(853) 8822 4733
E32 – 2046
Faculty of Law (FLL),
University of Macau, E32,
Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China.
Consultation Hours
Tuesday 15h00 ~ 17h00
Thursday 15h00 ~ 17h00
Li DU, Stephen
Associate Professor
Programme Coordinator of PhD Programme
Dr. Li Du is an Associate Pofessor and Ph.D. Program Coordinator at the University of Macau Faculty of Law, Macau SAR. He holds dual bachelor’s degrees in both clinical medicine and law (Wuhan University, China) and a Ph.D. in law (University of Alberta, Canada). His teaching and research interests include international law, food law, biotechnology law and policy, and data protection law. Dr. Du has led many research projects on legal and ethical implications of novel and emerging technologies, e.g., innovative biotechnologies, e-health, and generative AI in biomedical research etc. He shares his research findings at international conferences frequently and publishes articles regularly in leading academic journals.
A. Monograph
Li Du, Research and development of cutting-edge biotechnology: Legal challenges and responses, Wuhan University Press, August 2021, ISBN: 9787307224964. (in Chinese)
B. Book Chapters
- Li Du, “International law issues in transnational recovery of stolen cultural property” in GUO Yujun et al., Protection of Cultural Heritage in the Context of International Laws and Comparative laws (in Chinese), Wuhan University Press, 2011.
- Li Du, “The legal framework for genetic testing in China: achievements and challenges” in Inégalités d’accès aux soins et aux services médicaux – Recherche médicale, innovation et nouvelles technologies, Anne Marie Duguet coord. Les Études Hospitalières Éditions (LEH Group Bordeaux, 2017), pp. 211-223.
- Zhangyu Wang and Li Du (Corresponding author). Cross-Border Health Data Transfer for Scientific Research Purposes in China: Legislation, Practice, and Challenges, in Marcelo Corrales ed. International Transfers of Health Data: A Global Perspective, (Springer, 2025), pp. 159-180.
C. Journal Articles
- Zhangyu Wang and Li DU (Corresponding author). An Empirical Study on Personal Data Protection in the Banking Sector across Hong Kong, Macau, and Mainland China. Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, 13:cxae021, 2025. (ESCI, JCR Q3)
- Zhangyu Wang and Li Du (Corresponding author). To Unlock Mutual Benefits, Don’t Restrict US–China Genome Data Transfer. Nature, 636:45, 2024. (SCI, JCR Q1)
- Zhangyu Wang, Chunming Wang, and Li Du (Corresponding author). Comparative Analysis of Regulatory Approaches to Cell-Cultured Tonic Food Containing No Living Animal Cells. Food and Drug Law Journal, 79:1, 2024. (SSCI, JCR Q3)
- Zhangyu Wang, Meng Wang, and Li Du (Corresponding author). Public Perceptions of International Genetic Information Sharing for Biomedical Research in China: A Case Study of the Social Media Debate on the Article “A Pangenome Reference of 36 Chinese Populations” Published in Nature. Human Genomics, 18:86, 2024. (SCI,JCR Q2)
- Zhangyu Wang, Benjamin Gregg, and Li Du (Corresponding author). Regulatory Barriers to US-China Collaboration for Generative AI Development in Genomic Research. Cell Genomics, 4(6):100564, 2024. (ESCI, JCR Q1)
- Vera Raposo and Li Du (Co-Corresponding author). Facial Recognition Technology : Is It Ready to be Used in Public Health Surveillance?. Ipad021 International Data Privacy Law, 14(1):66-86, 2023. (SSCI, JCR Q1)
- Li Du and Kalina Kamenova. China’s New Regulations on Generative AI: Implications for Bioethics. The American Journal of Bioethics, 23(10), 2023. (SSCI, JCR Q1)
- Meng Wang and Li Du (Corresponding author). Media Representations of Synthetic Biology in China. Trends in Biotechnology, 1(22), 2023. (SCI, JCR Q1)
- Yue Liu, Xuechang Xian, and Li Du (Corresponding author). Perspectives on Surrogacy in Chinese Social Media: A Content Analysis of Microblogs on Weibo. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 95:305-316, 2022. (SCI, JCR Q2)
- Li Du and Meng Wang. Empirical Legal Studies in China: Current Status, Emerging Trends and Indications for Legal Education. Asian Journal of Legal Education, 9(2), 2022. (Scopus)
- Yujuan Li, Xiongfei Fu, and Li Du (Corresponding author). Regulating the Commercialization of Cell-cultured Meat: Practices in Selected Jurisdictions and Their Implications for China. Synthetic Biology Journal (《合成生物學》), Vol. 1, 2022. (CSCD)
