8822 4797
E32 – 2024 |
Consultation Hours
Tuesday 12h00~13h00
Thursday 12h00~13h00
Kei Kei NG
Assistant Professor
Other Role
- Faculty Coordinator for Honors College
- Vice Editor-in-chief of Revista de Legislação e Jurisprudência de Macau(《澳門立法與司法見解評論》)
- Editorial Committee Member of Roman Law and Modern Civil Law(《羅馬法與現代民法》)
Academic Qualifications
- Ph.D. in Law, University of Macau
- Master of Law, University of Macau
- Bachelor of Law, University of Macau
Research Interests
- General Theory of Civil Law, Obligation Law
- Legal History, Roman Law, Legal translation
Teaching Areas
- General Theory of Civil Law
- Obligation Law
- Awardee of the “Award for Excellence in Teaching of Faculty of Law” for Academic Year 2019/2020, University of Macau
澳門大學法學院 2019/2020 年度卓越教學獎得獎者 - Awardee of the Incentive Award Scheme for Outstanding Academic Staff 2017 / 2018 of Faculty of Law of University of Macau
澳門大學法學院 2017/2018 年度傑出教學人員獎得獎者
- Tong Io Cheng & Ng Kei Kei, Macau Contract Law, Wolters Kluwer, 2024
- 唐曉晴、蘇建峰、吳奇琦編著:《民法一般論題與澳門民法典總則》,下冊,北京:社會科學文獻出版社、澳門:澳門基金會出版,2020
Tong Io Cheng, Sou Kin Fong, Ng Kei Kei, General Discourses of Civil Law and the General Part of the Macau Civil Code, Vol. II, Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press and Macau: Fundação Macau, 2020
Book Chapters:
- 吳奇琦:《維特根斯坦哲學思想的最早記錄:評P. Coffey〈邏輯哲學〉》,載《南國文藝》2024年刊,第7至14頁
Ng Kei Kei, The Earliest Record of Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Thought: On P. Coffey’s The Science of Logic, in: South China Literature, 2024, pp. 7 – 14 - Ng Kei Kei, Capacity for Voluntary Limitation on Personality Rights in Macau Civil Law, in: Estudos em comemoração dos 25 anos de cooperação entre a Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau (UM-FLL) e a Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, 2024, pp. 69 – 93
- 吳奇琦: 《內特爾布拉特( Nettelbladt) 論權利的取得、喪失、保全》 , 載《羅馬法與現代民法》 第十一卷, 廈門大學出版社,2024年,第290頁
Ng Kei Kei, Nettelbladt on Acquisition, Loss and Conservation of Rights, in: Roman Law and Modern Civil Law, n. 11, Xiamen University Press, 2024, p. 290 - 吳奇琦:《從“人物對立”到“主體客體對立”的近代法學暨哲學範式轉換:論近代理性自然法主義的貢獻》 , 載《羅馬法與現代民法》 第十一卷, 廈門大學出版社,2024年,第79至90頁
Ng Kei Kei, The Early Modern Juristic-Philosophical Paradigm Shift from “Person-Thing Dualism” to “Subject-Object Dualism” The Contributions of Early Modern Rationalist Naturalism in Law, in: Roman Law and Modern Civil Law, n. 11, Xiamen University Press, 2024, pp. 79 – 90 - 皮朗杰羅.卡塔蘭諾著,方新軍譯,吳奇琦、郭逸豪譯校:《Diritto,主體,客體:一篇以D. 1, 1, 12條為根據的概念清理》 , 載《羅馬法與現代民法》 第十一卷, 廈門大學出版社,2024年,第65至78頁Pierangelo Catalano (author), Fang Xinjun, Ng Kei Kei & Guo Yihao (translators), Diritto, Soggetti, Oggetti: Un Contributo alla Pulizia Concettuale sulla Base di D. 1, 1, 12, in: Roman Law and Modern Civil Law, n. 11, Xiamen University Press, pp. 65 – 78
- 唐曉晴編著:《民法一般論題與澳門民法典總則》,上冊,北京:社會科學文獻出版社、澳門:澳門基金會出版,2015
Tong Io Cheng (ed.), General Discourses of Civil Law and the General Part of the Macau Civil Code, Vol. I, Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press and Macau: Fundação Macau, 2015
