8822 4145
E32 – 2025
Faculty of Law (FLL),
University of Macau, E32,
Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China.
Consultation Hours
Tuesday 16h00~17h00
Wednesday 16h00~17h00
Xiaobo ZHAI, Stephen
Associate Professor
Assistant Dean (Research)
Academic Qualifications
- PhDs Law, UCL and CASS
- Master Law, PKU
- Bachelor Law, ZZU
Teaching Areas
- Jurisprudence
- Constitutional and Administrative Law
- Chinese Law
Research Interests
- Jurisprudence
- Constitutional Law
- Chinese Law
- Theory of Punishment
- Bentham Studies
- Fu Hualing and Xiaobo Zhai, ‘What Makes the Chinese Constitution Socialist?’ International Journal of Constitutional Law (2018) 16(2), pp. 655–663. What Makes the Chinese Constitution Socialist?
- Xiaobo Zhai, ‘Bentham on the Interpretation of Laws’, The Journal of Legal History, (2017) 38 (3), pp. 282–307. Bentham on the Interpretation of Laws
- Xiaobo Zhai, ‘Bentham’s Exposition of Common Law’, Law and Philosophy, (2017) 36 (5), pp. 525–560. Bentham’s Exposition of Common Law
- Xiaobo Zhai and Michael Quinn (eds), Bentham’s Theory of Law and Public Opinion, 2014, Cambridge University Press. Bentham’s Theory of Law and Public Opinion
- Xiaobo Zhai, ‘Bentham’s Natural Arrangement and the Collapse of Expositor-Censor Distinction in the General Theory of Law’, in Xiaobo Zhai, and Michael Quinn (eds.), Bentham’s Theory of Law and Public Opinion, 2014, pp. 143–183, Cambridge University Press.
- Xiaobo Zhai, ‘Bentham’s Command versus Hart’s Authoritative Reason’, in Guillaume Tusseau (ed), The legal Philosophy and Influence of Jeremy Bentham, 2014, pp. 170-195, Routledge Press. Bentham’s Command versus Hart’s Authoritative Reason
- Xiaobo Zhai: ‘Bentham’s Natural Arrangement Versus Hart’s Morally Neutral Description’, Revue d’Etudes Benthamiennes, 2012 (10), pp. 1–19. Bentham’s Natural Arrangement
- Xiaobo Zhai: ‘Legal Positivism: Emotivistic or Naturalistic?’ Philosophy and Public Issues–Filosofia e questioni pubbliche, 2011(1), pp. 31–39. Legal Positivism: Emotivistic or Naturalistic?