Feb 25 | Fri

為推進法學的發展,澳門大學法學院開設一些功能性研究中心,範圍涵蓋諸多法領域。其中的憲法與基本法研究中心服務於「一國兩制」事業和國家的發展大局,致力促成法釋義學研究與其他各種法學研究途徑,乃至於其他學科之系統性合作對話。   創造安 ...

Prof Liu Jianhong of Faculty of Law re-elected as Chairman of General Assembly of Asian Criminological Society
Nov 24 | Wed

Distinguished Professor Liu Jianhong from the Faculty of Law, University of Macau (UM), was reelected Chairman of the Ge ...

The Asian Journal of Criminology Chief-edited by Prof Jianhong Liu of the faculty of Law at University of Macau ranked Q1 on Law Journals of SJR based on Scopus
Jun 09 | Wed

Recently, SCImago published the latest list of SJR in 2020. The Asian Journal of Criminology chief-edited by Jianhong Li ...

Prof. Jianhong Liu, Distinguished Professor of Faculty of Law, University of Macau was Invited to Deliver a Seminar at the Institute of Criminology, Faculty of Law, Cambridge University
Jun 01 | Tue

On the afternoon of May 28, Prof. Liu Jianhong, Distinguished Professor of Faculty of law, University of Macau, was invi ...

ADLBM and UM collaborate to promote the teaching of Constitutional Law and the Basic Law
Jan 21 | Thu

來源: 澳門日報 http://www.macaodaily.com/html/2021-01/21/content_1490475.htm 歐陽瑜出席合作協議簽字儀式   基推會與澳大法學院憲法和基本法研究中心昨日簽署合作協議 ...

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