归20年:“一国两制”的“澳门模式”辨析》,《台、港、澳研究》,2019(6)。頁63-70,12/2019。 [Jiang, C.Y. (12/2019). Return to 20 Years:Analysis of the “Macao Model” of “One Country,Two Systems”. China Social Science Excellence: Study on Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, 2019(6). pp. 63-70. ] CSSCI
  6. Jiang, C.Y.:《回归20年:“一国两制”的“澳门模式”辨析》,《江汉大学学报(社会科学版)》,No.5。頁5-14,10/2019。 [Jiang, C.Y. (10/2019). Twenty Years:the“Macao Model”of“One Country,Two Systems”. Journal of Jianghan University(Social Science Edition), No.5. pp. 5-14. ] CSSCI
  7. Jiang, C.Y.:《澳门回归20年:公共行政的变革与发展》,《复印期刊:《台、港、澳研究》》,2019(4)。頁35-44,08/2019。 [Jiang, C.Y. (08/2019). 20 Years:Reform and Development of Public Administration in Macao. China Social Science Excellence: Study on Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, 2019(4). pp. 35-44. ] CSSCI
  8. Ma, Z.:《論個人破產餘債免除制度在我國的適應性及其構建》,《中国政法大学学报》,4。頁171-187,08/2019。 [Ma, Z. (08/2019). On the Adaptability and Construction of Individual Bankruptcy Residual Debt Exemption System in China. Journal of CUPL , 4. pp. 171-187. ] CSSCI
  9. Raposo, V.L., Ma, Z. (03/2020). An ethical evaluation of the legal status of foetuses and embryos under Chinese law. Developing World Bioethics, 20(1). pp. 38-49. SCIE SSCI
  10. Raposo, V.L. (01/2020). “Defensive Medicine and the Imposition of a More Demanding Standard of Care”, . Journal of Legal Medicine, 39(4). pp. 401-416. SSCI
  11. Raposo, V.L. (02/2020). , “A European Proposal to Regulate Off-Label Prescription in China”. Asia Europe Journal, NA. pp. —. SSCI
  12. Raposo, V.L. (02/2020). “Rise and fall of Surrogacy Arrangements in Portugal (in the Aftermath of Decision n. 465/2019 of the Portuguese Constitutional Court)”. Biolaw Journal – Rivista Di Biodiritto, 1/2000. pp. 339-353. ESCI
  13. Raposo, V.L. (03/2020). “The CJEU’s ruling in the Novartis Farma case – Money, Health and Medicines”, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 27(2). pp. 178-198. Scopus
  14. Raposo, V.L. (04/2020). “Portugal, Fighting Covid-19 in the Edge of Europe”. Biolaw Journal – Rivista Di Biodiritto, 1/2020. pp. 723-729. ESCI
  15. Raposo, V.L. (05/2020). “Can China’s ‘standard of care’ for COVID-19 be replicated in Europe?” . Journal of Medical Ethics, NA. pp. 1-4. SCIE  SSCI
  16. Raposo, V.L. (07/2020). ‘Safe Drugs Versus Innovative Drugs (Can We Have Both?)’, . Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 10(3). pp. 334-337. ESCI
  17. Raposo, V.L. (08/2019). The First Chinese Edited Babies: A Leap of Faith in Science. JBRA Assisted Reproduction, 23(3). pp. 197-199. Scopus
  18. Raposo, V.L. (09/2019). CRISPR-Cas9 and the Promise of a Better Future. European Journal of Health Law, 26. pp. 308-329. ESCI
  19. Raposo, V.L. (09/2019). Surrogacy Contracts Are not just Another Contract. Medicine and Law, 38(3). pp. 535-546. ESCI
  20. Raposo, V.L. (10/2019). Wrongful genetic connection: Neither blood of my blood, nor flesh of my flesh. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 23. pp. 309-319. SSCI AHCI
  21. Raposo, V.L. (12/2019). ‘An EU comparative analysis of the regulation of clinical trials supervisory bodies in the aftermath of Regulation 536/2014’. European Public Law, 26(2). pp. 307-330. ESCI
  22. Wang, C. (09/2019). Invocation of National Security Exceptions under GATT Article XXI: Jurisdiction to Review and Standard of Review. Chinese Journal of International Law,18 (3). pp. 695-712. SSCI