pp. 167-192 (Legal Relations), 198-227 (Rights and Obligations), 228-250 (Persons, Things and Patrimony), 271-276 (Legal Facts and Gefälligkeiten)
Works of Translation:
- (葡)曼努埃爾•德•安德拉德著,吳奇琦譯,《法律關係總論》,第二卷,北京:法律出版社,2018,共513頁
Manuel de Andrade, Teoria Geral da Relação Jurídica, Vol. II, translated by Ng Kei Kei from Portuguese, Beijing: Law Press China, 2018, 513 pages - (葡)曼努埃爾•德•安德拉德著,吳奇琦譯,《法律關係總論》,第一卷,北京:法律出版社,2015,共305頁
Manuel de Andrade, Teoria Geral da Relação Jurídica, Vol. I, translated by Ng Kei Kei from Portuguese, Beijing: Law Press China, 2015, 305 pages - (葡)安圖內斯.瓦雷拉著,馬哲、陳淦添、吳奇琦、唐曉晴譯,《債法總論》,第二卷,北京:社會科學文獻出版社、澳門:澳門大學,2020,共403頁
João de Mato Antunes Varela, Das Obrigações em Geral, Vol. II, translated by Ma Zhe, Chan Kam Tim, Ng Kei Kei & Tong Io Cheng, from Portuguese, Beijing: Law Press China; Macau: University of Macau, 2020, 403 pages
- 吳奇琦:《法律行為漢字術語的日本翻譯與中國傳播史》,載中國社會科學院法學研究所《法學研究》2025年第1期,第95至117頁(CLSCI、CSSCI、AMI頂級)
Ng Kei Kei, The History of Kanji Translation of the Term Rechtsgeschäft in Japan and Its Spread in China, in: Chinese Journal of Law, Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Vol. 47, 2025 (1), pp. 95 – 117 (CLSCI, CSSCI, AMI top-ranking) - 矢沢久純、呉奇琦:《姓名に対する制限に関する諸外国の議論の状況(4)──特に漢字圏諸国・地区における議論を中心に──》,載日本北九州市立大学《法政論集》第52巻第1・2合併号(2024 年10 月),第51至59頁
Yazawa Hisazumi & Ng Kei Kei, Study on the Regulation of the Naming Right in the Chinese Character Cultural Sphere (4), in: Journal of Law and Political Science (KITAKYUSHU SHIRITSU DAIGAKU HOU-SEI RONSHU), Vol. 52, No. 1/2, October 2024, University of Kitakyushu, Japan, pp. 51 – 59 - 吳奇琦:《傷者親屬的精神損害賠償:回歸25年來的澳門司法見解進展》,載《澳門研究》2024年第3期,總第112期,第63至81頁
Ng Kei Kei, Compensation for moral damages of family members in cases of non-fatal injury: Development of court decisions during the past 25 years since the return of Macau to China, in: Journal of Macau Studies, 2024 (3), No. 112, pp. 63 – 81 - Ng Kei Kei, O Interesse Processual no Direito Processual Civil de Macau, in: Boletim da Faculdade de Direito, 54º, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, 2024 (to be published very soon)
- 矢沢久純、呉奇琦:《姓名に対する制限に関する諸外国の議論の状況(3)──特に漢字圏諸国・地区における議論を中心に──》,載日本北九州市立大学《法政論集》第51巻第3・4合併号(2024 年3 月),第135至142頁
Yazawa Hisazumi & Ng Kei Kei, Study on the Regulation of the Naming Right in the Chinese Character Cultural Sphere (3), in: Journal of Law and Political Science (KITAKYUSHU SHIRITSU DAIGAKU HOU-SEI RONSHU), Vol. 51, No. 3/4, March 2024, University of Kitakyushu, Japan, pp. 135 – 142 - 吳奇琦:《羅馬法實質錯誤(Error in Substantia)D. 18, 1, 9, 2文本翻譯考證》,載麥克雷(Michele Ferrero)主編,北京外國語大學拉丁語言文化中心《拉丁語言文化研究》第12輯,2024,第45至65頁
Ng Kei Kei, A Textual Research on the Translation of D. 18, 1, 9, 2 on Error in Substantia in Roman Law, in: Michele Ferrero (ed.), Journal of Latin Language and Culture, n. 12, Centre for Latin Language and Culture, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2024, pp. 45 – 65 - 吳奇琦:《內特爾布拉特(Nettelbladt)論事實》,載麥克雷(Michele Ferrero)主編,北京外國語大學拉丁語言文化中心《拉丁語言文化研究》第12輯,2024,第130至146頁
