Indexed Journals

  1. 李可, 唐晓晴, .(2022).横琴粤澳深度合作区:理念创新与制度构建.港澳研究,13-24.
  2. Svetlicinii, A., .(2022).Ownership-neutral or ownership-blind? The case of Polish state-owned enterprises in EU merger control.Journal of Antitrust Enforcement,1-22.
  3. Svetlicinii, A., .(2022).Consolidation of the State-Owned Enterprises in China: A Missed Opportunity for the EU Merger Control?.Journal of European Competition Law and Practice,13(1),17-28.
  4. Svetlicinii, A., .(2022).China’s defense against secondary sanctions: lessons from the EU blocking statute.Journal of International Trade Law and Policy.
  5. 杜立, .(2022).细胞培养肉商业化的法律规范与监管:外国经验及对我国启示.Synthetic Biology Journal,3(1),209-223.
  6. Du, Li, Wang, Meng, Raposo, Vera Lúcia, .(2022).International Efforts and Next Steps to Advance COVID-19 Vaccines Research and Production in Low-and Middle-Income Countries.Vaccines,10(1).
  7. Du, Li, Wang, Meng, .(2022).Empirical Legal Studies in China: Current Status, Emerging Trends and Indications for Legal Education.Asian Journal of Legal Education,9(2),135-155.
  8. Moreira, João Ilhão, Li, Rebina Zibin, .(2022).Macau Gaming Operators and the Pandemic: Corporate Social Responsibility is Changing.Gaming Law Review,26(6),335-340.
  9. Moreira, João Ilhão, .(2022).Macau’s Approach to the Emergency Arbitrator.Comparative Law Journal of the Pacific,XXVI(Special Issue),169-182.
  10. Moreira, João Ilhão, Vecellio Segate, R., .(2021).The ‘It’ Arbitrator: Why Do Corporations Not Act as Arbitrators?.Journal of International Dispute Settlement,12(4),525-557.
  11. Moreira, João Ilhão, .(2022).Arbitration vis-à-vis other professions: a sociology of professions account of international commercial arbitrators.Journal of Law and Society,49(1),48-70.
  12. Zhang,Jinwu, Liu,Jianhong, Cui,Shan, Shuai,Honglan, .(2022).The Effects of Classroom Anger, Strain, and Negative Emotions on Delinquency among Vocational School Students in China.Deviant Behavior,43(2),152-162.
  13. Zhang, R.R., Liu, J. H., Zhong, H., .(2021).”吸毒是我自己的事”——当代中国女性吸毒的娱乐化时代.警学研究,16-25.
  14. Zhang, Jinwu, Liu, Jianhong, Cui, Shan, Shuai, Honglan, .(2022).Perceived justice, negative emotions and delinquency in Chinese high schools and vocational schools.Psychology, Crime and Law.
  15. Xia Hu, Liu, Jianhong, .(2022).The Research about Risks and Preventions in Criminal Law under the Context of Over Generalization of Concept of Science( 科学泛化引发的刑法风险及其防范).河北法学,40(4),117-136.
  16. Pontell, Henry N., Liu, Jianhong, Contreras, Christopher, Leong, Soi Wan Donna, Huang, Li, .(2022).Occupational crimes in casinos: employee theft in Macau, China.Crime, Law and Social Change.
  17. Liang, Bin, Lu, Hong, Liu, Jianhong, .(2021).Testing Death Penalty Opinions With General Questions and A Specific Case Scenario: Potential Lessons From China.International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.
  18. Guanzhen Wu, Liu, Jianhong, .(2021).Extending the Procedural Justice Theory to the Chinese Context: The Role of Collective Efficacy.British Journal of Criminology.
  19. Carrie K.W.Li, Jianhong Liu, Xuan Chen, .(2022).Chinese Women’s Financial Independence and Their Intimate Partner Violence Victimization Experience.Violence against Women.
  20. Liu, Jianhong, Lambert, Eric G., Jiang, Shanhe, Zhang, Jinwu, .(2022).Justice and strain-based conflict among Chinese prison staff.Psychology, Crime and Law.
  21. Liu, Jianhong, .(2021).Asian Criminology and Non-Western Criminology: Challenges, Strategies, and Directions.International Annals of Criminology,59(2),103-118.
  22. Ma Z(馬哲), .(2022).Application of the ‘Several Provisions of the Supreme People’s Court on the Trial of Civil Cases for Damages for the Tort of Misrepresentation in the Securities Market’ to Disputes in the Bond Market.Financial Markets Research,5,1-12.
  23. 唐曉晴, 吳奇琦, 范笑鼎, .(2022).民法典时间效力问题上的利益衡量——从规范类型区分理论出发.法治社会,2022(4),54-62.
  24. 吳奇琦, .(2021).普塔法學方法論的“秩序”觀念:德國18世紀法學的新嘗試.中德私法研究,20,177-203.
  25. 唐曉晴, 吳奇琦, .(2021).澳門地區民法上個人信息保護權的體系定位.國家檢察官學院學報,29(155),75-89.
  26. Shui B(税兵), .(2022).COVID-19 prevention and control strategies: learning from the Macau model.International Journal of Biological Sciences,Int J Biol Sci 2022(18(14)),5317-5328.
  27. 税兵, .(2021).澳门特别行政区海域规划:现存问题与科学展望.《人民珠江》.
  28. Zhao, Zhihua, Hao, Zhihao, Wang, Guancheng, Mao, Dianhui, Zhang, Bob, Zuo, Min, Yen, Jerome, Tu, Guangjian, .(2022).Sentiment Analysis of Review Data Using Blockchain and LSTM to Improve Regulation for a Sustainable Market.Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research,17(1),1-19.
  29. 涂廣建, .(2021).论国际民商事仲裁与诉讼的平行程序.0000,13(2),13.
  30. Chen, Xueer, Wang, Chao, .(2021).Information disclosure in china’s rising securitization market.International Journal of Financial Studies,9(4).
  31. 汪超, 陈雪儿, .(2022).网络仲裁程序的司法审查检视:以接近“数字正义”为视角.中国应用法学.
  32. 汪超, 金燕, .(2022).CPTPP协定与我国法律体系中的知识产权保护.法律适用,2022(2)
  33. Yan Jin, Chao Wang, .(2022).Chinese court rules for the first time that it has jurisdiction over SEP global licensing disputes.Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice,17(2).
  34. Chao Wang, .(2022).International Law and the Evolution of the Chinese Constitution: From Peaceful Co-existence to Humanity’s Interdependence.Tsinghua China Law Review,14(1).
  35. Chao Wang, .(2021).Implementation of the ICCPR in Macao since 1999: The Position of Aliens as an Illustration.Chinese Journal of International Law,20(3),561-579.
  36. 翟小波, .(2022).信息作为惩罚:为被遗忘权辩护.环球法律评论,44(2),5-17.