In Book


  1. Miguel Lemos,Simon Young.(2022).Regional Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters: Mainland, Hong Kong and Pedro Caeiro, Sabine Gless and Valsamis Mitsilegas (eds), with Miguel João Costa, Janneke De Snaijer and Georgia Theodorakakou, Elgar Encyclopedia of Crime and Criminal Justice,.
  2. Miguel Lemos,Sten Verhoeven.(2022).The International Military Tribunal for the Pedro Caeiro, Sabine Gless and Valsamis Mitsilegas (eds), with Miguel João Costa, Janneke De Snaijer and Georgia Theodorakakou, Elgar Encyclopedia of Crime and Criminal Justice.
  3. MIGUEL ÂNGELO LOUREIRO MANERO DE LEMOS.(2023).The United Nations and International Criminal Justice.Elgar Encyclopedia of Crime and Criminal Justice, Pedro Caeiro, Sabine Gless and Valsamis Mitsilegas (eds), with Miguel João Costa, Janneke De Snaijer and Georgia Theodorakakou.
  4. MIGUEL ÂNGELO LOUREIRO MANERO DE LEMOS,Miguel Costa.(2023).Inteligência Artificial e o Direito da Guerra, Reflexões sobre o debate relativo às Armas Autónomas Mortíferas (“Robots Assassinos”).A Inteligência Artificial no Direito Penal.
  5. Iong, Man Teng,*Raposo, Vera Lúcia.(2023).Advance Directives in Macao: Not Legally Recognised, but. . ..Advance Directives Across Asia: A Comparative Socio-legal Analysis,262-275
  6. Moreira, João Ilhão.(2022).O Controle Não Jurídico da Função de Árbitro: Mercado, Reputação e Cultura.A Função do Árbitro no Brasil,675-689.
  7. *Rostam J. Neuwirth,*Muruga P. Ramaswamy,*Svetlicinii, A..(2023).Online Legal Education in the Macao SAR: Fostering Technology in a Multilingual Learning Environment.Comparing Online Legal Education,159-181.
  8. *Svetlicinii, A..(2023).Much Ado About Nothing?: State-Owned Enterprises Under Foreign Investment Control in the European Union.Springer Studies in Law & Geoeconomics,1-21.
  9. *Svetlicinii, A..(2022).Legal and Policy Framework on Future Green Energy in China: Focus on Hydrogen and Electric Vehicles.Legal and Policy Framework on Future Green Energy in Asia: with a Focus on Hydrogen and Electric Vehicles,87-118.
  10. Donna Soi Wan Leong,*Liu, Jianhong(corresponding).(2022).Criminal Justice Rehabilitation in Macao, China.The Palgrave Handbook of Rehabilitation in Criminal Justice,359-375.
  11. *Neuwirth, Rostam J.,*Muruga P. Ramaswamy,*Svetlicinii, A..(2023).Online Legal Education in the Macao SAR: Fostering Technology in a Multilingual Learning Environment.Comparing Online Legal Education,159-181.
  12. *Chao Wang,Xin Xiang.(2023).International Considerations in the Chinese Constitution: from Selective Adaptation to Normative Consensus.The Cambridge Handbook of China and International Law.
  13. MARIA ISABEL CAVALEIRO FERREIRA MOUSINHO FIGUEIREDO.(2023).Responsabilidade civil das entidades de fiscalização na defesa do consumidor.Estudos de Direito do Consumo, vol. I,29.
  14. Matias, Celia F.,Chan, Monica.(2022).In a bubble by the sea: COVID-19, time and contract law in the Macau S.A.R..Contract Law in Changing Times: Asian Perspectives on Pacta Sunt Servanda,38-55.
  15. MA ZHE.(2023).The pluralistic construction of China’s commercial law system under the perspective of comparative law.Chenjie (eds.), Collected Essays on the Commercial Law Circle, China Financial Publishing House, 2023,119-142.
  16. 張彩霞,梁靜姮.(2022).全球中醫藥立法發展報告.全球中醫藥發展報告(2022),324-341.
  17. 梁靜姮.(2022).澳門居民國家認同感研究.澳門居民國家認同感問題研究
  18. 梁靜姮,盧靜汶.(2022).香港與澳門中醫館發展、准入及監管現狀與前景.全球中醫藥發展報告(2022)——中醫藥藍皮書 Blue Book of TCM Clinics-Report no the Development of TCM Clinics (2022),060-084.
  19. 梁靜姮 Leong Cheng Hang.(2022).Macao’s Marital Property System: A Chronicle of the Road to Successful Autonomy.Direito da Família nas Ordens Jurídicas de Moçambique, Macau e China,160-182.
  20. 梁靜姮 Leong Cheng Hang,張澤毅.(2023).香港與澳門中醫醫院准入與監管研究.HB中醫醫院藍皮書——中醫醫院發展報告 (2023),316-338.
  21. *SARA MIGLIORINI,Constance Bonze.(2023).Social Media before Higher Courts in France.Social Media, Fundamental Rights and Courts: a European Perspectiv.
  22. Philip Schofield,Xiaobo Zhai.(2022).Introduction.Bentham on Democracy, Courts, and Codification.
  23. Xiaobo Zhai.(2022).The People’s ‘Greatest Misfortune’ and ‘All the Chance the People Have’: Bentham on the Separation of Powers.Bentham on Democracy, Courts, and Codification,157 – 192.
  24. Neuwirth, Rostam J.,*Muruga P. Ramaswamy,*Svetlicinii, A..(2023).Online Legal Education in the Macao SAR:Fostering Technology in a Multilingual Learning Environment.Comparing Online Legal Education,159-181.
  25. 邱庭彪.(2023).積極推動構建具有鮮明琴澳特色的跨境糾紛化解新機制.粵港澳大灣區發展報告(2021-2022)
  26. WEI DAN,Angelo Patrício Rafael.(2023).O Direito do Consumidor de Macau: Rumo à Modernização da Regulação das Relações de Consumo.Estudos de Direito do Consumo,365-385.
  27. WEI DAN,Angelo Patrício Rafael.(2022).Macau.Consumer Protection in Asia,139-156.
  28. WEI DAN.(2022).全球背景下的消费者保护:发展现状及新趋势.消费者保护法与社会经济发展:国家和国际层面,001-022.