UM professor’s book receives Distinguished Book Award from Asian Criminological Society
Jul 31 | Sun

A book co-authored by Liu Jianhong, Distinguished Professor of the Faculty of Law at the University of Macau (UM), and L ...

The International Ranking of the Asian Journal of Criminology, Chief-edited by Prof Jianhong Liu of the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau, has risen to the top 10%
Jun 27 | Mon

Recently, SCImago published the latest list of SJR in 2021. The Asian Journal of Criminology chief-edited by Jianhong Li ...

Prof. Jianhong Liu, Distinguished Professor of Faculty of Law, University of Macau was Invited to Deliver a Seminar at the Faculty of Law in the University of Oxford
Jun 27 | Mon

On the afternoon of June 22, Prof. Liu Jianhong, Distinguished Professor of Faculty of Law, University of Macau, was inv ...

A Delegation from Guangdong Law Society visits Faculty of Law
May 30 | Mon

廣東省法學會代表團到訪澳大法學院 2022年5月25日下午,以廣東省法學會副會長劉永慶為團長的廣東省法學會代表團到訪澳門大學法學院。唐曉晴院長代表法學院對廣東省法學會代表團的來訪表示熱烈歡迎,並向來訪嘉賓介紹了法學院即將開設的“中國法與環球 ...

FLL Dean Prof. Tong Io Cheng visits South China Normal University in Guangzhou
May 27 | Fri

法學院院長唐曉晴教授赴穗訪問華南師範大學   2022年5月16日,澳門大學法學院院長唐曉晴教授受華南師範大學法學院院長張永忠教授邀請,蒞臨華南師範大學律師學院進行交流訪問。 唐曉晴教授進行了以《法學制度論學說史綱》為題的主題講座 ...

Apr 27 | Wed

廣東省高級人民法院、香港特別行政區司法機構、澳門特別行政區終審法院以及香港特別行政區政府律政司在2022年4月23日聯合舉辦了“粵港澳大灣區司法案例研討會”。國家首席大法官、最高人民法院院長周強出席開幕式並致辭,香港終審法院首席法官張舉能、 ...

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