The latest JCR Impact Factor 2022 provided by the Journal Citation Report (JCR) was released in June 2023. According to the report, the 2022 Impact Factor of the Asian Journal of Criminology is 1.9, ranking #31/69 in the category of Criminology & Penology among SSCI journals. Since the Asian Journal of Criminology gained the impact factor in 2016, it has advanced into SSCI Q2 for the first time this year. The Asian Journal of Criminology is also ranked the third among the regional criminology journals worldwide.
The three most authoritative international journal ranking indicators are the SCImago Journal Ranking (SJR), Scopus CiteScore™, and SSCI (Social Science Citation Index). The Asian Journal of Criminology of the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau has been continuedly ranked in the top 10% of law journals for the past few years in the previous two prestigious international journal ranking indicators, with rankings of #84/885 and #87/866 respectively in the category of Law this time again. This year, the journal has also advanced to SSCI Q2, becoming one of the very few journals to be ranked highly in all three authoritative ranking indicators in the world.
The Asian Journal of Criminology was co-founded by Professor Liu Jianhong, Distinguished Professor of the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, and Professor Rod Broadhurst of the University of Hong Kong in 2006. Professor Liu Jianhong served as the chief editor of the journal in 2009 after he came to work at the University of Macau. Under the leadership of Professor Liu, the Asian Journal of Criminology was selected into SSCI (Social Science Citation Index) in 2018. Professor Liu has long been committed to creating and leading the development of the discipline of criminology in Asia. He is the Founding President and Honorary President of the Asian Society of Criminology, the editor-in-chief of the Springer Series on Asian Criminology and Criminal Justice Research, the editor-in-chief of the Handbook of Asian Criminology. Professor Liu has been elected and served as numerous leadership roles in international academic organizations. He has been the Elected President of the Scientific Commission of the International Society for Criminology, the Elected Chairman of the General Assembly of the Asian Criminological Society, and a member of the steering committee of Campbell Collaboration’s Crime and Justice Group (since 2009) , etc.
Since its inception, the Asian Journal of Criminology has been committed to promoting the development of Asian criminology. The journal advances the study of criminology and criminal justice, promoting evidence-based public policy in empirical legal research, crime prevention, and comparative studies on crime and criminal justice. The Journal provides a platform for discussion and exchange of ideas among criminologists, policymakers, and practitioners, by publishing papers relating to crime, crime prevention, criminal law, socio-legal topics and the administration of criminal justice in Asian countries. The focus is on research articles with an emphasis on evidence-based, empirical research addressing crime in Asian contexts. It publishes research using a variety of methods, including quantitative, qualitative, historical, and comparative methods. Its multi-disciplinary approach spans a range of disciplines, including criminology, law, criminal justice, sociology, psychology, forensic science, social work, urban studies, history, and geography.
Under the leadership of Professor Liu, the Asian Journal of Criminology has developed rapidly and continued to expand its influence. It is one of the fastest-growing prestigious legal journals in the world. It is also widely recognized as an authoritative and leading journal in the field of criminology.