Ng Kei Kei, Nettelbladt on Factum, in: Michele Ferrero (ed.), Journal of Latin Language and Culture, n. 12, Centre for Latin Language and Culture, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2024, pp. 130 – 146 - 吳奇琦:《論澳門民法上的一般人格權》,載《澳門法學》2024年第1期(總第55期),第157至177頁
Ng Kei Kei, On the General Personality Right in Macau Civil Law, in: Macau Law Review, 2024 (1) (n.º 55), pp. 157 – 177 - 吳奇琦:《古羅馬拉丁文著述中的substantia(本體)與essentia(本質):以亞里士多德哲學被古羅馬繼受的初期為考察對象》,載麥克雷(Michele Ferrero)主編,北京外國語大學拉丁語言文化中心《拉丁語言文化研究》第11輯,2023,第196至210頁
Ng Kei Kei, Substantia and Essentia in Ancient Roman Latin Writings during the Initial Reception of Aristotelianism in Ancient Rome, in: Michele Ferrero (ed.), Journal of Latin Language and Culture, n. 10, Centre for Latin Language and Culture, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2023, pp. 196 – 210 - 吳奇琦:《內特爾布拉特(Nettelbladt)論權利與義務的概念》,載麥克雷(Michele Ferrero)主編,北京外國語大學拉丁語言文化中心《拉丁語言文化研究》第11輯,2023,第24至30頁
Ng Kei Kei, Nettelbladt on the Concepts of Right and Obligation, in: Michele Ferrero (ed.), Journal of Latin Language and Culture, n. 10, Centre for Latin Language and Culture, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2023, pp. 24 – 30 - 矢沢久純、呉奇琦:《姓名に対する制限に関する諸外国の議論の状況(2)──特に漢字圏諸国・地区における議論を中心に──》,載日本北九州市立大学《法政論集》第50巻第3・4合併号(2023 年3 月),第71至80頁
Yazawa Hisazumi & Ng Kei Kei, Study on the Regulation of the Naming Right in the Chinese Character Cultural Sphere (2), in: Journal of Law and Political Science (KITAKYUSHU SHIRITSU DAIGAKU HOU-SEI RONSHU), Vol. 50, No. 3/4, March 2023, University of Kitakyushu, Japan, pp. 71 – 80 - 矢沢久純、呉奇琦:《姓名に対する制限に関する諸外国の議論の状況(1)──特に漢字圏諸国・地区における議論を中心に──》,載日本北九州市立大学《法政論集》第50巻第1・2合併号(2022 年10 月),第89至104頁
Yazawa Hisazumi & Ng Kei Kei, Study on the Regulation of the Naming Right in the Chinese Character Cultural Sphere (1), in: Journal of Law and Political Science (KITAKYUSHU SHIRITSU DAIGAKU HOU-SEI RONSHU), Vol. 50, No. 1/2, October 2022, University of Kitakyushu, Japan, pp. 89 – 104 - 吳奇琦:《普塔法學方法論的“秩序”觀念:德國18世紀法學的新嘗試》,載《中德私法研究》第20卷,北京大學出版社,2021,第177至203頁(CSSCI)
Ng Kei Kei, Der Ordnungsgedanke in Pütters Rechtsmethodik: Ein neuer Versuch der deutschen Rechtswissenschaft des 18. Jahrhunderts, in Archiv für chinesisch-deutsches Privatrecht, 20, Peking University Press, 2021, S. 177 – S. 203 (CSSCI) - 唐曉晴、吳奇琦:《澳門地區民法上個人信息保護權的體系定位》,載《國家檢察官學院學報》2021年第5期(第29卷、總第155期),第75至88頁(CSSCI)
Tong Io Cheng & Ng Kei Kei, The Systematic Integration of Right to Personal Data Protection in Macau Civil Law, in Journal of National Prosecutors College, 2021 (5) (Vol. 29, № 155), pp. 75 – 88 (CSSCI)
Selected as China Social Science Excellence by Renmin University of China - 吳奇琦:《法律行為三元素(要素、常素、偶素)理論的誕生發展史》,載《交大法學》2020年第2期,第32至61頁(CSSCI)
Ng Kei Kei, The Origin and Development of the Trichotomy of Essentialia, Naturalia and Accidentialia Negotii, in SJTU Law Review, 2020 (2), pp. 32-61 (CSSCI) - 吳奇琦:《現代法上主體客體理論的發展、困境與出路:哲學的新路,法學的迷路?》,載《澳門法學》2020年第1期(總第42期),第142至161頁
