University of Macau Faculty of Law Adjunct Professor Francis Snyder was listed on the “Highly Cited Chinese Researchers” list by Elsevier
Apr 24 | Mon

On March 28th, 2023, the global information analytics company, Elsevier, released its 2022 "Highly Cited Chinese Resear ...

Feb 28 | Tue

2023年2月, “新華薦書” 第十七期評審會議在北京舉行。10本圖書入選 “新華薦書” 2023年開年推薦圖書。澳門大學人文社科高等研究院院長於興中教授的著作《數字素養:從演算法社會到網絡3.0》,與澳門大學人文社科高等研究院副院長王笛 ...

Congratulations to Dr. Du Li from our Faculty for winning the Best Teaching Award of the Center for Continuing Education of the University of Macau
Feb 24 | Fri

To encourage and commend teaching staff who have outstanding teaching performance in continuing education, Dr. Du Li was ...

UM, UN commission hold conference to discuss legal harmonisation and challenges facing international trade in post-pandemic era
Dec 05 | Mon

The University of Macau (UM) and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Regional Centre for Asia and ...

Nov 28 | Mon

為築牢“一國兩制”根基、深化港澳台青年對憲法、基本法等法律的認識,由國家教育部、香港中聯辦和澳門中聯辦聯合指導的“二○二二年高校港澳台學生基本法知識問答活動”日前以線下、線上的方式在多地展開並順利舉辦,全國共有十二所高校入選最後決賽,其中 ...

Distinguished Professor Jianhong Liu’s book received the 2022 Best Scholarly Publication Award from The Association of Chinese Professors of Social Sciences In the United States (ACPSS)
Nov 07 | Mon

The book co-authored by Liu Jianhong, Distinguished Professor of the Faculty of Law at the University of Macau (UM), and ...

Nov 04 | Fri

澳門大學法學院舉行“編纂新《刑法典》的有關構想”主題講座,由中國社會科學院法學研究所刑法研究室主任、中國社會科學院大學法學院刑法教研室主任劉仁文擔任主講嘉賓,探討編纂新《刑法典》的具體構想和疑難問題。 講座由澳大法學院特聘教授、國際犯罪學 ...

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