Other peer-reviewed Journals


  1. Kuchina Y. Cryptocurrency Turnover as an Object of Crime and Doctrinal Errors in its Perception. Contemporary Issues of Russain Law 2020;15(4):118-127. DOI: 10.17803/1994-1471.2020.113.4.118-127.
  2. Kuchina Y. The Problem Of Extrapolation Of Elements Of The Criminological Characteristics Of A Particular Types Of Crime Committed In Cyber Space: General Characteristics Of Cyberstalking. Investigation Of Crimes: Problems And Ways To Solve Them (Collection of research and practical papers). 2020, 3 (29), 47-51 https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_44357024_90610482.pdf
  3. Kuchina, Y. Regulating Fintech in Russia: The Issues Raised from the Absence of Legal Definition. Justice. 2021. Vol. 3, 2. 80-102. DOI:37399/2686-9241.2021.2.80-102
  4. Kuchina, Y. Existing Approaches to Define Cryptocurrency for Possible Legal Regulation. International Journal of Law in Changing World1 (2022): 46-61. https://ijlcw.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/7
  5. Zaytsev O., Kuchina Y. Comparative Legal Elements of The Criminal Law Transformation for The Protection of Digital Relations. Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law. 2023, 19 (2), 21-31, DOI: 10.12737/jzsp.2023.019
  6. MAGRIÇO, Manuel Eduardo Aires. (2023): “Notas sobre o regime instituído pela Diretiva n.º 216/680 da União Europeia sobre a proteção de dados pessoais para efeitos de prevenção, deteção e repressão de infrações penais”, Revista do Ministério Público n.º 173, Lisboa. (Janeiro – Março 2023), pp. 49-85.
  7. MAGRIÇO, Manuel Eduardo Aires. (2022): “Breves notas sobre a derrogação temporária de determinadas disposições da diretiva eprivacy da União Europeia para efeitos de deteção voluntária de material de abuso sexual de crianças no ciberespaço”, Revista do Centro de Estudos Judiciários, 2022-I, pp. 55-98.
  8. MAGRIÇO, Manuel Eduardo Aires. (2021): “Vigilância massiva de passageiros aéreos: Brevíssimas notas sobre a proteção da privacidade e dos dados pessoais à luz do direito da União Europeia”, Revista do Ministério Público n.º 168, Lisboa (Outubro -Dezembro 2021), pp. 181-217.
  9. Yong Zhang, “Regulation of Cross-border Flow of Cross-border E-commerce Data in the Digital Era: Status quo, Dilemma and Countermeasures”,Chinese Annual Private International Law and Comparative Law, vol.31, October 2023. (CSSCI集刊)
  10. Du Benzhuang & Chen Chen.(2021).公共場所電子設備聲音外放侵權責任研究. 齊齊哈爾大學學報(哲學社會科學版)(07),108-112. doi:10.13971/j.cnki.cn23-1435/c.2021.07.027.
  11. Yuan Dasong: 我國應對經濟制裁的反制法律機制, 天津法學,2020年第一期 (https://m.chaoxing.com/mqk/read_38502727e7500f268a27adcc556161087f186e36502e63f31921b0a3ea255101fc1cf1fbb4666ae66ca091edebe9ec7d1cc15d7061290060c0f7bdb13e71dda5418ed25aa72939baa6beda982ecc4b72?appId=1000&from=groupmessage)
  12. VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2021) «Protecting Cultural Heritage by Recourse to International Environmental Law: Chinese Stances on Faultless State Liability», Hastings Environmental Law Journal, 27(1), pp. 153-227.
  13. Vecellio Segate, Riccardo (2019) «Fragmenting Cybersecurity Norms Through the Vecellio Segate, Riccardo (2019) «Fragmenting Cybersecurity Norms Through the Language(s) of Subalternity: India in “the East” and the Global Community», Columbia Journal of Asian Law, 32(2), pp.78-138.