- Li Du, Vera Lúcia Raposo, and Meng Wang. Justice for All Also Means Special Duties for Special Risks. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 9(5):e26630, 2021. (SCI, JCR Q1)
- Li Du and Meng Wang. On the Legal Issues of the Commercialization of Food Products Employing Synthetic Biology Strategies. Synthetic Biology Journal (《合成生物學》), Vol. 5, 2020. (CSCD)
- Li Du, Vera Lúcia Raposo, and Meng Wang. COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps: A Technologic Tower of Babel and the Gap for International Pandemic Control. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(11):e23194, 2020. (SCI, JCR Q1)
- Vera Lúcia Raposo and Li Du. Stem Cell Based Products in Europe and in China: Where Are We and Where Should We Go?, European Pharmaceutical Law Review, 4(3), 2020. (Peer-reviewed Journal)
- Li Du, Sijie Lin, and Kalina Kamenova. Framing Ethical Concerns and Attitudes towards Human Gene Patents in the Chinese Press, Asian Bioethics Review, 2020. doi: 10.1007/s41649-020-00136-0. (ESCI, JCR Q1)
- Li Du and Meng Wang. Chinese CoViD-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control Measures: A Brief Review, BioLaw Journal, 1S, 2020. (ESCI, JCR Q3)
- Li Du and Meng Wang. Genetic Privacy and Data Protection: A Review of Chinese Direct-to-Consumer Test Services. Frontiers in Genetics. 11:416, 2020. (SCI, JCR Q1)
- Tianji Cai, Yisu Zhou, Li Du, et al. Mapping the Trafficking of Women in China: Evidence from Court Sentences. Journal of Contemporary China. 12(3), 2019. (SSCI, JCR Q1)
- Li Du and Samuel Becher. Genetic and Genomic Consultation: Are We Ready for Direct-to-Consumer Telegenetics?. Frontiers in Genetics. 9:550, 2018. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2018.00550. (SCI, JCR Q1)
- Li Du. A Review of Judge-Directed Negotiations in Medical Malpractice Cases. Chinese Yearbook of Private International Law and Comparative Law (《中國國際私法與比較法年刊》), Vol. 21, 2018. (CSSCI)
- Li Du. Patenting Human Genes: Chinese Academic Articles’ Portrayal of Gene Patents. BMC Medical Ethics, 2018. doi: 10.1186/s12910-018-0271-8. (SSCI, JCR Q1)
- Tianji Cai, Li Du, et al. Characteristics of Cybercrimes: Evidence from Chinese Judgment Documents. Police Practice and Research, 19, 2018. (ESCI, Q2)
- Li Du and Mingfei Ma. Privacy vs. Health Right – Should Hospitals Disclose HIV Status with Patients’ Partners? An Analysis of Perspectives on Social Networking in China. Medicine and Law, 37:1, 2018. (ESCI, JCR Q4)
- Jia Tian and Li Du (Corresponding author). Micro-blogging Violent Attacks on Medical Staff: A Case Study of the Longmen County People’s Hospital Incident. BMC Health Services Research, 17, 2017. (SCI, JCR Q2)
- Li Du, Blake Murdoch, Carina Chiu, and Timothy Caulfield. Compelled Disclosure of Confidential Information in Patient Safety Research. Journal of Patient Safety, Nov. 2, 2016. (SSCI, JCR Q1)
- Li Du, Christen Rachul, and Timothy Caulfield. Gordie Howe’s Miraculous Treatment: a Case Study of Twitter Users’ Reactions to a Sport Celebrity’s Stem Cell Treatment. Journal of Medical Internet Research Public Health and Surveillance, 2:1, 2016. (SSCI, JCR Q1)
- Li Du, Kalina Kamenova, and Timothy Caulfield. The Gene Patent Controversy on Twitter: A Case Study of Twitter Users’ Responses to the CHEO Lawsuit against Long QT Gene Patents. BMC Medical Ethics, 16(1):55, 2015. (SSCI, JCR Q1)
- Maeghan Toews, Li Du, et al. Inter-Jurisdictional Comparison of Professional Regulations as a Tool to Address Stem Cell Tourism. Health Law Review, 22:3, 2014. (Peer-reviewed Journal)
- Li Du. GMO Labeling and the Consumer’s Right to Know: A Comparative Review of Legal Basis of the Consumer’s Right for Genetically Modified Food Labeling. McGill Journal of Law and Health, 8, 2014. (ESCI, JCR Q4)
- Ubaka Ogbogu, Li Du, et al. Policy Recommendations for Addressing Privacy Challenges Associated with Cell-based Research and Interventions. BMC Medical Ethics, 15:7, 2014. (SSCI, JCR Q1)
- Li Du and Christen Rachul. A Brief Review on Chinese Informed Consent. Health Law Review, 21: 2, 2013. (Peer-reviewed Journal)
- Ubaka Ogbogu, Li Du, et al. Chinese Newspaper Coverage of (Unproven) Stem Cell Therapies and Their Providers. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, 9:2, 2013. (SCI, JCR Q1)
- Li Du and Christen Rachul. Chinese Newspaper Coverage of Genetically Modified Organisms. BMC Public Health, 12:326, 2012. (SCI, JCR Q1)
- Li Du and Guo Yujun. Research on Arbitration for the Settlement of Medical Malpractice Damage Disputes (in Chinese). Law Review (《法學評論》), Vol. 2, 2010. (CSSCI)