Ng Kei Kei, The Development, Difficulties and Solution of the “Subject-Object Dualism” in Modern Law: Law lost its way while Philosophy had a new way?, in Macau Law Review, 2020 (1) (n.º 42), pp. 142 – 161 - 吳奇琦,《澳門民法典中文版意思表示瑕疵制度若干譯語商榷:論erro-vício(瑕疵錯誤)、invalidado(非有效)、simulação fraudulenta(詐害虛偽)、falta de consciência de declaração(欠缺表示意識)、vontade da acção(行動意思)、culpa grosseira(重大過失)、elemento(元素) 的漢譯錯訛, 兼評諸條文其他翻譯問題》,載於《澳門立法與司法見解評論》,第一期,2015,第2頁至第28頁
Ng Kei Kei, On the Chinese Translations of the regime “Vices of Declaration of Will” (Vícios da Declaração de Vontade) in Macau Civil Code: The Wrong Translations of erro-vício(瑕疵錯誤), invalidado(非有效), simulação fraudulenta(詐害虛偽), falta de consciência de declaração(欠缺表示意識), vontade da acção(行動意思), culpa grosseira(重大過失)and elemento(元素), and other translation problems, in Revista de Legislação e de Jurisprudência de Macau, Associação de estudos de Legislação e de Jurisprudência de Macau, n. 1, 2015, pp. 2-28 - 吳奇琦,《結婚是合同嗎?──從羅馬法、教會法到近代世俗法》,載於《「羅馬法系與澳門:連接歐洲大陸、中國、拉美的固有法和共同法的平台」研討會論文集》,澳門大學,2013,第59至105頁
Ng Kei Kei, Is Marriage a Contract? in Roman Law, Canon Law and Modern Secular Law, in O Sistema Jurídico Romanístico e Macau: Plataforma entre Direito Próprio e Direito Comum entre China, Europa Continental e América Latina, University of Macau, 2013, pp. 59-105 - 吳奇琦,《論訴權與實體權利的合一與分流──從羅馬法的Actio開始直至近代的路徑追問》,載於《北方法學》2013年第1期,第11至20頁(CSSCI)
Ng Kei Kei, On the Integration and Separation between Right of Action and Substantive Right – An Investigation into the Development Route till Modern Times from Roman Actio, in Bei Fang Fa Xue (Northern Legal Science), no 1, 2013, pp. 11-20 (CSSCI)
Conference Proceedings:
- 吳奇琦:《近代法上本體錯誤的“本體”概念主觀化》,載「第七屆中外法學青年論壇暨“羅馬法與當代中國法”學術研討會」論文提要,上海外國語大學法學院,2024年12月8日,第14頁
Ng Kei Kei, The Subjectification of “Substantia” in Error in Substantia in Early Modern Law, in Paper Abstracts of “The 7th China-Foreign Young Jurists Forum and Conferece on “Roman Law and Contemporary Chinese Law”, School of Law, Shanghai International Studies University, 8-Dec-2024, p. 14 - 吳奇琦:《澳門民法上人格權自願限制的主體要件》,第十四屆國際研討會“慶祝澳門特別行政區成立 25 周年: 關於澳門民法典、商法典及民事訴訟法典的研究”研討會,澳門大學法學院法律研究中心,2024年10月29日
Ng Kei Kei, Subjective Requirements for Voluntary Limitation on Personality Rights in Macau Civil Law, in Conference Proceedings of “The 14th International Conference –Studies on Civil Code, Commercial Code and Civil Procedure Code, Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Macao SAR”, Centre for Law Studies, Faculty of Law, University of Macau, 29-Oct-2024 - Ng Kei Kei, Lost in Translation: How Rechtsgeschäft (negotium iuridicum) was born in Germany and went wrong in Japan and China, SIHDA 2024 (LXXVIIe Session de la Société Internationale Fernand De Visscher pour l’Histoire des Droits de l’Antiquité), Osaka Japan, 26-Sep-2024
- 吳奇琦:《傷者親屬的精神損害賠償:回歸25年來的澳門司法見解進展》,發表於2024年5月18日由澳門大學法學院與澳門研究中心合辦的「法治進程與澳門回歸二十五周年:挑戰、成就與未來方向」研討會