  23. Lemos, M. Â. (03/2020). Jus Cogens Versus the Chapter VII Powers of the Security Council: With Particular References to Humanitarian Intervention and Terrorism. Chinese Journal of International Law, 19 (1). pp. 1-52. SSCI
  24. Neuwirth, R.J. (07/11/2019). “BRICS LAW”: AN OXYMORON, OR FROM COOPERATION, VIA CONSOLIDATION, TO CODIFICATION?. BRICS Law Journal, 6(4). pp. 6-33. ESCI
  25. Neuwirth, R.J. (31/12/2019). Law, Time and Oxymora: A Synaesthetic Exploration of the Future Role of Customary Global Law. Revista General de Derecho Público Comparado 26. pp. 1-29. ESCI
  26. Hsiao, I. (01/2020). The Patent Eligibility of Predictive Algorithm in Second Generation Personalized Medicine. SMU Science and Technology Law Review, 22. pp. 101-N/A. Google scholar Heinonline
  27. Hsiao, I. (11/2019). 99% Human and 1%Animal? Patentable Subject Matter and Creating Organs via Interspecies Blastocyst Complementation. New England Law Review Forum,N/A. pp. N/A-N/A. Google scholar Heinonline
  28. Ng, K. K.:《法律行為三元素(要素、常素、偶素)理論的誕生發展史》,《交大法學》,2020(2)。頁32-61,15/04/2020。 [Ng, K. K. (15/04/2020). The Origin and Development of the Trichotomy of Essentialia, Naturalia and Accidentialia Negotii. SJTU Law Review, 2020(2). pp. 32-61. ] CSSCI
  29. Liu, J. H., Wu, G.Z., Boateng, F.D. (03/12/2019). Does Procedural Fairness Matter for Drug Abusers to Stop Illicit Drug Use? Testing the Applicability of the Process-Based Model in a Chinese Context. Psychology, Crime & Law (SSCI) (Scopus), 26(5). pp. 507-526. SSCI Scopus
  30. Liu, J.H.(Correspo) (10/11/2019). Debating CorConceptual and Measurement Issues About Police Legitimacy—Editor’s Introduction. Asian Journal of Criminology (SSCI) (Scopus), 0(14). pp. 261-263. SSCI Scopus
  31. Liu, J.H.(Correspo), Lambert, E. , Kelley, T., Zhang, J.W., Jiang, S.H. (24/12/2019). Exploring the Association between Work-Family Conflict and Job Involvement. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology (SSCI) (Scopus), 64 (8). pp. 1-27. SSCI Scopus
  32. Zhang, J.W., Liu, J. H.(Correspo), Cui, S., Shuai, H.L. (01/07/2020). The Effects of Classroom Anger, Strain, and Negative Emotions on Delinquency among Vocational School Students in China. Deviant Behavior (SSCI) (Scopus), 0(0). pp. 1-11. SSCI Scopus
  33. Shuai, H.L.、Liu, J. H.(Correspo):《恢复性司法对我国校园欺凌的应对》,《天津法学》,0(1)。頁53-61,15/03/2020。 [Shuai, H.L., Liu, J. H.(Correspo) (15/03/2020). Responses to School Bullying in China: Restorative Justice. Tianjin Legal Science, 0(1). pp. 53-61. ] CNKI
  34. Lambert, E., Liu, J. H., Jiang, S.H., Kelley, T., Zhang, J.W. (19/03/2020). Examining the Association between Work–Family Conflict and the Work Attitudes of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment among Chinese Correctional Staff. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law (SSCI) (Scopus), 0(0). pp. 1-20. SSCI
  35. Wei, D. (02/2020). From Fragmentation to Harmonization of Consumer Law: The Pespective of China. Journal of Consumer Policy, 43. pp. 35-56. ESCI
  36. Wei, D.魏丹、Tang, Y.:《从国际投资规则的旁观者到引领者》,《武大国际法评论》,5。頁63-83,12/2019。 CSSCI
  37. Lok, W. K.駱偉建:《論“一國兩制”成功實施的兩個必要條件》,《中共珠海市委黨校珠海市行政學院學報》,(4)。頁11-20,08/2019。 [Lok, W. K. (08/2019). On the Two Necessary Conditions for the Successful Implementation of “One Country, Two Systems” policy. (4). pp. 11-20. ] CNKI