  14. Vecellio Segate, Riccardo (2019) «Reconceptualising Musical Treasures in Italy, the EU and the World: The Functional Legacy of Performativity», Art Antiquity and Law, 24(3), pp.199-222.
  15. VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2020) «Securitizing Innovation to Protect Trade Secrets Between “the East” and “the West”: A Neo-Schumpeterian Public Legal Reading», UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal, 37(1), pp. 59-126.
  16. VECELLIO SEGATE, Riccardo (2020) «Litigating trade secrets in China: An imminent pivot to cybersecurity?», Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 15(8), pp. 649-659.
  17. Zeyu HUANG: “論中國內地的臨時仲裁機構化:關於構建多層次審查機制的提議”,《仲裁與法律》(Arbitration and Law)第142輯,法律出版社(Law Press China), October 2019,pp. 177-196.
  18. Zeyu Huang, ‘Institutionalization of Ad Hoc Arbitration in Mainland China: The Proposal for A Multi-Tiered Test’, International Arbitration Law Review (peer-reviewed), Vol. 20, Issue 5, October 2017.
  19. Chen LI: 03/2018 Decreasing the Boundary of the Public Power in Multiple Resolution System: Inspirations of Macau towards FTZ in Mainland China, Shanghai as an example. (壓縮公權力邊界:澳門對內地自貿區的啟示 ── 以上海自貿區為例)Published by Academic Journal of One Country Two Systems(《“一國兩制”研究》)
  20. Chen LI: 03/2019 Precondition of acquiring antitrust tolerance: Distinguishing ‘sharing economy’ and its close concepts. (反壟斷豁免的前提:區分共享經濟與相鄰概念) Published by Academic Journal of One Country Two Systems(《“一國兩制”研究》)
  21. Zehua TIAN: “The Development and Potentiality of Online Mediation System of E-commerce in China, Analysis on the Role of Government”, Law Press China, 2015, pp. 86 -100.
  22. Zehua TIAN: “The Amelioration of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) for Business-to-consumer Electronic Commerce: from Consumer Protection Perspective”, LRPP, 2014, pp.117-126.
  23. Zehua TIAN: “A Legal Analysis on the Cooperation of Environmental Protection among Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macau”, Law Press China, 2013, pp.498-506.
  24. Ina VIRTOSU: 2017 – “Shared sovereignty: change and continuity of the institution of sovereignty within the European Union” (coauthorship with Em. Prof. Ion Guceac), Revista Științe Juridice (Journal of Juridical Sciences), no. 2. Print;
  25. Ina VIRTOSU: 2017 – “The impact of separatism on the traditional sovereignty concept: the case of Moldova and breakaway region Transnistria” Revista Nationala de Drept (National Law Journal), nr. 4, 2017;
  26. Hugo Luz dos Santos, José Manuel Tomé de Carvalho (2019): “A responsabilidade subsidiária dos administradores pelo pagamento das multas e das coimas (artigo 8º, nº I, alínea a), do RGIT) : um caso de responsabilidade civil extracontratual por violação de normas de protecção dos credores sociais”, Revista do Ministério Público, a.40 n.157 (Jan.-Mar. 2019), p.55-92
  27. Hugo Luz dos Santos (2020), “Responsible Gambling: The Interdisciplinary-Based Model”, UNLV Gaming Law Journal: Vol.10:2
  28. Ina VIRTOSU: 2018 – “Democracy at the one-click distance: is it electronic voting the best option for Moldova?” for Central and Eastern European e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2018 „eDemocracy and eGovernment for and by Researchers, Politicians and Practitioners” Conference, including a Panel Discussion and Workshops on Smart Cities organized by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe. 3-4 May 2018, Budapest, Hungary. In conference proceedings, Ed. Hendrik Hansen and others, p. 359-373.;
  29. Ina VIRTOSU: 2020 – “Social media – a two-edge sword in political campaign: the case of the Republic of Moldova” for Central and Eastern European e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2020 “Social Networks and Social Media” Conference, Budapest, Hungary.