Ng Kei Kei, Compensation for moral damages of family members in cases of non-fatal injury: Development of court decisions during the past 25 years since the return of Macau to China, in the Seminar “Progress of the Rule of Law and the 25th Anniversary of Macau’s handover: Challenges, Achievements, and Future Directions”, on 18 May 2024, by Faculty of Law and Centre for Macau Studies, University of Macau - Ng Kei Kei, The Theorization of General Personality Right in Portuguese and Macau Civil Law, no X Congresso Internacional de Direito na Lusofonia dedicado ao tema “Os Desafios Atuais aos Direitos Humanos e o Papel dos Países e Regiões de Língua Portuguesa. Em Jeito de Balanço, 10 Anos Depois…” (nos dias 7, 8, 9 e 10 de maio de 2024), no dia 10 de maio de 2024, na Escola de Direito da Universidade do Minho
- 吳奇琦:《錯誤生命之訴的悖論與要件:澳門地區民法的經驗》 , 發表於 2023 年 11 月 11日由中國法學會民法學研究會、中國人民大學民商事法律科學研究中心、東吳大學法學院、西南政法大學民商法學院於西南政法大學聯合舉辦的「中國民法典施行的重要問題暨兩岸民法學教學互鑒論壇」
Ng Kei Kei, The Paradoxes and Elements of Wrongful Life Actions: The Experience in Macau Civil Law, in the conference “The 18th Mainland-Taiwan-Hong Kong-Macao Civil Code Forum”, 11-Nov-2023, Chongqing (Main Organizers: Civil Law Research Society of China Law Society, Civil and Commercial Legal Research Center of Renmin University of China, Soochow University of Taiwan; Organizer: Southwest University of Political Science and Law; Co-organizer: Chongqing Lawyers Association) - 吳奇琦: 《羅馬法與中世紀法加工理論中的亞里士多德本體( substantia)與本質( essentia)哲學: 從 Sabinus 與 Proculus 學派,到注釋法學派與評注法學派》 , 發表於2023 年 12 月 9 日於湖南湘潭大學舉辦的「 第五屆全國羅馬法青年論壇: 民法典時代的羅馬法與比較民法研究」論文集,第20至35頁
Ng Kei Kei, The Aristotelian Substantialism and Essentialism in the Roman and Medieval Specificatio Law Theory: From the Sabinians and Proculians, to the Glossators and Commentators, in the conference “The 5th National Roman Law Youth Forum: Diritto Romano e Diritto Civile Comparato nell’Epoca di Codice Civile Cinese”, 9-Dec-2023, Xiangtan University, Hunan, in the Collection of Papers, pp. 20-35
- 「二零一四年兩岸四地民法論壇──第12屆民法典學術研討會:21世紀民法新思維」,由台灣東吳大學法學院與大陸中國民法學研究會、中國人民大學民商事法律科學研究中心合辦,2014年9月16日及17日,台灣東吳大學
發表論文:吳奇琦,《法律行為「要素、常素、偶素」理論:誕生發展史與方法論缺失》,並載於研討會論文集(2014. 9. 16,場地B)
“the Cross-Strait Four-Regions Civil Law Forum 2014- the 12th Cross-Strait Conference on Civil Code: Innovative Thinking in Civil Law in the 21th Century”, co-organized by Faculty of Law of Taiwan Soochow University, Chinese Civil Law Academic Association, Center for the Study of Civil Law and Commercial Law of Renmin University of China, 16-17/9/2014, Taiwan Soochow University
paper delivered: Ng Kei Kei, The Trichotomy of Essentialia, Naturalia and Accidentialia Negotii: Origin, Development and Methodological Shortcomings, included in collection of essays (2014. 9. 16, Venue B) - 「羅馬法系與澳門:連接歐洲大陸、中國、拉美的固有法和共同法的平台」研討會,由澳門大學(高級法律研究所)、澳門基金會、湖南大學及意大利國家科研委員會下屬「羅馬法框架下中國法典編纂與法學家培養觀測站」合辦,2013年11月6日至7日,澳門大學
“O Sistema Jurídico Romanístico e Macau: Plataforma entre Direito Próprio e Direito Comum entre China, Europa Continental e América Latina” , co-organized by Universidade de Macau (Instituto de Estudos Jurídicos Avançados), Fundação Macau, Universidade de Hunan, Observatório sobre a Codificação e a Formação de Juristas na China no Âmbito do Direito Romano, 6-7/11/2013, Universidade de Macau
paper delivered: Ng Kei Kei, Is Marriage a Contract? in Roman Law, Canon Law and Modern Secular Law, included in the collection of essays (pp. 59-105)