Other peer-reviewed Journals


  1. Miguel Lemos.(2022).The ICC as a “tool” of the UNSC and the “absurdity” of head of state immunity with regard to international crimes,.Indiana International and Comparative Law Review.
  2. Miguel Lemos.(2022).Long live Joint Criminal Enterprise, With a particular reference to Tadić’s interactive construction between ‘the beast, and specific direction.San Diego Journal of International law,24(1).
  3. Svetlicinii, A..(2023).Public Interest Litigation for the Enforcement of Anti-Monopoly Law in China.KLRI Journal of Law and Legislation,13(1),89-124.
  4. Pecotic Kaufman, J.,Svetlicinii, A..(2023).Competition law developments in Central and Eastern Europe: An overview of EU and national case law.Concurrences(112193),1-12.
  5. AUGUSTO TEIXEIRA GARCIA.(2023).Marca: Caducidade por não utilização séria e renovação. Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa/Lisbon Law Review,LXIV(1),329-377.
  6. 劉建宏.(2023).亚洲犯罪学:概念及范式.南国学术,13(3),487-496.
  7. Liu JH(劉建宏).(2023).Asian Criminology–Concept and Development.The Criminologist,49(1),42-43.
  8. 汪超,譚知微.(2023).澳门《仲裁法》的初探 —— 以适用范围为中心.仲裁研究,53.
  9. 汪超,譚知微.(2022).澳门新《仲裁法》的初探 —— 以仲裁裁决和司法控制为中心.仲裁研究,51.
  10. 汪超,譚知微.(2022).澳門新《仲裁法》相關程序問題之評析.澳門法學,2022(3).
  11. 杜立.(2022).细胞培养肉商业化的法律规范与监管:外国经验及对我国启示.Synthetic Biology Journal,3(1),209-223.
  12. 江華.(2022).《完善立法會對特區政府施政的監督機制》.《澳門法學》 ,2022年(3),124-133.
  13. 王禹.(2023).讓憲法和澳門基本法更加深入人心.中國人大(2).
  14. Hugo Luz dos Santos,梁靜姮 Leong Cheng Hang.(2022).O direito a saber quem sou sem prazo no Direito da filiação.O Direito,154(III),419-454
  15. 吳奇琦.(2023).內特爾布拉特(Nettelbladt)論權利與義務的概念.拉丁語言文化研究,11,24-30.
  16. 吳奇琦.(2023).古羅馬拉丁文著述中的substantia(本體)與essentia(本質):以亞里士多德哲學被古羅馬繼受的初期為考察對象.拉丁語言文化研究,11,196-210.
  17. 矢沢久純,吳奇琦.(2023).姓名に対する制限に関する諸外国の議論の状況(2)──特に漢字圏諸国・地区における議論 を中心に──.法政論集,50(3 & 4),71-80.
  18. 矢沢久純,吳奇琦.(2022).姓名に対する制限に関する諸外国の議論の状況(1)──特に漢字圏諸国・地区 における議論 を中心に──.法政論集,50(1 & 2),89-104.
  19. LI ZHE.(2023).澳門調取電子證據的最新立法及其評價.China Law,158(2023-01),8.
  20. JIANG CHAOYANG.(2023).Reservation of Law in the Legal System of Macau.Macau Law Review,1(2023),21-31.
  21. Robalo, T. L..(2023).Vítimas de criminalidade económico-financeira e direito à obtenção de indemnização.Revista do Ministério Público,173(Janeiro-Março 2023),139-162.
  22. Ramaswamy, M.P..(2023).Fundamental Characteristics and Limitations of International Climate Change Legal Order and National Legal Initiatives in Australia and New Zealand.International Journal of Business, Economics and Law,29(1),7- 16.
  23. Ramaswamy, M.P..(2023).Regulation of Online Platforms, Intermediaries, and Markets in the European Union and China.PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences,9(2),108-132.
  24. WEI DAN,Angelo Patrício Rafael.(2022).A Busca por Um Sistema de Governança Ambiental Eficaz na China: Reforçando o Papel fo Direito por Meio da Litigância Ambiental de Interesse Público e dos Tribunais Ambientais.Revista de Direito Ambiental,27(107),21-50.